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SRNML Personnel and Contact Info

Andy Elwood Madden.
Dr. Andy Elwood Madden

Director of SRNML
Klabzuba Chair of Geosciences

General Inquiries

Tingting Gu.
Dr. Tingting Gu

Associate Director for Advanced Light Microscopy
Assistant Professor of Biology

Contact for Light Microscopy

Preston Larson.
Dr. Preston Larson

Research Associate for Electron Microscopy

Contact for Scanning Electron Microscopy, X-ray Diffraction

Julian Sabisch.
Dr. Julian Sabisch

Research Scientist for Electron Microscopy

Contact for Transmission Electron Microscopy

SRNML Steering Committee

Dr. Ann WestGrayce B. Kerr Centennial Chair, Director, Oklahoma COBRE in Structural Biology, 
Associate Vice President for Research and Partnerships
OVPRP, Deparment of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Meghan BomgaarsDirector, Planning and Research FacilitiesOffice of the Vice President for Research and Partnerships (OVPRP)
Dr. Steven CrossleySam A. Wilson Professor of Chemical Engineering, Roger and Sherry Teigen Presidential ProfessorSchool of Sustainable Chemical, Biological, and Materials Engineering
Dr. Andy Elwood MaddenDirector SRNML, Klabzuba Chair of GeosciencesSRNML, School of Geosciences
Horst HahnDistinguished Materials Visiting ProfessorOVPRP, School of Sustainable Chemical, Biological, and Materials Engineering
Ben FowlerManager, Imaging Facility and Histology CoreOklahoma Medical Research Foundation
Dr. JP MaslyAssociate ProfessorDepartment of Biology
Dr. David McCauleyAssociate ProfessorDepartment of Biology
Dr. Michael SantosCharles L. Blackburn Professor In Engineering PhysicsDepartment of Physics and Astronomy; Center for Quantum Research and Technology
Dr. Qinggong TangAssistant ProfessorStephenson School of Biomedical Engineering
Dr. Stefan WilhelmAssociate ProfessorStephenson School of Biomedical Engineering

Associated personnel

Rebecca GibsonSenior Financial AnalystOVPRP