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Lunar Sooners set up 4 telescopes with solar filters on April 8 2024 to observe the solar eclipse. They collaborated with OU Marketing to host a fantastic event, delivering about 3000 eclipse glasses. Adam Moss MC'ed the event, and we were happy to have President Harroz join and look through our telescopes. Many Lunar Sooners members made this event possible, especially Adam Moss, Heechan Yuk, Chanuntorn Pumpo, Gil Garcia, Stephanie Hall, Theeva Jayanthi, and others.

Read more about Lunar Sooners.

Attendees at the solar eclipse event stand side-by-side and point upward toward the sky while wearing solar eclipse glasses.

Bihui Zhu, an assistant professor of atomic, molecular, and optical physics in the Center for Quantum Research and Technology, is one of 48 researchers named to the 2024 Young Investigator Program by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research for her project titled “Harnessing quantum many-body phenomena with long-range interacting AMO platforms.”

To learn more, read the full news article.

Dr. Thirumalai “Venky” Venkatesan, the director of the Center for Quantum Research and Technology at the University of Oklahoma, was elected as Foreign Fellow of the Indian National Science Academy.

View Dr. Venkatesan's letter from INSA (pdf).

Mukremin Kilic, Ph.D., an associate professor of astrophysics and cosmology in the Homer L. Dodge Department of Physics and Astronomy, is one of 14 scientists selected by NASA to join the Ultraviolet Transient Astronomy Satellite Participating Scientists Program.

To read more, view the full news article.

In other recent news, Professors Tischler, Santos, and Furis have secured large Federal grants to support new recent themes in the CQRT. Tischler and Santos from the Physics and Astronomy Department at OU in collaboration with Amethyst Research Incorporated (ARI) were granted a Phase II Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) from the Office of the Secretary of Defense for a total of $1,700,000.00. OU and ARI are working together to develop tunable epsilon-near-zero tunneling diodes in the infrared region to be used as detectors and light sources.

To read more about the CQRT grants, view the newsletter feature.

On March 8th and 9th, the Homer L. Dodge Department of Physics & Astronomy participated in an APS Improving the Climate for Women Site Visit. This program, run by the American Physical Society, sends 4-person groups of external visitors to physics departments around the country with the goal of improving the department climate for women and other marginalized groups.

To read more about the APS visit, view the newsletter feature.

Hosted Conferences

XIV International Conference on Interconnections between Particle Physics and Cosmology


Learn more about the PPC 2021 conference  

CQRT Inaugural Workshop

The inaugural 2-day workshop brought leading researchers from academia, national laboratories, and industry to OU’s Norman campus in May 2022.

Read more about the CQRT workshop  


Optical Tweezer
Mini Workshop

View the original event flyer below:

Optical Tweezer Mini Workshop.pdf