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Zeiss Axiovert 200M now available to users

Aviovert 200M reflected light microscope / metallograph available to users

This easy-to-use reflected light materials microscope / metallograph is now available for use at no charge to users. Microscope capabilities include:

  • Fully motorized xyz stage.

  • 1229 x 968 resolution camera. 

  • Large area montaging and automated image stitching.

  • Brightfield and darkfield imaging needed for grain size analysis and surface quality measurements respectively. 

  • Up to approximately 3000x fully optical magnification

  • Axiovision Pro software for acquisition and analysis.

Contacts for getting started and scheduling available on our Advanced Light Microscopy page. Thanks to our partners at Tinker Air Force Base / OC-ALC and OADII for releasing this microscope to OU.