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Oklahoma Microscopy Society

Oklahoma Microscopy Society

Students, faculty, staff, corporate / industrial researchers, and members of the community are encouraged to join and participate with the Oklahoma Microscopy Society. Socialize and collaborate with SRNML team members and peers, participate in educational events, and share the excitement of science with the next generations through outreach events! Member benefits include:

  • Channels to network with Oklahoma’s microscopy community
  • Increase expertise, skill, and general knowledge of all forms of microscopy across many fields of science
  • Provides a platform for a shared exchange of ideas, interdisciplinary networking capabilities and potential collaborations with fellow scientists across a range of scientific disciplines in both academia and industry
  • Stay up to date and current with existing microscopy technology and instrumentation in the state and region
  • Network with microscopy professionals from industry who work with the latest advanced technology
  • Annual meetings with nationally recognized invited speakers
  • Opportunities to showcase your own research through contributed papers and poster sessions. Ideal for student poster or presentation experience in a supportive environment.
  • Student financial support in the form of best micrograph/presentation/poster awards with opportunities to attend and present at the national MSA meetings
  • Biannual OMS newsletter to keep up to date with the latest news and advancements in microscopy related research across the state with opportunities to promote your own work

Opportunities to participate with our high-impact educational outreach efforts that bring the excitement of microscopy and science to kids across Oklahoma.