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DISC Alumni

Welcome to the Data Institute for Societal Challenges Alumni Network, a vibrant community of innovators and leaders who are shaping the future through data-driven solutions. Our alumni are at the forefront of tackling complex societal issues. This platform celebrates their achievements and fosters collaboration among a diverse group of professionals dedicated to making a positive impact in the world. Join us in exploring the remarkable journeys of our alumni and connect with peers who share your passion for change. We invite our  alumni to share their recent professional milestones with us, enriching our community's tapestry of success and inspiring current and future cohorts. Connect with us and continue to be an integral part of DISC's enduring legacy. Share your story—your journey is our inspiration.


Rowzat Faiz

Rowzat Faiz, a recent graduate from the ECE department and DISC team has received the Dissertation Excellence Award (DEA) for Fall 2024. This prestigious award, conferred by the Gallogly College of Engineering at the University of Oklahoma, recognizes exceptional doctoral students nearing the completion of their dissertations. It celebrates outstanding research quality and academic excellence in doctoral studies. Her dissertation topic was ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE(AI)-INTEGRATED COMPUTER-AIDED DIAGNOSIS(CAD) SCHEMES FOR DEVELOPING PROGNOSTIC MODELS IN STROKE STUDIES.

Catherine Donner

Alumni Spotlight: Catherine Donner

Catherine Donner, a May 2024 graduate with a Master’s in Data Science and Analytics, has made impressive strides since completing her degree. During her time at the Data Institute for Societal Challenges (DISC), she worked with Dr. Ebert on analyzing large language models (LLMs), unsupervised learning, and evaluating generative AI models for misinformation detection. Catherine recently presented a poster at the IEEE International Conference on Big Data, marking her first conference experience, and co-authored a paper on the DISC NSF AI in Agriculture project, published in Elsevier's Ecological Informatics. This year, she was awarded the prestigious Department of Defense SMART Scholarship and is continuing her academic journey at OU, pursuing a PhD in Data Science and Analytics. Catherine is now working with Dr. Anindya Maiti on federated learning projects focused on public policy and defense applications.

Archived Spotlights

Catherine Donner, a recent graduate of the Data Science and Analytics master's program, has been awarded the Department of Defense Science, Mathematics, and Research for Transformation (SMART) Scholarship. The SMART Scholarship provides full tuition funding, annual stipends, and guaranteed internships and post-graduate employment with the Department of Defense. With the SMART Scholarship, she will be continuing her education at OU starting in the fall through the Data Science and Analytics PhD program with Dr. Anindya Maiti as her advisor. She plans to study neuromorphic computing, federated learning, and explainable AI with public policy and defense applications as part of her dissertation. Catherine worked as a graduate research assistant at DISC from January 2023 to May 2024, where she worked on projects including the Tinker Air Force Base Supply Chain Risk Management project, the Social Media Analytics and Reporting Toolkit (SMART) NATO project, and the NSF AI AG project. Her thesis research focused on analyzing various misinformation detection methods including large language models (LLMs), unsupervised learning models, and generative AI models.

In the heart of the University of Oklahoma (OU), Averi Bates, a dedicated graduate student, has emerged as a trailblazer in the realm of data-driven research, courtesy of her remarkable journey with the Data Institute for Societal Challenges (DISC).

DISC, a hub for innovative research and interdisciplinary collaboration, became a pivotal platform for Averi's academic pursuits, offering her access to a wealth of resources and transformative events. Among these, the February OU DISC Methane Gas Lecture Series stood out, providing Averi with deep insights into environmental challenges and the pivotal role of data in addressing them.

For Averi, DISC wasn't just about attending events—it was about actively engaging in groundbreaking research initiatives. One such endeavor involved her collaboration with Dr. Ebert on a pioneering project focused on using machine learning to detect misinformation in COVID-19-related tweets. Through meticulous data collection and preprocessing, Averi honed her skills, laying the groundwork for her future endeavors in the field.

