With the award of an NSF MRI and support from the OVPRP, OU has purchased a JEOL NeoARM 200kV aberration corrected STEM materials specific microscope. This state-of-the-art instrument will allow researchers to probe the structures of materials down to an ultimate resolution of 70 pm. With a DECTRIS Ela hybrid-pixel direct electron camera coupled to a CEOS energy filter / EELS, electronic structures of thin films, energy and battery materials, and other semiconductor devices will be able to be investigated on the atomic level. Additionally a high throughput EDS detector allows for quick chemical mapping of all samples imaged on the microscope, leading the way for researchers to quickly investigate all aspects of their materials down to the atomic level. Room B21 Lin Hall has been prepared to house the microscope. Delivery is expected on Tuesday, March 25, and installation will proceed immediately afterwards. We hope to have the instrument ready to support users before the end of the spring semester, stay tuned!
Images and spectra taken on a JEOL NeoARM: Ryu, HH., Lim, HW., Lee, S.G. et al. Nat Energy 9, 47–56 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41560-023-01403-8