We offer the Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degree programs in Biomedical Engineering. Students can apply directly for the Ph.D. degree without already having an M.S. Degree.
Students who have their degree in an area other than Biomedical Engineering may have to take additional courses in addition to those listed in the curriculum. Research under the degree can be within any of the areas our faculty work in as listed on their web pages.
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The Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering degree program can be readily completed in two years. A thesis is required.
SBME Graduate students should select BME electives and Life Science electives from the SBME Pre-Approved Graduate Course List provided. Courses not from the list need to be petitioned toward the Graduate College in order to be counted toward these two elective categories.
The Ph.D. degree in Biomedical Engineering requires ninety post-baccalaureate hours, which include 12 hours in biomedical engineering (graduate credit, chosen from the list of approved BME elective courses), six hours in life sciences (graduate credit, chosen from the list of approved life science elective courses), and additional six hours can be selected from other engineering, science, or math elective (STEM) courses (graduate credit, not from both lists of approved BME and life science electives) in consultation with the student's research supervisor and advisory committee if available. A student with a B.S. degree can enter the Ph.D. program directly; the student does not have to complete the M.S. thesis as part of the Ph.D. degree. At the end of the program, the student will demonstrate excellence in scholarly research by authoring and successfully defending a Ph.D. Dissertation.
During the Ph.D. program, the student is required to take a general examination in accordance with Graduate College requirements. The general examination must be taken in the semester (not including the summer semester) finishing course works or the semester immediately followed.
Coursework requirements for Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering (Minimum 30 hours)
SBME Graduate students should select BME electives and Life Science electives from the SBME Pre-Approved Graduate Course List provided. Courses not from the list need to be petitioned toward the Graduate College in order to be counted toward these two elective categories.
Additional Requirements:
BME electives must include 3 hours of physiology unless this requirement has been satisfied through prior undergraduate or graduate study (as determined by the Graduate Studies Committee). Students who have fulfilled the physiology requirement through prior coursework will not receive credit toward the degree for additional physiology courses taken at OU unless the SBME graduate liaison approves in advance. BME 4813 Quantitative Physiology (with graduate credits) is recommended.
For non-engineering background students (non-biomedical engineering students). There might be a potential need to complete undergraduate engineering course work that will not apply towards your Ph.D. course requirements. The need of the course/s will be determined at admission.
BS in Biomedical Engineering / MS in Biomedical Engineering (A108/F109 Q062)
Students completing these programs will receive two degrees: the B.S. in Biomedical Engineering and the M.S. in Biomedical Engineering. This program is accelerated because students may share 12 hours of credit that apply to both their undergraduate and graduate degrees.(i.e Assume the student finishes all these credit hours during the last year of BS program, there will be 18 hours of credit left. Among them, 6 hours of credit is for research and 12 hours of credit left to finish (4 courses)). Students should apply for this program option no later than March 1 during their Junior year. Please contact Nicole Palmeter (npalmeter@ou.edu) for the application materials to apply.
SBME Graduate students should select BME electives and Life Science electives from the SBME Pre-Approved Graduate Course List provided. Courses not from the list need to be petitioned toward the Graduate College in order to be counted toward these two elective categories.
Outstanding students may also want to apply for the M.D. / Ph.D. program. Students completing this program will receive two degrees, the Doctor of Medicine degree through the OU Health Sciences Center and the Doctor of Philosophy in Biomedical Engineering degree through the Norman campus. This degree requires a doctoral research dissertation. Visit the Health Sciences Center webpages for additional information about M.D./Ph.D. degrees offered through the Health Sciences Center.
Required Training and Deadlines set by Graduate College
Please review Graduate College Deadlines, Forms and Documents
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Program | Application Deadline |
M.S. and Ph.D. | December 1 for Fall; September 1 for Spring** |
Accelerated B.S./M.S. | March 1 (applications are submitted in the students 3rd Year (Junior Year) of the BME Program) |
Deadlines are for both national and international applicants.
The University and program will continue to accept applications after the deadline but because of the number of applications processed through admissions, there can be a significant delay in the materials reaching us for consideration. An incomplete application may mean that the selection committee may not consider your application. Please be aware that later applications may reach us after all positions have been filled.
Typically, top applicants may be invited to campus for interviews and recruitment in February. Decisions are normally completed by early-March so that prospective students have time to consider other school offers and respond by the standard April 15 response deadline.
** Spring admissions are made on a case-by-case basis, but generally the deadline is September 15th
Q. What is the minimum GPA needed for admission?
A. The GPA minimum is 3.00.
The scale used is 4.00= A, 3.00 = B, 2.00 = C, 1.00 = D, and below 1.00 = F.
Q. My school does not use this scale, how will my grades be evaluated?
A. A standardized system is used to convert the grades to the A, B, C, D, and F scale.
Our university has access to a service that converts the grade point systems of most schools and universities around the world into a scale that we can use for evaluations. This is used by many other US schools and takes into consideration various factors about the school and the curriculum. Our department does not convert the grades.
