Multidisciplinary Studies
Admission Requirements
- OU Students: 2.0 GPA (COMB and OU)
- Transfer Students: fewer than 60 hours 2.5 GPA; 60 or more hours 2.0 GPA
Additional Requirements
- Current OU students who meet the admission requirements may declare a major in this degree program through an MDS academic counselor at any time during the semester.
- Note: Beginning the 11th week of the semester, a change in major will be reflected on a student's transcript for the following semester. Colleges may wait until the end of the semester to review a student's final grades before approving/processing a major change.
Advising office: 124 Ellison Hall
Phone: (405) 325-4411 Advising website Checksheets
Q. Who is my advisor?
A. Academic advisors in the MDS major are assigned based on the first letter of a student's last name. For your assigned counselor and contact information please visit the advising website.
Q. When should I be advised?
A. Students are required to be advised prior to each enrollment period. Students may make an advising appointment using the iAdvise appointment system.
The Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degree programs in Multidisciplinary Studies are university-wide degrees administered through the College of Arts and Sciences. Academic Counselors for the Multidisciplinary Studies program are listed on their advising website.
If you wish to pursue this degree program, you would propose a major theme of study with a course plan in coordination with an MDS academic counselor. The course plan must be approved by the Provost. Specific information about the MDS program is available on the MDS home page.
Students transferring from other universities and wishing to major in Multidisciplinary Studies must meet with an MDS academic counselor for an evaluation of credits. Please call 405-325-4411 to schedule a Transfer Student appointment.