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Research Training and Development

The Office of Research Services (ORS) provides in-person, online, and recorded training events for faculty and staff. The goal of these training opportunities is to provide information, examples, and other resources to assist researchers in developing more competitive proposals and growing the OU research enterprise.

Most of the training sessions offered through ORS are optional; however, there are a few research-related training events that are required for some OU employees.

  • The Sponsored Research and Compliance Seminar covers eight research-related compliance topics and is required for faculty and staff who are involved in sponsored research or award administration.
  • Researchers will find the PHS/DOE Conflict of Interest policies, along with information about disclosures and mandatory training for awardees, on the ORS Financial Conflicts of Interest webpage.
  • Students and postdoctoral researchers that are supported by NSF grants must complete online CITI training which provides information on core topics to consider in efforts to conduct research in a responsible manner. Instructions and links to the mandatory training can be found on the ORS Responsible Conduct in Research page.

Additional resources that contribute to creating a supportive research environment within the University include the Center for Faculty Excellence (CFE), which supports program, idea, and proposal development, the CFE research curriculum plan, which lays out a progression of workshops and consultation events that will help you along each phase of your career, and the University Libraries (UL), which can assist in developing data management plans for proposals and identifying an appropriate data repository.

Upcoming Training Events

Recorded Training

You can use the links within each description below to access a recording of the in-person session or webinar. For reference and convenience, we have also provided the presentation slides and contact information for each speaker.


The fundamentals training videos introduce the viewer to sponsors, proposals, and OU’s submission process. Whether you are a new researcher or just new to OU, use the links below to learn more about proposal development and submission at OU.

  • Submitting an InfoSheet
  • Using the ORS Budget Template
  • Proposals 101
  • ORS Internal Processes for Routing and Submission
  • Introduction to Sponsors
  • PI Proposal Basics

Federal Sponsors

Explore common requirements, submission processes, and tips on avoiding pitfalls by reviewing the ORS training videos focused on federal sponsors.

  • Navigating the NEA
  • Navigating the NEH
  • Navigating the DOD
  • Navigating the NOAA
  • Navigating the NASA
  • Navigating the NIH
  • Navigating the NSF

Agency Updates

Federal agencies often update their guidelines and requirements for research proposals. It is important for researchers to stay current on these Agency Updates to ensure compliance and to submit competitive proposals.

  • NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy Update
  • NIH Update – Biosketch and Other Support
  • NSF Update: Significant Changes to the PAPPG 22-1
  • Submitting Proposals through

Non-Federal Sponsors

Submitting proposals to Non-Federal Sponsors involves a similar process to submitting proposals to federal sponsors, but there may be some differences in requirements and procedures.

  • Submitting Proposals to For-Profits
  • Submitting Proposals to Foundations
  • Submitting Proposals to State Agencies

Budget Preparation

Proposal budgets, which may include cost share, are essential components of grant proposals. ORS provides a basic overview for those new to Budget Preparation.

  • Budget Basics
  • Cost-Share

Internal Systems

Learn more about the ORS Internal Systems used for managing proposals and awards and the dashboard used for retrieving sponsored research data.

  • Navigating Cayuse
  • OU Research Report - Basics