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Contact Payroll
Location: 905 Asp Avenue, Room 244
Hours of Operation: Open 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday in accordance with the university holiday schedule and campus closures. The payroll lobby is available from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday - Friday.
Phone: (405) 325-2961
E-mail: payroll@ou.edu
Fax: (405) 325-0480
Payroll Documents & Guides | Document Description | |
ACA - Summary OU Employment Categories | ACA Workforce Management Matrix, provides information regarding benefits eligibility and ACA requirements. | |
ACA - Hours of Service Tracking Log | Used to fill in ACA hours worked for payroll processing. | |
ACA - Measurement Period Calendar | Provides detailed information regarding ACA annual measurements and when they occur. | |
ACA - PeopleSoft Reporting | Instructions on how to enter ACA hours in PeopleSoft. | |
ACA - Training Presentation Slides | Presentation slides for ACA training. | |
ACA - Quick Reference | Quick reference guide to ACA Payroll processes. | |
ACA - Student Employees and GA's | Quick reference guidet to ACA policies for Students and GA's. | |
ACA - Workforce Management | Provides detail for management responsibilities regarding ACA employees. | |
Addl Pay Batch Process | Process guide for using the Addl Pay batch upload tool. | |
Amending Timehseets - Employees | PDF instructions showing how to Amend personal timesheet in Workforce Time and Attendance | |
Amending Timehseets - Managers | PDF instructions showing how to approve/deny an employee's "amended" timesheet in Workforce Time and Attendance | |
Approving Time - Managers | Directions for approving timesheets hourly/monthly in Workforce Time and Attendance. | |
Approving Time Off Requests - Managers | Directions for approving and/or denying Time Off Requests in Workforce Time and Attendance. | |
Backdated Hourly Timesheet | Hourly timesheet used to record backdated hours. | |
Basic Time Entry - Employees | PDF instructions showing how to add regular hours worked in Workforce Time and Attendance for employees. | |
Combo Code Job Aid | Job Aid to assist with creating a new combo code. | |
Comp Time Acknowledgement | Form that provides acknowledgement of university Comp Time Staff Handbook policy. | |
Comp Time and Overtime | PDF instructions showing how to bank or use Comp Time and/or Overtime in Workforce Time and Attendance for employees. | |
Confidential and Proprietary Information Disclosure Form (CPID) | Disclosure form used to provide informed consent of enternal/internal confidential and proprietary information policy. | |
Delegating Roles - Managers | Instructions showing how to delegate roles for time keeping in Workforce Time and Attendance. | |
Editing Employee Time - Managers | PDF instructions showing how to edit an employees timesheet in Workforce Time and Attendance for employees. | |
Emergency Check Request | Emergency Check Request form for a missed payroll. | |
ePAF update Employees' Time/Travel Approvers and/or Time Reporting | Allow you to add or change an employee’s Concur Travel Approver or Time Supervisor on the ePAF. | |
Equifax - Preparing Your Taxes Can Be Simplified | Helpful information on tax form vendor preparation. | |
Equifax - Get Your Tax Form | Instructions on how to retreive your W2 or 1095c from My Tax Form online. | |
Equifax - Online Delivery | Consent instructions to recive your W2 or 1095c online only. | |
Equifax - Change Personal Information | Instructions on how to change personal information on the My Tax Form site. | |
Faculty Payment Option Form | Form used to designate Faculty payment schedule. | |
Generating Reports - Employees | Instructions for Generating Reports in Workforce Time and Attendance for employees. | |
Generating Reports - Managers | Instructions for Generating Reports in Workforce Time and Attendance as a Manager or Timekeeper. | |
Group Time Entry - Managers | PDF instructions using Group Time Entry in Workforce Time and Attendance for Managers. | |
HCM/HRMS Departmental User Security Form | HCM-HRMS role HR and Payroll security form for PeopleSoft. | |
Holiday and Admin Leave | Instructions for Holiday and Administrative Leave timehseet tracking in Workforce Time and Attendance. | |
Homescreen and Actions - Managers | Information covering Manager/Timekeepers homescreen actions and tools Workforce Time and Attendance. | |
