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Virtual presentation, link provided upon registering. 

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Date: 11/18/2024

Time: 10:00 am CT

Lecture Title: Animal Agriculture and Antimicrobial Resistance

Presented by: Dr. Jared Taylor

Abstract: Antimicrobial resistance is a pressing public health issue that requires a comprehensive One Health approach to address. Much work has been done examining impacts of use of antimicrobials in food producing animals on resistance. While some determinations are well supported and demonstrate the need for action, many holes remain in our understanding. Data regarding usage of antimicrobials in food animals in the US is flawed and hinders our ability to take informed regulatory (or industry-led) actions. Moreover, a failure to understand the complexities and differences in various food animal production systems often leads to over-generalization and improper conclusions both in the scientific and regulatory communities. Our team is taking a One Health approach to examine impacts of routine antimicrobial usage in beef cattle operations using extensive management (as opposed to intensive confinement in CAFO facilities). The presentation will discuss the current state of understanding, highlight some deficiencies in scientific knowledge, and offer some suggestions for future research.

Virtual presentation, link provided upon registering. 

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Date: 9/26/2025

Time: 1:00 pm CT

Lecture Title: Modernizing Disease Surveillance via Informatics Approaches: Examples from the Regenstrief Institute

Presented by: Dr. Brian Dixon

Abstract: Post COVID-19 pandemic, the CDC is asking state, local, and tribal authorities (STLTs) to modernize their information systems in order to enhance detection and surveillance of disease. This will strengthen U.S. surveillance systems in preparation for the next pandemic. In this presentation, Dr. Dixon will demonstrate how researchers at Indiana University and the Regenstrief Institute applied an informatics lens to advance surveillance of disease over the past two decades. He will give some emphasis to zoonotic diseases, although most approaches can be universally applied to the larger set of notifiable diseases most STLTs seek to surveil. These approaches undergird the recommendations from the CDC and, if implemented broadly across the nation, could enable more rapid detection and surveillance during the next pandemic. Challenges to achieving data modernization goals will also be discussed.<b>Abstract:<b> Post COVID-19 pandemic, the CDC is asking state, local, and tribal authorities (STLTs) to modernize their information systems in order to enhance detection and surveillance of disease. This will strengthen U.S. surveillance systems in preparation for the next pandemic. In this presentation, Dr. Dixon will demonstrate how researchers at Indiana University and the Regenstrief Institute applied an informatics lens to advance surveillance of disease over the past two decades. He will give some emphasis to zoonotic diseases, although most approaches can be universally applied to the larger set of notifiable diseases most STLTs seek to surveil. These approaches undergird the recommendations from the CDC and, if implemented broadly across the nation, could enable more rapid detection and surveillance during the next pandemic. Challenges to achieving data modernization goals will also be discussed.

Virtual presentation, link provided upon registering. 

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Date: 10/9/2024

Time: 3:00 pm CT

Lecture Title: A Survey of Regenstrief/IU’s Pluripotent Public & Population Surveillance Experience & Capabilities

Presented by: Dr. Shaun Grannis

Abstract: Dr. Shaun Grannis will present an overview of Regenstrief Institute and Indiana University’s extensive experience and capabilities in public and population health surveillance. The presentation will highlight the Institute’s contributions to vaccine effectiveness, long COVID-19 surveillance, and real-world evidence research. Dr. Grannis will detail the vast reach of Indiana’s Health Information Exchange (HIE), which has millions of patients, encounters, and clinical transactions supporting numerous research projects. He will also discuss the utility of large language models (LLMs) for enhancing public health surveillance, disease outbreak detection, and medical documentation. The presentation touches on integration of social determinants of health data and predictive models for improving patient care.

Virtual presentation, link provided upon registering. 

