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College of International Studies

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David L. Boren College of International Studies

Admission Requirements

  • OU Students: 2.0 GPA (COMB and OU)
  • Transfer Students: fewer than 60 hours 2.5 GPA; 60 or more hours 2.0 GPA


Additional Requirements

  • Current OU students who meet the admission requirements may declare a major in this college through a College of International Studies academic counselor at any time during the semester.
    • Note: Beginning the 11th week of the semester, a change in major will be reflected on a student's transcript for the following semester. Colleges may wait until the end of the semester to review a student's final grades before approving/processing a major change.

Advising Office: Farzaneh Hall, 218, 219, and 220
Phone(405) 325-4547     Advising website

Q. Who is my advisor?
A. Academic advisors are assigned as follows:

  • Katie Watkins (405-325-2337) - advises graduate students including BA/MA, MAIS, MAIS/JD, and GAMA
  • Malin Collins (405-325-4547) - advises all undergraduate students (all IAS majors and minors)

Q. When should I be advised?

A. Students are required to be advised prior to each enrollment period.

Q. How do I make an advising appointment?
A. You may schedule an advising appointment through iAdvise.

The College of International Studies offers majors in Asian Studies, European Studies, International Development, International Security Studies, International Studies, Latin American Studies, Middle Eastern Studies, and Russian and Eastern European Studies, and Global Energy, Environment, and Resources.

The College of International Studies Student Services Office provides advising services through professional advising staff in the College. The academic counselor in the Student Services office assists students with academic and graduation issues, evaluates transfer work, and verifies and clears degree requirements. The academic advisors in the Student Services office provide detailed information regarding the College’s majors, minors, courses, and instructors.

All College of International Studies majors are required to meet with professional advisors prior to enrollment each semester for assistance in choosing appropriate classes.

Students should be familiar with the degree requirements checksheet for their major. Additional information for majors is available on the College of International Studies Undergraduate Majors website.