Residents are divided into teams with a resident from each PGY level. Each team has a research topic, a PGY-4 team leader, and faculty mentors. Teams meet regularly and each resident on a team has required responsibilities for research during the year. All 3rd year residents are required to present their team research at the annual Research Day in the spring of each academic year. It is also expected that the project will be summarized in a report suitable for publication. Presentation of research projects at regional and national meetings is highly encouraged. Current research topics include: Obstetrical Ultrasound, Diabetes in Pregnancy, Urogynecology, Surgical Techniques and Advances in Resident Research Education.

Dr. Daniel Bond at CVS Clinical Vignette Symposium
Recent Quality Improvement Projects by Residents
Project |
Resident |
Improving Postpartum Follow Up: Mommy & Me | Kristen Mussett, DO |
Increasing our discharge follow up appointments | Kimberly Gillens, MD |
Increasing the patient portal use | Daniel Bond, DO |
Resident Research Projects
OB/GYN Resident Research Projects 2023
Project | Lead Resident | PI |
African American Maternal Morbidity and Mortality: Trust is Earned | Gillens | Price |
The Addition of Simulation and Residents as Teachers in Obstetric Ultrasound Training for Residents | Sandhu | K. Gold |
Weight Changes after Oophorectomy in a Gynecology Oncology Clinic | Lopez | Richards |
Assessing Resident Physician Comfort Level and Opportunities for Adolescent Sexual Health Counseling Among Family Medicine, Ob/Gyn and Pediatric Residency Programs | Jackson | Markey |
The Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Mental Health of Women Using the PHQ-9 Questionnaire. | Bond | Price |
Continuous glucose monitoring for diagnosis of persistent insulin resistance in the postpartum period | Mussett | Perloff, J. Richards |
AHA Healthy Lifestyles Rx: Does this program lead to improved BP control in our patients? | Grigorian | Price |
Using the My Intuitive app to assess operative times for benign hysterectomy: Implementing a formal robotic surgery curriculum in residency training | Snell | Markey |
How does standardizing implementation of ERAS for pre-operative GYN patients improve quality of care and pain management? | Hahn-Wilson, DO and Shelton, DO | Price |
Thomson CA, Crane TE, Miller A, Gold MA, Powell M, Bixel K, Van Le L, DiSilvestro P, Ratner E, Lele S, Guntupalli S, Huh W, Robertson SE, Modesitt S, Casey AC, Basen-Engquist K, Skiba M, Walker J, Kachnic L, Alberts DS. Lifestyle intervention in ovarian cancer enhanced survival (LIVES) study (NRG/GOG0225): Recruitment, retention and baseline characteristics of a randomized trial of diet and physical activity in ovarian cancer survivors. Gynecol Oncol. 2023 Mar;170:11-18. doi: 10.1016/j.ygyno.2022.12.017. Epub 2023 Jan 4.PMID: 36608382.
Benbrook DM, Deng W, Gold MA, Rai R, Conrad R, van der Wel H, Husain S, Moore K, Spirtos N, Jackson AL, Zakhour M, Mathews CA, West CM. Association of Sialyl Tn antigen with cervical cancer lymph node status: An NRG oncology/GOG study Gynecol Oncol. 2023 Apr;171:67-75. doi: 10.1016/j.ygyno.2023.02.001. Epub 2023 Feb 22.PMID: 36827840.
Mirza MR, Chase DM, Slomovitz BM, dePont Christensen R, Novák Z, Black D, Gilbert L, Sharma S, Valabrega G, Landrum LM, Hanker LC, Stuckey A, Boere I, Gold MA, Auranen A, Pothuri B, Cibula D, McCourt C, Raspagliesi F, Shahin MS, Gill SE, Monk BJ, Buscema J, Herzog TJ, Copeland LJ, Tian M, He Z, Stevens S, Zografos E, Coleman RL, Powell MA; RUBY Investigators. Dostarlimab for Primary Advanced or Recurrent Endometrial Cancer. N Engl J Med. 2023 Mar 27. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa2216334. Online ahead of print.PMID: 36972026.
Hartwell M, Keener A, Robling K, Enmeier M, Sajjadi NB, Greiner B, Price J. Associations of intimate partner violence and maternal comorbidities: a cross-sectional analysis of the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System. J Osteopath Med. 2023 Mar 22;123(8):405-410. doi: 10.1515/jom-2023-0018. PMID: 36943903.
Elenwo, C., Batioja, K., Davis, T., Greiner, B., Markey, C., Hartwell, M. Associations of maternal age, education, and marital status with HPV vaccine uptake and hesitancy among United States Youth: A cross-sectional analysis of the 2020 National Immunization Survey (NIS). J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol. 2023 Feb 8;S1083-3188(23)00223-1. doi: 10.1016/j.jpag.2023.01.213. Online ahead of print. PMID: 36758721.