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Date: 10/22/2024

Time: 3:00 pm CT

Lecture Title: Experimental H5N1 clade virus infections in livestock

Presented by: Dr. Juergen Richt

Abstract: In the past few years, spillover of clade highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAIV) to mammals including humans, and their transmission between mammalian species has been reported. In March 2024, clade H5N1 infections in dairy cows were reported in the US with rapid dissemination to more than 200 farms in 14 states. In this presentation, the results of clade experimental infection studies in pigs and cattle will be discussed: (i) oronasal susceptibility and transmissibility in pigs to a mink-derived clade H5N1 HPAIV isolate from Spain; (ii) oronasal susceptibility and transmission in calves to a US H5N1 bovine isolate genotype B3.13 (H5N1 B3.13); and (iii) susceptibility of lactating cows following direct mammary gland inoculation of either H5N1 B3.13 or a current EU H5N1 wild bird isolate genotype euDG. Experimental infection of pigs caused interstitial pneumonia with necrotizing bronchiolitis with high titers of virus present in the lower respiratory tract and 100% seroconversion. Infected pigs shed limited amount of virus, and there was no transmission to contact pigs. Inoculation of the calves resulted in moderate nasal replication and shedding with no severe clinical signs or transmission to sentinel calves. In dairy cows, infection resulted in no nasal shedding, but severe acute mammary gland infection with necrotizing mastitis and high fever was observed for both H5N1 strains. Milk production was rapidly and drastically reduced and the physical condition of the cows was severely compromised. Virus titers in milk rapidly peaked at 108 TCID50/mL, but did not result in systemic infection. Notably, adaptive mutation PB2 E627K emerged after intramammary replication of H5N1 euDG. Our data suggest that in addition to H5N1 B3.13, other HPAIV H5N1 strains have the potential to replicate in the udder of cows and that milk and milking procedures, rather than respiratory spread, are likely the primary routes of H5N1 transmission between cattle.

Predictive Intelligence for Pandemic Prevention (PIPP)


Emerging pathogens often spread for months prior to detection, allowing wide dispersal before detection and response. Moreover, the potential for crossover to the human population and subsequent spread is influenced by changing anthropogenic, genetic, ecologic, socioeconomic, and climatic factors. These interrelated driving forces create a Grand Challenge: How can we provide early syndrome and disease detection and effective public health surveillance that can help prevent the spread of new diseases and stop the next pandemic? Traditional epidemiological surveillance methods depend on a sequence of events from people experiencing symptoms, seeking medical attention, and undergoing testing, the tests being analyzed and confirmed, and reporting of cases with a defined infection/disease. Thus, new diseases are often underreported, data availability is delayed, and the information is disconnected from other indicators of emerging disease threats delaying public health responses to the point where action cannot be undertaken in real-time and in proportion to the level of pandemic threat. The lack of coordinated response to COVID-19 underscores the need for new methods of early detection of pathogens or disease/syndrome indicators, novel technologies for more effective data management and integration, efficient monitoring of the human-animal interface to develop One Health surveillance and control systems, and deepening cooperation and information sharing capacities between animal and public health officials across countries, sectors, regions, and localities. This project will prototype solutions and create a national Center roadmap to solve this challenge. 

The project consists of five teams working on different aspects.

David Ebert


Gallogly Chair Professor of ECE and CS

Associate Vice President of Research and Partnerships

Director, Data Institute for Societal Challenges (DISC)

University of Oklahoma

Thirumalai Venkatesan



Director, Center for Quantum Research and Technology (CQRT)

Founding Director, Center of Optimal Materials for Emerging Technologies (COMET)

Departments of Physics and ECE

University of Oklahoma

Jason Vogel


Professor, Civil Engineering and Environmental Science

Director, Oklahoma Water Survey

Associate Director, Water Technologies for Emerging Regions (WaTER) Center

University of Oklahoma

Aaron Wendelboe


Professor, Epidemiology

Edward E. and Helen T. Bartlett Chair in Public Health

Williams Companies Foundation Presidential Professor

Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology

The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center

Michael Wimberly



Department of Geography and Environmental Sustainability

University of Oklahoma

Marcie King

Project Management

Program Manager

Data Institute for Societal Challenges

University of Oklahoma

Yessenia Torres

Financials and Administration

Senior Managing Director

Data Institute for Societal Challenges

University of Oklahoma

PIPP Dashboard

The dashboard visualizes the integrated data sources in a spatio-temporal manner. The user can select regions such as counties and states, explore the data, and compare them to each other. The time of all charts is linked such that selecting a specific time in a chart will highlight the respective times in the other data sources. The map can be animated to understand better how certain signals spread spatially over time. The data sources include data from the CDC, climate, symptoms searched in Google search, and animal and human pathogens detected in river and wastewater streams.

Environmental Surveillance

The transmission cycles of many pathogens interact with environmental factors, including climate, water, and land use. These relationships include direct effects on the pathogen as well as indirect effects on vectors and hosts. For example, influenza and other upper respiratory viruses are sensitive to weather conditions that influence virus persistence in the environment and host behavior and contact rates. Other infectious diseases, such as gastrointestinal pathogens and vector-borne infections, are influenced by extreme weather events such as localized flooding and heat waves. Understanding the ecological niches of hosts, vectors, and pathogens can support the prediction of potential transmission hotspots on the landscape and prioritization of resources for disease surveillance and control. Environmental reservoirs, such as water and soil, can also be directly sampled to detect the presence of pathogens. 

