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Focused Fridays

Focused Fridays

Fridays: 11am - noon, Noble Microscopy Laboratory conference room

All OU students, faculty, staff, researchers, community partners, colloaborators, and friends are welcome to join. We are looking forward to a mix of in-person and hybrid virtual/ in-person events this fall semester.

We look forward to seeing you there! For Zoom events, click on the event below to register and obtain the Zoom link. If you can't make it but would like to see a recording, please send us a note ( and we'll share a link if available.

SRNML's Focused Fridays logo with SRNML coming into focus inside a lens.

Current Calendar

DateTopic (and links to video recordings)Presenter
26-JanAdvancing thin film material science through diffraction techniquesDr. Hanjong Paik, OU ECE and CQRT
2-Feb3D and 4D image visualization and analysis with Imaris 10.1Dr. Tingting Gu, OU SRNML / School of Biological Sciences
9-FebSRNML Open House - 11 am - 1 pm - all welcome to visit facilities and learn about our capabilities, see instruments in action. (Come-and-go)SRNML Team
16-FebCurrent SEM and FIB-SEM capabilities at OU and future plansDr. Preston Larson
23-FebCurrent and upcoming S/TEM capabilities at OUDr. Julian Sabisch
1-MarMacromolecular Structure Determination by the OU Biomolecular Structure Core-Norman/Macromolecular Crystallography Laboratory.Dr. Len Thomas, OU COBRE for Structural Biology
8-MarAutomating the analysis of Synechocystis TEM image datasets using machine learning  AND My experiences on Microscopy Society of America Student Council (zoom only meeting): Students especially encouraged to attend.Rebekah White, UALR, regional MSA Student Council representative. 

Archived Focused Fridays presentations

27-JanIMARIS 3D/4D Visualization & Analysis Tech Talk: Quantitative, morphometric and phenotypic analyses of fluorescence microscopy images (video recording)Dr. Tomas Silva Santisteban, Imaris / Andor
10-MarThe Benefits of Xbeam and Ebeam Analytics  (in person NML conference room/ hybrid zoom link)John Mastovich, Bruker
21 - JanNikon AX R: next-generation confocal imagingDr. Jacob Burnett, Nikon Instruments, Inc.
28 - JanApplications of the cesium Low Temperature Ion Source (LoTIS) High Resolution FIB and SIMS Dr. Adam Steele, ZeroK Nanotech
25 - MarGet More from your EBSD DataMatt Nowell, AMETEK Gatan
16 - SeptIntroduction to our new Keyence VHX-7000 ultramicroscope (virtual, Zoom link)SRNML team
23 - SeptProtochips in-situ/in-operando electron microscopy site visit (in-person / zoom hybrid). Food for in-person attendees. 11am - AXON, 12 pm applications presentation: download the agenda.Dylan Ward and Jennifer McConnell, Protochips
30-SeptEcho Revolution on-site demo (opportunities for you to bring samples and try it out!)Brian Templen, Echo 
21-OctCleared Tissue Lightsheet : High-speed, High-resolution imaging of cleared tissues and organs - talk to Dr. Tingting Gu about including your samples!Dr. Edward Lachica,  Intelligent Imaging Innovations (3i)
18- NovCrystalView Laser Polarized-Light Microscopy for Quantitative Wide-Field Orientation ImagingDr. Brian Hoover, Advanced Optical
OU's Electron Microprobe LaboratoryDr. Lindsey Hunt, OU EMPL,
Improving the taxonomy of fossil pollen using convolutional neural networks and superresolution microscopyDr. Ingrid Romero, Morehead State University
Versatile imaging with Lightsheet 7: from micro- to meso-scale in living and cleared specimensDr. Courtney Akitake, Zeiss Research Microscopy Solutions

TEM sample prep at the SRNML - from cryo to cross-section

Slides from the presentation

Dr. Julian Sabisch, SRNML

Zeiss Orion nanofabrication and Helium ion microscopy system

Slides from presentation

Dr. John Notte,  Zeiss Chief Scientist for Helium Ion Microscopy
Imaging Drosophila neuronsMehrnaz Afkhami, PhD candidate OU Biology
Insights on ionic conductivity in complex oxides by scanning transmission electron microscopyDr. Ritesh Sachan, Ok. State Univ.  Assistant Prof. Aerospace and Mech. Eng.
Applications of precession electron diffraction for orientation microscopy of challenging thin filmsDr. Iman Ghamarian, Assistant Professor OU AME
Imaging capabilities in the OUHSC Department of Cell BiologyDr. David Sherry, Associate Professor and Co-Director, Neuroscience Ph.D. program, OUHSC; Departments of Cell Biology and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Real-time measurement and manipulation of single-molecule interactionsDr. Evan Gates, LUMICKS
OU's Quattro environmental SEM experiment demonstrationDr. Preston Larson, SRNML
A comparison of optical clearing techniques for label-free microstructural characterization of cardiovascular tissuesSergio A. Pineda-Castillo, Devin W. Laurence, Dr. Tingting Gu, and Dr. Chung-Hao Lee, OU AME and SRNML
Leica Stellaris Digital Light Sheet: Combining Confocal and Light Sheet Adapts To Your Experimental NeedsChristopher Ott, Leica Microsystems