The Data Institute for Societal Challenges (DISC) at OU is creating innovations in data science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data-enabled research. DISC develops and grows convergent research teams dedicated to solving local to global-scale challenges. This is achieved through the implementation of foundational data science and data-enabled research related to aerospace, defense, and global security; community and societal transformation; the future of health; and environment, energy, and sustainability. DISC is leading advances in the following strategic focus areas.
- Data Science Applications: Focusing on the development of new techniques and approaches to analytics that integrates computer science, AI/ML, cognitive psychology, decision science, and human-computer teaming to create robust, explainable, fair, efficient, and reliable data-enabled solutions that can be readily transitioned into real-world use.
- Human-Guided Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Developing and using innovative AI and ML convergent research to advance the next generation in science, engineering, and other disciplines to create impactful and reliable solutions.
- Human-Computer Teaming: Efficiently and effectively integrating the capabilities of humans and complex machines to address complex problems.
- Predictive Analytics: Creating tools and systems capable of extracting, assimilating, and analyzing data for accurate, timely, and reliable predictions with quantifiable certainty and uncertainty to transform drug discovery, vaccine production, and more accurate forecasts of the impact of various events.
- Decision-making Environments and Visual Analytics: Leveraging the skills and expertise of leading interdisciplinary researchers in various research centers to provide innovative solutions for data-driven decision-making and visual analytics.
- Scalable Software and Hardware Architectures: Increasing our potential to create real-time, trustable AI and ML solutions by using neuromorphic, probabilistic, and quantum computing.