The goal of the environmental surveillance team is to collect environmental measurements that can be integrated with data on pathogens, vectors, and hosts and develop predictive models and identify transmission hotspots for specific diseases. We have built a database of environmental variables obtained from multiple sources, including Oklahoma Mesonet ground-based weather stations, GridMET meteorological grids, and satellite Earth observations. We have also prototyped a system for watershed monitoring that involves testing river water samples for human and animal pathogens throughout Oklahoma. These data have been incorporated into the PIPP dashboard and are being used to analyze the relationships between meteorological variables and COVID-19 outbreaks.

Michael Wimberly

Team Lead / Co-PI


Department of Geography and Environmental Sustainability

University of Oklahoma

Kristen Shelton

Research Scientist

Oklahoma Water Survey

University of Oklahoma

Bradley Stevenson

Associate Professor, Microbiology

School of Biological Sciences

University of Oklahoma

Jason Vogel


Professor, Civil Engineering and Environmental Science

Director, Oklahoma Water Survey

Associate Director, Water Technologies for Emerging Regions (WaTER) Center

University of Oklahoma

Anni Yang

Assistant Professor

Department of Geography and Environmental Sustainability

University of Oklahoma

Richard Zamor

Research Scientist

Oklahoma Water Survey

University of Oklahoma

Wolfgang Jentner


Research Scientist

Data Institute for Societal Challenges

University of Oklahoma

Animal Surveillance

The Animal Surveillance team will work with veterinarians and other entities to utilize animal/zoonotic infectious disease data as a potential indicator for human infectious disease outbreaks. This team is also working in conjunction with other project teams to improve the detection and utilization of animal/zoonotic pathogens in wastewater and environmental samples for determining or predicting potential human infectious disease outbreaks.

Juergen Richt

Team Co-Lead

Regents Distinguished Professor & KBA Eminent Scholar

College of Veterinary Medicine

Director, Center of Excellence for Emerging and Zoonotic Animal Diseases (CEEZAD)

Director, NIH COBRE Center on Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (CEZID)

Kansas State University

Jason Vogel

Team Co-Lead / Co-PI

Professor, Civil Engineering and Environmental Science

Director, Oklahoma Water Survey

Associate Director, Water Technologies for Emerging Regions (WaTER) Center

University of Oklahoma

Aseel Basheer

Research Assistant & PhD Candidate

Data Institute for Societal Challenges

University of Oklahoma

David Ebert

Gallogly Chair Professor of ECE and CS

Associate Vice President of Research and Partnerships

Director, Data Institute for Societal Challenges (DISC)

University of Oklahoma

George Moore

Professor, Epidemiology

Department of Veterinary Administration

Purdue University

Gilson Sanchez

Postdoctoral Fellow

Oklahoma Water Survey

University of Oklahoma

Kristen Shelton

Research Scientist

Oklahoma Water Survey

University of Oklahoma

Anni Yang

Assistant Professor

Department of Geography and Environmental Sustainability

University of Oklahoma

Richard Zamor

Research Scientist

Oklahoma Water Survey

University of Oklahoma

Natasha Gaudreault

Research Assistant Professor

College of Veterinary Medicine

Kansas State University

Jessie Trujillo

Senior Research Associate

College of Veterinary Medicine

Kansas State University

Isaac Fritz

Research Assistant

College of Veterinary Medicine

Kansas State University

Wolfgang Jentner


Research Scientist

Data Institute for Societal Challenges

University of Oklahoma

Human Surveillance

Human health accompanies environmental health and animal health as the three pillars of One Health. Our project has a unique combination of data sources: waste-water analysis for animal and human pathogens, breathomics analyzing human breath, and data from animal-human transmission studies. Sentinel and syndromic approaches are two design aspects to improve early detection of emerging pathogens. One of the primary challenges of these surveillance systems' ability to detect early disease emergence is that they are rare events. To address this challenge, we have a multidisciplinary team of experts, representing data science, systems engineering, computer science, as well as health, epidemiology, and bioinformatics. Our approach is to expand the number of data sources used for disease surveillance and combine them to produce information that can be reviewed and analyzed by both machine learning and human experts.

