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Jonathan Stalling

Jonathan Stalling

Affiliate Faculty Member

Photo of Jonathan Stalling

Ph.D., SUNY Buffalo, 2006



Dr. Stalling is the Harold J. & Ruth Newman Chair of US-China Issues and Professor of International and Area Studies (and Affiliate Professor of English) as well as Co-Director of the Institute for US-China Issues, where he directs The Newman Prize for Chinese Literature, The Newman Prize for English JuejuChinese Literature Today, and the CLT book series (University of Oklahoma Press). He is also the founder and Curator of the Chinese Literature Translation Archive and an Affiliate Professor of English. Dr. Stalling specializes in Comparative US-China Culture, Literature, and Poetics as well as Chinese-English translation and interlanguage studies (and pedagogies). He teaches courses on various aspects of US-China cultural, literary, and linguistic studies. He is the author or editor of eight books: Poetics of Emptiness (Fordham), Grotto Heaven (Chax), Yingelishi: Sinophonic Poetry and Poetics (Counterpath) and Lost Wax: Translation through the Voidand he is the co-editor of The Chinese Written Character as a Medium for Poetry (Fordham), By The River: Contemporary Chinese Novellas (Oklahoma) and Contemporary Taiwanese Women Writers (Cambria). He is the translator of Winter Sun: Poety of Shi Zhi (1966-2005), which was a finalist for the National Translation Award. His opera Yingelishi (吟歌丽诗) was performed at Yunnan University in 2010, and a portion of a newly scored version was staged by Opera 180 in Kansas City in 2018. Stalling was the first non-Chinese Poet in Residence of Beijing University, and was also Poet in Residence of Hongcun (Huangshan, Anhui, China) in 2015 and of Lingshui Tan in 2019. Stalling’s interlanguage work was the subject of two TEDx Talks (TEDx Talk #1 and TEDx Talk #2), and exhibitions of his work can be found at This work is the subject of a new book forthcoming from Hong Kong University Art Museum Press, entitled “Inter-Resonance: Chinese-English Art, Poetics, Linguistics." 

Research & Teaching Interests

Modern to Contemporary American Poetry; Comparative Chinese-Western Poetics,  Literary and Cultural Theory, Translation Studies, Creative Writing (poetry), and EFL. 


Yinggelishi: Jonathan Stalling's Interlanguage Art. Hong Kong University Press, 2021.