Austin J, Wirtz A, Garrett M, Ferrell SC, Stephenson E, Gajjar S, Perloff S, Hartwell M. Associations of cesarean sections with comorbidities within the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System. J Perinat Med. 2023 May 22. doi: 10.1515/jpm-2023-0005. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37203560.
Conrad, R.D., Liu, A. H., Wentzensen, N., Zhang, R.R., Dunn, S.T., Wang, S. S., Schiffman, M. Gold, Michael A., Walker, J. L., Zuna, R.E. Cytologic Patterns of Cervical Adenocarcinomas With Emphasis on Factors Associated With Underdiagnosis. Cancer Cytopathol Nov 2018, 126 (11), 950-958. DOI: 10.1002/cncy.22055. PMID: 30351473, PMCID: PMC6231976.
Huh, W.K.,Papagiannakis, E, Gold, Michael A. Observed Colposcopy Practice in US Community-Based Clinics: The Retrospective Control Arm of the IMPROVE-COLPO Study. J Low Genit Tract Dis. Apr 2019, 23 (2), 110-115. DOI: 10.1097/LGT.0000000000000454. PMID: 30694884 PMCID: PMC6939606.
Khaja, Anam and DeSilva, Nirupama. The Female Adolescent Breast: Disorders of Development. Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol Oct 2019, 31 (5), 293-297. DOI: 10.1097/GCO.0000000000000564. PMID: 31356237.
Meriwether KV, Gold Karen P., de Tayrac R, Cichowski SB, Minassian VA, Cartwright R, Miotla P, Grimes CL, Brito LGO, Bazi TM, Carberry CL, Zhu L, Rogers RG. Joint report on terminology for surgical procedures to treat pelvic organ prolapse. Developed by the Joint Writing Group of the American Urogynecologic Society and the International Urogynecological Association. Int Urogynecol J. 2020 Feb 10. doi: 10.1007/s00192-020- 04236-1. [Epub ahead of print]. PMID: 32040671.
Moscicki, A., Flowers, L., Huchko, M.J., Long, M. E., MacLaughlin, K. L., Murphy, J., Spiryda, L., Gold, Michael A. Guidelines for Cervical Cancer Screening in Immunosuppressed Women Without HIV Infection. J Low Genit Tract Dis Apr 2019, 23 (2), 87-101. DOI: 10.1097/LGT.0000000000000468. PMID: 30907775.
Nardos R, Ayenachew F, Roentgen R, Abreha M, Jacobson L, Haile A, Berhe Y, Gold Karen P., Gregory WT, Spitznagle T, Payne CK, Wall LL. Capacity building in female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery: Global Health Partnership beyond fistula care in Ethiopia. Int Urogynecol J. 2020 Feb;31(2):227-235. doi: 10.1007/s00192-019-04197-0. Epub 2020, Jan 3. Review. PMID: 31900548.
Silver, M.I., Andrews, J., Cooper, C.K., Gage, J.C., Gold, Michael A., Khan, M.J., Massad, L.S., Parvu, V., Perkins, R., Schiffman, M., Smith, K.M., Wentzensen. N. Risk of Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia 2 or Worse by Cytology, Human Papillomavirus 16/18, and Colposcopy Impression: A Systematic Review and Metaanalysis. Obstet Gynecol, Sep 2018, 132 (3), 725-735. DOI: 10.1097/AOG.0000000000002812. PMID: 30095780, PMCID: PMC6105396.
Posters & Presentations
Post-Abortion Necrotic Cervical Mass: Ashley Brown, MD, Clare Hinchey, DO, John Ervin, MD, MBA.
Simultaneous Cystoscopy and Laparoscopy to Delineate Bladder Borders During Hysterectomy: Jillian Lundie, MD; John Ervin, MD, MBA.
Lippes Loop Intrauterine Device Found Incidentally During InterStim placement: Case Report: Camille Meehan, DO.
Robot-Assisted Hysterectomy for Management of Cervical Ectopic Pregnancy Uzma Sandhu, MD , Karen Gold, MD, MSCI
What vaccines could have prevented...Stillbirth & Postpartum Limb Amputations Kimberly Gillens, MD, Monica Henning, MD
Prolonged neuromuscular blockade: A case of possible of pseudocholinesterase deficiency Daniel Bond, DO: John Ervin, MD MBA.
Contact Us
For questions regarding research opportunities & resources, please contact the Department of OB/GYN Research Coordinator, Guimy Castor, MPH by email at or by phone at (918) 660-8352.

Guimy Castor, MPH
Research Project Coordinator
The University of Oklahoma School of Community Medicine
Department of OB/GYN
Office: (918) 660-8352