October 07, 2024
On Monday, the Anthropology Department welcomes two new faculty members, Dan Mains and Amanda Minks. They are both sociocultural anthropologists and Full Professors. Moving forward, their teaching and service responsibility will be split between Honors and Anthropology. We are excited to have them join the Department!
January 21, 2025
Former Anthropology undergraduate Ryan Frome and faculty member Dr. Brian M. Kemp co-published a study about ancient relations between canids (dogs, foxes, wolves, coyotes) and some of the earliest human inhabitants of North America/Beringia in Science Advances.
January 27, 2025
Associate Professor Matthew Pailes received notice of an NSF award for $102,340 to conduct three years of field work in Sonora, Mexico exploring the spread of agriculture.
The Anthropology Graduate Student Association (AGSA) would like to invite students to their first event in our Anthropology Job Talk series. One of the objectives of the series is to acquaint students with career paths outside academia.
Evan Feeley (Class of 2021, Accelerated BA in Anthropology and MA in Sociocultural Anthropology) works for Cherokee Nation and was recently the recipient of two awards.
On Friday September 20, 2024 from 4-5 pm in Dale Tower 906, archaeologists from across campus will present short talks on their recently completed fieldwork. All are invited to attend.
Kim Marshall (Anthropology) is co-principal investigator with a team of OU faculty that was recently awarded a $500,000 grant from the U.S. National Endowment for the Humanities to establish the nation’s first Center for Creativity and Authenticity in AI Cultural Production.
Brandi Bethke (Oklahoma Archeological Survey), Sarah Trabert (Anthropology), and Gary McAdams (Wichita and Affiliated Tribes) recently published an article in American Antiquity on the methods they used to document a 20th century Wichita camp and dance ground.
Dr. Courtney Hofman has co-authored an invited perspective in the journal Science that discusses recent research advancements in the field of ancient pathogens with a focus on ethical concerns. Through this perspective, Hofman hopes to encourage others in the field to take note and advocate for the ethical collection and use of data. For more information, please visit the article spotlight on OU News!
In 2024, 24 OU students from Anthropology and Classics participated in the Anthropology Department’s Archaeological field school at Spiro run by Patrick Livingood, Amanda Regnier, and Scott Hammerstedt.
Dr. Bonnie Pitblado was named a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. The tradition began in 1874. Being named an AAAS Fellow is a lifetime honor and is really a significant achievement. Congratulations!
PhD student Jaron Davidson received a 2024-2025 Fulbright García-Robles Student Research grant to carry out archaeological survey and historic archival research in Chihuahua and Mexico City. Jaron also won a Student Paper Award for an oral presentation of the paper "Diachronic Cultural Connections between Northern Chihuahua and Far West Texas."
Dr. Carla Klehm (Research Assistant Professor, Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies, University of Arkansas) will be presenting the talk "Storytelling about African Pasts with Archaeology, Artifacts, and Archives" in Room LL118 Bizzell Memorial Library, from 3:00 to 4:15 p.m. on Thursday, March 7, 2024.
Betty Harris, along with Ed Sankowski, published a review essay in the journal International Dialogue of Slavoj Žižek’s book Enjoyment and Ideology Surplus-Enjoyment: A Guide for the Non-Perplexed. Dr. Harris and Dr. Sankowski have been writing about the work of Slavoj Žižek, a very innovative philosopher and social critic, and developing further ideas prompted, in part by encounters with his work.
Dr. Elyse Singer received two recent awards for her recent book Lawful Sins: Abortion Rights and Reproductive Governance in Mexico.
Kaylee Tatum (OU '23) and NSF Postdoctoral Fellow Lilly Parker's visit to Unalaksa Island this summer was featured on Aleutian Island Radio and in Newsweek. Learn more about their research through the University of Oklahoma's Research YouTube video.
Bonnie Pitblado along with current and former students Delaney Cooley, Bobi Deere, Meghan Dudley, Allison McLeod, Kaylyn Moore, and Horvey Palacios published an article entitled “The Oklahoma Public Archaeology Network (OKPAN): Leveraging University Resources to Serve Historically Excluded Communities” in the journal Advances in Archaeological Practice.
Matt Pailes along with current and recent OU graduate students Andrew Krug, Dakota Larrick, and Robin Singleton just published an article in the Journal of Field Archaeology.
Misha Klein coauthored a piece, "Protest and the End of Community Consensus," (together with historian Michel Gherman from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, and using my photos) that has just been published as part of an edited volume, Jews Across the Americas (NYU Press).
Elyse Singer was awarded a two-year Senior Research Award from the National Science Foundation ($238,000) for a project titled "Bioethical Frameworks Informing Medical Decision-Making around Palliative Care."
Matt Pailes and current and former OU graduate students Andrew Krug, Jaron Davidson, Dakota Larrick, Justin Lund, and Delaney Cooley had an article published in Latin American Antiquity this summer entitled "Spatial and Temporal Limits of the Casas Grandes Tradition: A View from the Fronteras Valley."
Claire Nicholas recently received a $17,761.00 grant from the USDA to support interview-based research on perceptions and experiences of rural life in the Great Plains, and decisions to stay, leave, or return to rural communities.