Reflecting on her experience, Averi emphasized the significance of cross-collaboration within DISC, stating, "These events foster cross-collaboration, which is important to me." It was this collaborative ethos that propelled her towards new horizons of knowledge and innovation, shaping her perspective on research and its potential for societal impact.

Averi's academic journey is driven by a profound sense of purpose. As a Computer Science major, she is passionate about applying machine learning in medicine, particularly in assisting doctors with image diagnostics. Her ongoing thesis on machine learning models in biomedical imaging is a testament to her unwavering commitment to driving positive change through research.

Looking towards the future, Averi envisions pursuing a Ph.D. with a focus on computational biology, where she hopes to push the boundaries of data science in the service of humanity. Her journey with DISC has not only equipped her with the necessary skills and knowledge but also instilled in her a sense of responsibility to make a meaningful impact on the world.

Spring 2025 Alumni Directory

Aseel BasheerNSF PIPP
Parisa Masnadi KhiabaniDOE - AOI2 
Jalal SaidiNSF - PIPP/ART
Amirhossein ArezoumandPediatric arrhythmia - OUHSC
Van The LangP5 - DL Segmentation - Stroke
Trinity TranP6 - arrythmia
Hunter MenaP6 - arrythmia
Shawn AgarwalP2: SMART 
Luke D. FinneganP5 - DL Segmentation - Stroke
Sanchith VelmuruganP3: Composite rad tool - Stroke
Aseel BasheerNSF PIPP
Parisa Masnadi KhiabaniDOE - iM4
Jalal SaidiRSDN
Amirhossein ArezoumandOUHSC
Rebecca HilmesUTSW 
Matthew TranPIPP
Baseer KahnPIPP
Rami Reddy YekkantiPIPP
Deepthi YekkantiPIPP
Aseel BasheerNSF PIPP
Parisa Masnadi KhiabaniDOE - iM4
Rowzat FaizStroke Study
Usman Syed Tinker SCRM
Marc Hanna Tinker SCRM
Vincent TranTinker SCRM
Jalal SaidiRSDN
Richa Bhattarai 
Matthew TranPIPP
Baseer KhanPIPP
Pedro LuceroUTSW
Mounica Pragyna RavellaRSDN
Mehreen HabibGRA
Catherine DonnerGRA
Nimisha AgawalGRA
Carolina NicholsonUGRA
Jacob FlynnDSA GRA
Luke McDougalDSA
Singh SagarDSA
Ethan SticklerDSA
Josiah S. AbrahamFYRE
Travis E. LLoydFYRE
Mehreen HabibGRA (Spring 2023 - Spring 2024)
Catherine DonnerGRA (Spring 2023 - Spring 2024)
Gnaneswar KollaGRA (Spring 2023)
Mohamed AbdelnabyUGRA (Fall 2022)
Nimisha AgarwalGRA (Fall 2023)
Richa Bhattarai GRA (Spring 2024)
Carolina NicholsonUGRA (Fall 2023)
Jessica ShawGRA (Spring 2023)
Jacob SturgesGRA (Spring 2023)
Nondumiso MndzebeleUGRA (Spring 2023)
Jack WagnerUGRA (Spring 2023)
Parker FikesUGRA (Spring 2023)
Kashaf MujeebUGRA (Spring 2022)
Boyer SimpkinsGRA (Fall 2022)
Biswas NandamuriGRA (Spring 2022)
Averi BatesHERE (Summer 2022)
Mickey WalkupGRA (Spring 2022)
Kevin DonaldHERE (Spring 2022)
Ana MoralesUGRA (Summer 2022)
Luke TerryFYRE (Spring 2022)
Reza TorbatiUGRA (Spring 2022)
Tengnan YaoDSA (Fall 2021)
Robert HillDSA (Fall 2021)
Hayden McalpinDSA (Fall 2021)
Haixiao LuDSA (Fall 2021)
Noah BrownHERE (Fall 2021)
Jacob PierceHERE (Fall 2021)
Biruk Kassahun WorkuHERE (Fall 2021)