Q. How many Letters of Reference are required?
A. Three.
Q. Can I include more than three Letters of Reference?
A. Yes, but three is usually all that is needed.
Space is only provided for three letters of reference on the application. Additional recommendations can be sent by mail or directly from them by e-mail. A department reference form is available by contacting our office or a regular letter can be sent by the recommenders to us. A letter can also be included with the form.
Q. Who should the Letters of Reference be from?
A. It is most helpful if the letters of reference are from people you have worked under or who you have taken classes from, such as instructors, faculty you have done research under, and/or managers.
The names, titles, and e-mail addresses of these three people are to be submitted in the application. It is most helpful if they are a faculty member who you have done research for or have gotten to know in a class you have taken. If you have also been employed, a supervisor can also be included. You should contact these people before including their names for their approval to include them in the list. The online system will send them a form to complete electronically and they can attach additional letters or comments.
Q. What transcripts should be sent?
A. Transcripts for undergraduate degrees and associate degrees will need to be sent along with your application.
Transcripts for high schools or secondary schools are not needed.
Q. My transcript is from another country, is that type of transcript needed? Will an English Version be required?
A. Photocopies in English are requested to be sent to the department and an official copy of the transcript from your university and/or college is required by the admission office.
Questions about the admission criteria and forms can be obtained from the Office of Admissions. The address for the Admissions Office is Buchanan Hall, 1000 Asp Avenue, Room 127, Norman, OK 73019. Their telephone number is (405) 325-2251 and their Fax number is (405) 325-7124. Their web page is www.ou.edu/admrec. Questions about transcripts and other admissions related subjects can be answered by email at admrec@ou.edu.
Q. Do I need to take the GRE?
A. Our program does not require the GRE. However, you can still submit scores if you have taken the GRE.
There is a section in the online application to include the scores and percentages. A photocopy or original of the score sheet can be sent and should include both the separate section scores and the percentages, not a total amount
Q. What is the minimum score for the GRE test?
A. Since our program does not require the GRE, there is not a minimum score requirement.
Q. What are the GRE codes for the University and the department?
A. The University code for the GRE is 6879 and the department code is 1603.
Q. I took the old GRE test, will I need to retake the new GRE test?
A. While we encourage students to take the new version of the GRE, it is acceptable to send the old GRE test scores.
Q. What is the minimum requirement on the TOEFL test?
A. The department minimum score is 100 on the iBt internet-based test, 250 on the computer-based test, and 550 on the paper-based test. The University minimum score is 79 on the iBt internet-based test, 213 of the computer-based test, and 550 on the paper-based test.
We will occasionally accept an application between the department minimum and the University minimum if the other qualifications are very good. We do not accept applications if the score is below the University minimum requirement. The University code for the TOFEL is 6879.
Q. Is the IELTS accepted? If so, what is the minimum score?
A. Yes, the IELTS is accepted. The program minimum is 7.0 and the University minimum is 6.5.
Q. Can a U.S. bachelor's degree be substituted for the TOEFL?
A. Yes, a U.S. bachelor's degree can be substituted for the TOEFL.
Please indicate this on your application.
Q. Can I send in my application now and send the English Proficiency scores later?
A. You can send in all of the application materials first and the TOEFL later, but the application will not be considered by our program until the TOEFL arrives.
The University application is not considered complete and the application will not be forwarded to us for consideration until AFTER the official TOEFL is received in that office.
If you would like to apply for an Application Fee Waiver, we will need a copy of your CV, Transcript(s), and Statement of Purpose combined into one PDF. Please email the combined PDF document to Nicole Palmeter (npalmeter@ou.edu). The deadline for a fall application fee waiver is November 15 and August 15 for a spring application fee waiver.
A. We select 4 to 7 students for admission to the Fall semester and 1 to 3 for the Spring semester. This is including M.S. and Ph.D. and U.S. and International students. The number of students accepted each semester is subject to many variables and can change at any time.
Sometimes applicants ask if we can look at a student's qualifications and tell if they would be admitted to our program. While we can determine if a student qualifies to apply, even if the student meets the minimum requirements, it is not possible to tell ahead of time if a particular student would be admitted. Admittance depends upon several factors such as the projects that have openings for that semester, the number of positions we have available on those projects, and the level of qualifications of other students who apply.
A. The committee will go through the applications several times to review and select admissions for the projects. It may be several weeks before selections are made and a decision known.
At various times during the year, our faculty receive grants and other funding for their research projects. When they learn of these, they notify the selection committee of the need for graduate students. The selection committee will then look through the group of applicants and match the project and the student or students. Because each research project is different, the skills and education needed to work on projects vary. An applicant may not match what is needed for a project that is open early in the reviews, but it will continue to be considered as other projects and funds become available. Because of this, we will notify you as soon as you are selected. If you have not heard from us, this means that your application is being reconsidered as each new position comes open.