National Science Foundation Grant Number 2331409
The InTRO Program is led by faculty with expertise in research translation. The program convenes a cohort of graduate students, post-doctoral researchers, and faculty fellows to create a network of translation resources and activities.
The application period for FY 2026 opened on January 13, 2025 and runs through March 14, 2025 @ 5 pm CT.
The goal of this program is to create a network of translation resources and activities by combining expertise from various sources:
The program has two opportunities for participation:
FY 26 Information Session Recordings
Session 1 - 12/5/2024: Click here to view the recording
Session 2 - 1/24/2025: Click here to view the recording
Session 3 - 2/19/2025: Click here to view the recording
Click here to view the presentation slides
"Drafting the Two Page" Proposal Workshop - 2/17/2025
David Ebert
Brittany Hott
Carol Silva
Clara Smith
Michael Schade
Shane Connelly
Marcie King
Sai Maryada
The goal of this program is to increase the scale and pace of advancing discoveries made while conducting academic research into tangible solutions that benefit the public. Please review the deadlines below.
A TRP candidate looks to translate an innovation that emerged from prior fundamental research with a clear and existing underlying analytical and/or experimental proof of concept. Applications are open to faculty, postdoctoral researchers, and grad students.
Selected teams will receive up to $100,000 in funding (direct and indirect costs).
Important Dates:
OU's InTRO ART Academy provides graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and faculty the opportunity to learn the societal and economic benefits of use-inspired and translational research. Please review the deadlines below.
The goals of this program are to:
Awardees will receive a $10,000 fellowship.
Academy Fellowship Nominations must be submitted by March 14, 2025.
Nominations should include a one-page nomination letter by the Faculty Advisor or Department of the nominee and a one-page document outlining why the nominee is interested in attending the Academy.
Important Dates:
Will there be more Information Sessions?
Information sessions for FY26 are in progress. Each year, they are scheduled between January and March. The most recent information session links are at the top of our webpage.
Can I submit my project idea for feedback before the submission deadline?
Yes. Please send your draft in, MS Word, to Drafts will be accepted for review until March 1, 2025 at 5 pm. Please allow up to 10 days for feedback.
How will our application be scored?
Please review the NSF ART Team Application Rubric (XLS).
Who is on the evaluation team?
The evaluation team will consist of members of the NSF ART leadership team, as well as Tribal representatives, Community Partners, VPRP Institute & Center Directors, and Corporate Partners.
How many TRPs and Fellowships will be awarded?
For FY26, up to five TRPs and five fellowships will be selected.
Should I include the research that forms the foundation of this work?
Yes, please include the research. The two-page limit does not apply to the Appendices. Additionally, you may consider including the CVs of the team members. SciENcv biosketches are acceptable.
Do we need to submit an OU Budget with our proposal?
No, you can use it as a guide, but you can submit the simplified budget available on the two-page template.
How will grant funds be managed?
The Program Manager for NSF ART will work with awardees on the process of managing and reporting funds.
How long do we have to spend the money and what are the funding periods?
Teams have up to 2 years to spend their allocation. The funding periods for the grants follow OU's Fiscal Year, July 1 - June 30th.
Are there any restrictions on how I can use my funds?
Yes. You must follow the University’s financial policies in addition to the NSF's CA-FATC (dated May 20, 2024). You can use your funds for:
Summer salary support
Student tuition and wages
Staff salary support
Travel (case-by-case basis)
Equipment user charges
Data acquisition and analysis
Consulting services
What if I don't have access to someone who can create a proof of concept or prototype?
InTRO will have a software developer and a mechanical engineer available to support teams with creating proof of concept or prototype.
Can I use this to create a prototype to get larger federal grants?
The focus of these grants are creation of a tangible solution that can be further refined and potentially commercialized. Fund recipients will have access to valuable university programs aimed at guiding potential commercialization.
Is it possible to share previous awardees' proposals so that we know how to frame our proposals?
We cannot share other teams' proposals but we encourage you to attend the upcoming workshop on "Writing the Two-Page Proposal". The date for the workshop is at the top of this email and the recording will be posted here.
How will cross-campus projects work in terms of collaborations with OUHS?
The PI/Co-PIs of the proposal must be on the Norman campus. You are free to collaborate with OUHS as team members. We can work through the budget processes if the proposal is awarded.
Is the PI required to submit an Infosheet?
No, Infosheets should not be submitted. Teams should follow the instructions on the two-pager to submit proposals.
Are students who will be in graduate school next year eligible for ART Fellowships?
Yes, as long as the person will be in graduate school during the approved funding period.
Are Co-PIs permitted or is the proposal limited to a single PI?
Co-PIs are permitted. A Department/Committee Support Letter would be required for each Co-PI. Co-PIs must also be assigned to the Norman campus.
Should you have any additional questions, please email
Federally funded university research results in new discoveries and technologies which need additional development and support in order to be translated for broader application, use or commercialization. Many research findings never progress beyond being written up in academic journals. The Intensifying Translational Research in Oklahoma (InTRO) project will support the process of research findings being translated into processes and products for use by the public, industry, government, and others. InTRO will also provide training for future engineers and scientists to pursue careers in translational research so that there is a sustainable pipeline of discoveries reaching the public.
InTRO will grow a translational and use-inspired research university culture, develop educational materials from an array of disciplines, and provide infrastructure for translational research projects. InTRO will increase partnerships and connections between researchers and outside collaborators that include industry, government, community organizations, tribal nations, and other outside entities. Researchers will have access to translational research skill enhancement via a new Accelerating Research Translation (ART) Academy to provide additional education and training on specific aspects of research translation. The ART Academy program will cover research translation, partnerships and collaborations, ethics, and workforce training and development. The ART Academy will also provide funding to train graduate students and postdocs who are interested in translational research careers. There will be an InTRO Translational Research Funding (TRF) program that supports advancement of early-stage projects. Teams who are awarded TRF grants will receive funding to enable the translation of their proof-of-concept idea into a ready-for-use solution or product in under two years. InTRO will result in an inclusive and sustainable program that supports a community of diverse scholars, including students, postdocs, and faculty, who are equipped to engage in translational research.