General advising for freshmen is provided by University College, a non-degree granting college that focuses on helping students make the transition to the university and provides them with academic advising and a variety of counseling and coaching activities to help them select a major and achieve academic success.
Once students are admitted to a degree granting college, they are advised either by academic counselors in the college office or by professional or faculty advisors in the department in which they are majoring.
A flowchart (PDF) of academic advising from The Guide can be helpful when moving from one academic unit to another.
In addition to formal academic advising, students may select from a wide variety of additional counseling and support services, including workshops offered by the Assessment Center, Learning Center, and the Center for Student Life; major and career assessments by the Center for Major and Career Exploration; individual career assistance by Career Services; and academic assistance through the Writing Center and several tutoring programs.