Hourly Earnings Codes | Payroll PeopleSoft codes used for hourly payroll entries. | |
Hourly Time Conversion Chart | Provides information for fractional hour conversions for hourly time recording in Workforce Time and Attendance. | |
Hourly Timesheet | Timesheet used to report/track hourly payroll time. | |
Homescreen and Actions Menu - Employee | Information regarding the employee homescreen and available actions in Workforce Time and Attendance. | |
Monthly Timesheet | Timehseet used to report/track monthly payroll time. | |
Monthly Earnings Codes | Payroll PeopleSoft codes used for monthly payroll entries. | |
Non Cash Benefit Request Form | Non Cash Benefit (NCB) payment request form used to report income for gifts, prizes and awards. | |
Paycheck Modeler Directions | Directions for using the Paycheck Modeler function in PeopleSoft. | |
PeopleSoft Self-Service Quick Reference Guide | Quick reference to specific Self-Service functions in PeopleSoft. | |
Personnel Action Form - Paper PAF | Fillable form to stop, decrease, or change funding for an Add-Pay. | |
Previous Employment Verification Request | The Previous Employment Verification Request is used to combine years of service with the university for current/past employment. | |
Printing Workforce Timesheet | Instructions for printing a Workforce Time and Attendance timesheet. | |
Reusing Timesheet Data - Employee | Instructions for copying and pasting days/weeks of entries in Workforce Time and Attendance. | |
Running Payroll Extracts Directions | Directions for running payroll extracts in PeopleSoft. | |
Sample Check Stub | Sample PeopleSoft check stub with item descriptions. | |
Social Security Administration - Application | Social Security Administration - Application for for a Social Security Card. | |
Supplemental Pay and Payroll Correction Request | Used to pay individuals who are appointed to the Norman Campus for supplemental payments and payment corrections. | |
Supplemental Payments Workforce - Managers | PDF instructions for adding Supplemental Payments in Workforce Time and Attendance for Managers. | |
Time Entry Buttons and Functions - Workforce Tips | Overview of action buttons and tools in the Time Entry window of Workforce Time and Attendance. | |
Time Off Request - Employee | Instructions for submitting a time off reqeust in Workforce Time and Attendance. | |
Time Entry Favorites - Employee | Instructions for creating time entry favorites in Workforce Time and Attendance, used for reporting projects. | |
Timekeeper Role Request Form | Form that is used to assign the Timekeeper role for Workforce Time and Attendance. | |
Timesheet Buttons and Tips - Managers | Helpful information for accessing employee timesheets, sorting timehseets, and navigating Workforce Time and Attendance as a Manager. | |
Tuberculosis Testing and Certification | The University of Oklahoma (Norman Campus) Tuberculosis Testing and Certification requirement. | |
Update Disability Status | Directions for updating Disability Status in PeopleSoft Self-Service. | |
Update Mailing Address | Directions for updating Mailing Address in PeopleSoft Self-Service. | |
Update Personal Information | Directions for updating Personal Information in PeopleSoft Self-Service. | |
Updating State Tax Withholdings | Directions for updating State Tax Withholdings in PeopleSoft Self-Service. | |
Update Veteran Status | Directions for updating Veteran Status in PeopleSoft Self-Service. | |
View Paycheck Online | Directions for viewing Self-Service Paycheck stub in PeopleSoft. | |
View W-2 Online | Directions for viewing W-2 in PeopleSoft. | |
Webclock Instructions - Employee | Instructions for the Workforce Time and Attendance "Webclock", if applicable. | |
Workforce Mobile Instructions | Instructions for Workforce Time and Attendance mobile users. | |
Workforce Manual - Employees | Complete Workforce Time and Attendance manual for Employees. | |
Workforce Manual - Managers | Complete Workforce Time and Attendance manual for Managers. | |
Workforce Schedules - Managers | Directions for creating employee schedules in Workforce Time and Attendance. | |
W-4 Federal Withholding Allowance | W-4 Federal Withholding Allowance form for payroll tax deducitons. | |
W-4 Oklahoma Withholding Allowance | W-4 Oklahoma Withholding Allowance form for payroll tax deducitons. | |
W-2 Form Explanantion | W-2 section-by-seciton explanations. | |