The Peggy and Charles Stephenson School of Biomedical Engineering (SBME) synergizes with the Gallogly College of Engineering, the Price College of Business, the College of Arts and Sciences, the OU Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, and the regional bioscience industry, offering an unprecedented level of health care collaboration and discovery in Oklahoma. SBME is a showcase for OU, attracting top talent to the region that is invigorating health care research and innovation.
Our undergraduate program launched in Fall 2016, and our historic inaugural class graduated in Spring 2019. We have a successful and highly multidisciplinary graduate program that was established after a Whitaker Foundation grant in the late 1990s. SBME is in Gallogly Hall, which opened in 2019 as the newest building in the engineering quad on the main campus. We have assembled an excellent team of faculty who are focused on translational discoveries in healthcare areas including cancer, immunoengineering, brain injury and disease, regenerative medicine, and biomaterials.
Our strategic plan aligns with the College and OU strategic plans, with 3 pillars that can be concisely summarized as 1) Research, 2) Education, and 3) Translation. It's an exciting growth period for the Stephenson School of Biomedical Engineering and I am proud to serve as its interim director.
Wei Chen, Ph.D. / Interim Director