- If hours are entered and approved incorrectly and we find it on the extract, can the extract be corrected or will we have to do an amended timesheet?
- If hours are entered and approved incorrectly, can we pull the submission back after the supervisor approved but before the extracts come out?
- How will students with work-study appear on extracts?
Workforce FAQs
- How do I delegate authority?
- Will my delegate(s) receive email notifications for leave requests for employees assigned to me?
- How do I change an employee's supervisor in Workforce?
- I don't have access to the 'OU Employee Approver' screen in PeopleSoft. My only option is 'Time Entry Department Security'...How do I get access?
- What is the process for supplemental pay?
Time Entry
- I am an hourly employee, how should I enter my time?
- How do I enter time that spans midnight?
- I am a Time Keeper for my department, will I get an email when time is due?
- Will monthly employees' time pull into the approver's view even if they don't submit it for approval?
- Is it acceptable for a supervisor to complete the entire time entry for an employe (e.g. if they were out sick)?
- Do managers receive an email notification when timesheets are submitted?
- I made an error on my timesheet and have already submitted it to my supervisor. Can I still change it?
- I have 2 jobs on campus. How do I enter time for each job?
Estimated Time
- How much leave/PTO have I accrued?
- How are Holidays and Admin leave handled in Workforce?
- Why are my Time Off balances different?
- How do I request FMLA?
- How will Terminal Paid Leave be entred - Workforce or PeopleSoft?
- If an employee reports more time off than they have available in their leave accrual, how does Workforce record the time?
Adjuncts, Faculty, and Affiliates
- Does an Adjunct employee need to use Workforce to log ACA hours?
- How many ACA hours do I report as an Adjunct employee?
- Do 9/9 or 9/12 Faculty members need to use Workforce to report time every month?
- How does a Faculty member initiate an FMLA leave request?
- How do I request affiliate status for a visitor to the university?
- How do I terminate an affiliate status in PeopleSoft?