Aaron Wendelboe

Team Lead / Co-PI

Professor, Epidemiology

Edward E. and Helen T. Bartlett Chair in Public Health

Williams Companies Foundation Presidential Professor

Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology

The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center

Aseel Basheer

Research Assistant & PhD Candidate

Data Institute for Societal Challenges

University of Oklahoma

David Kendrick

PI and CEO - MyHealth Access Network

Chair of the Board for the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA)

Board member for Strategic Health Information Exchange Collaborative (SHIEC)




Chair, Department of Medical Informatics, University of Oklahoma

Katrin Kuhn

Assistant Professor

Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology

The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center

Charles Nicholson

Associate Professor

Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering

Department of Data Science and Analytics

University of Oklahoma

Velmurugan Thavasi

Managing Director

Center for Quantum Research and Technology (CQRT)

University of Oklahoma

Thirumalai Venkatesan



Director, Center for Quantum Research and Technology (CQRT)

Founding Director, Center of Optimal Materials for Emerging Technologies (COMET)

Departments of Physics and ECE

University of Oklahoma

Wolfgang Jentner


Research Scientist

Data Institute for Societal Challenges

University of Oklahoma

Novel Technologies: Breathomics & Wastewater-based Epidemiology

Pioneers innovative approaches for early detection and surveillance of emerging pathogens, crucial for preemptive public health responses. By harnessing breath analysis and wastewater-based epidemiology, this initiative aims to bridge the gap between traditional surveillance methods and real-time, integrated data management, enabling swift and effective action against potential pandemics. Through collaborative efforts across five specialized teams, this project endeavors to establish a national roadmap for proactive disease detection, emphasizing the vital role of technology in safeguarding public health on a global scale.

Thirumalai Venkatesan

Team Co-Lead / Co-PI


Director, Center for Quantum Research and Technology (CQRT)

Founding Director, Center of Optimal Materials for Emerging Technologies (COMET)

Departments of Physics and ECE

University of Oklahoma

Jason Vogel

Team Co-Lead / Co-PI

Professor, Civil Engineering and Environmental Science

Director, Oklahoma Water Survey

Associate Director, Water Technologies for Emerging Regions (WaTER) Center

University of Oklahoma

David Ebert


Gallogly Chair Professor of ECE and CS

Associate Vice President of Research and Partnerships

Director, Data Institute for Societal Challenges (DISC)

University of Oklahoma

Katrin Kuhn

Assistant Professor

Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology

The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center

Dean Hougen

Associate Professor

Lloyd & Joyce Austin Presidential Professor

CS Interim Director

School of Computer Science

University of Oklahoma

Gilson Sanchez

Postdoctoral Fellow

Oklahoma Water Survey

University of Oklahoma

Kristen Shelton

Research Scientist

Oklahoma Water Survey

University of Oklahoma

Bradley Stevenson

Associate Professor, Microbiology

School of Biological Sciences

University of Oklahoma

Velmurugan Thavasi

Managing Director

Center for Quantum Research and Technology (CQRT)

University of Oklahoma

Wolfgang Jentner


Research Scientist

Data Institute for Societal Challenges

University of Oklahoma

Multiscale Decision-Making and Analytics

The team focuses on advancing decision-making processes and analytical frameworks across multiple scales to enhance pandemic response strategies. It integrates all data sources in a single database, checks the data for quality issues, and develops machine learning models for prediction and event detection. Furthermore, the team designs a dashboard where domain experts and model experts can explore all data. This initiative aims to provide decision-makers with timely, comprehensive insights for proactive intervention. Through a multidisciplinary approach, this project seeks to optimize resource allocation, risk assessment, and mitigation efforts, ultimately strengthening the resilience of healthcare systems and communities in the face of complex health challenges.

David Ebert

Team Lead / PI

Gallogly Chair Professor of ECE and CS

Associate Vice President of Research and Partnerships

Director, Data Institute for Societal Challenges (DISC)

