Conferences, Lectures and Seminars
The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology provides an extensive educational program for the residents, medical students, and faculty. The residents are provided with four hours of protected teaching time every Friday afternoon. The GYN team meets for preoperative teaching conferences to discuss all patients going to surgery and the OB Team meets to discuss OB patients. In addition to our faculty giving Grand Rounds we invite a wide range of national leaders to speak on a variety of topics. During protected teaching time, faculty cover all patient responsibilities. Academic Conferences give residents time for lectures in all areas of OB/GYN, skills workshops, M&M, Journal Club and Resident Research. To prepare for required national annual examinations, reviews are provided by faculty as part of the didactics sessions.
A major goal of our Program's educational component is to ensure that all graduating residents pass the written exam to obtain board certification.