University of Oklahoma

Aseel Basheer

Research Assistant & PhD Candidate

Data Institute for Societal Challenges

University of Oklahoma

Dean Hougen

Associate Professor

Lloyd & Joyce Austin Presidential Professor

CS Interim Director

School of Computer Science

University of Oklahoma

Katrin Kuhn

Assistant Professor

Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology

The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center

Chao Lan

Assistant Professor

School of Computer Science

University of Oklahoma

Charles Nicholson

Associate Professor

Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering

Department of Data Science and Analytics

University of Oklahoma

Talayeh Razzaghi

Assistant Professor

School of Industrial and Systems Engineering

University of Oklahoma

Aaron Wendelboe


Professor, Epidemiology

Edward E. and Helen T. Bartlett Chair in Public Health

Williams Companies Foundation Presidential Professor

Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology

The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center

Michael Wimberly


Department of Geography and Environmental Sustainability

University of Oklahoma

Wolfgang Jentner


Research Scientist

Data Institute for Societal Challenges

University of Oklahoma


  1. David S. Ebert and Aaron M. Wendelboe (2023), "Applying data science advances in disease surveillance and control", Open Access Government July 2023, pp.152-153. doi: 10.56367/OAG-039-10899
  2. Katrin G. Kuhn, Jason R. Vogel and Bradley S. Stevenson (2023), "Wastewater surveillance for infectious disease preparedness", Open Access Government October 2023, pp.22-23. doi: 10.56367/OAG-040-10923
  3. Zhunan Jia, Velmurugan Thavasi, Thirumalai Venkatesan, Pyng LeeBreath (2023), "Analysis for Lung Cancer Early Detection - A Clinical Study", Metabolites 2023, 13, 1197. doi: 10.3390/metabo13121197
  4. Katrin G. Kuhn, Rishabh Shukla, Mike Mannell, Grant M. Graves, A. Caitlin Miller,Jason R. Vogel, Kimberly Malloy, Gargi Deshpande, Gabriel Florea, Kristen Shelton, Erin Jeffries, Kara B. De León, Bradley Stevenson (2023), "Using Wastewater Surveillance to Monitor Gastrointestinal Pathogen Infections in the State of Oklahoma", Microorganisms 2023, 11(9), 2193. doi: 10.3390/microorganisms11092193
  5. Thirumalai Venkatesan, Velmurugan Thavasi, Jordan P. Metcalf, Donna L Tyungu, Aaron M. Wendelboe, David Ebert, Ong Weiqiang, Zhang Fuchang, Jia Zhunan (2024), "Revolutionising disease detection: The emergence of non-invasive VOC breathomics", Open Access Government January 2024, pp.74-75. doi: 10.56367/OAG-041-10923
  6. Michael Wimberly (2024), "Meteorological data for public health surveillance", Open Access Government April 2024, pp.38-39. doi: 10.56367/OAG-042-10923
  7. Zhunan Jia, Ong Weiqiang, Zhang Fuchang, Fang Du, Velmurugan Thavasi, Thirumalai Venkatesan (2024), "A Study of 9 Common Breath VOCs in 504 Healthy Subjects Using PTR-TOF-MS", Metabolomics 2024.
  8. Dawn M Nekorchuk, Anita Bharadwaja, Sean Simonson, Emma Ortega, Caio M B França, Emily Dinh, Rebecca Reik, Rachel Burkholder, Michael C Wimberly (2024), "The Arbovirus Mapping and Prediction (ArboMAP) system for West Nile virus forecasting", JAMIA Open, Volume 7, Issue 1, April 2024, ooad110. doi: 10.1093/jamiaopen/ooad110
  9. Taeyong Kwon, Jessie D. Trujillo, Mariano Carossino, Eu Lim Lyoo, Chester D. McDowell, Konner Cool, Franco S. Matias-Ferreyra, Trushar Jeevan, Igor Morozov, Natasha N. Gaudreault, Udeni B.R. Balasuriya, Richard J. Webby, Nikolaus Osterrieder, and Juergen A. Richt (2024), "Pigs are highly susceptible to but do not transmit mink-derived highly pathogenic avian influenza virus H5N1 clade", Emerging Microbes & Infections, 13(1). doi: 10.1080/22221751.2024.2353292
  10. Aseel Basheer, Wolfgang Jentner, Katrin Kuhn, Michael Wimberly, Jason Vogel, David Ebert (2024), "A comprehensive approach to integrated one health surveillance and response", Open Access Government July 2024, pp.50-51, doi: 10.56367/OAG-043-10923


PIPP Lecture Series

  • 10/26/2022, Michael Wimberly, Frontiers of Data Science for Predicting Emerging Diseases
  • 11/08/2022, Aaron Wendelboe, The Macroscope Meets the Microscope: Integrating Earth Science Data with Disease Surveillance for Outbreak Forecasting
  • 12/13/2022, Anni Yang, Leveraging Host Movement with Disease Risk: Uncover the Underlying Mechanism of Disease Transmissions in Ecosystem
  • 02/14/2023, Ashok Srinivasan, Linking Simulations and Emerging Data Sources to Analyze Infection Risk in Crowded Locations
  • 03/07/2023, Zhunan Jia, Breathomics: The metabolomics study of exhaled air
  • 07/18/2023, Sungahn Ko, Visualization Meets AI for Exploring and Forecasting Spatiotemporal Data
  • 08/22/2023, Min Chen, RAMPVIS: Answering visualization challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic response