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Manuscript Development Workshop Recipients

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Manuscript Development Workshop Recipients

Abstract emblem of two books one dark blue and one light blue, with the text "Manuscript Development Workshops"
Dr. Wendy Mallette

Wendy Mallette

Assistant Professor, Religious Studies

Lesbian Feminist Killjoys: Sin, Pessimism, and Queer Histories

Dr. Wendy Mallette’s book project responds to denials of inherited guilt in anti-critical race theory and anti-trans legislation and uncovers what is gained by bringing the doctrine of sin into queer studies. Her archival analysis of 1960s-1980s lesbian feminism centers on Beverly Smith, Andrea Dworkin, Pat Parker, and Jill Johnston, who theorize sex’s imbrication with racism, capitalism, and anti-Semitism. Their pessimism motivates the book’s reappraisal of sin and historical complicity. Engaging contemporary Black and queer Christian thought, “Lesbian Feminist Killjoys” traces how sin and innocence are leveraged to manage fears of racial and sexual contagion from nineteenth-century colonial discourses to debates over same-sex marriage. This project’s queer account of sin provides a means to grapple with sex’s relation to histories of oppression.

Dr. Andreana Prichard

Andreana Prichard

Associate Professor, Honors College

Orphans and Demons: What One Missionary’s Conviction Can Tell Us About Centuries of Global Aid to Africa

Prichard’s manuscript, “Orphans and Demons: What One Missionary’s Conviction Can Tell Us About Centuries of Global Aid to Africa,” uses the 2014 federal legal case against a 19-year-oldOklahoma missionary to examine the history and effects of the “orphan industrial complex” in eastern Africa. While these horrific charges made headlines across the globe, questions about the system that allowed an unlicensed orphanage to host unvetted and untrained foreign volunteers, and about mounting evidence of illegal activities at the orphanage—including that the children had been coerced to fabricate these allegations—barely entered the public narrative. Regardless of whether the assaults occurred or whether the allegations were an elaborate hoax carried out by staff running an illicit operation, the “orphan industrial complex” is a central culprit. Indeed, “Orphans and Demons” does not ask who is guilty but asks how this tragic situation—both this individual case and the broader “orphan crisis”—came about. Prichard’s book argues that both are the result of a long history of Western engagement with African “orphans,” and that the case offers an illuminating entry point into the complex colonial genealogies of faith, care, and doing good that dominate the orphanage industry.

Dr. Emily Warner

Emily Warner

Assistant Professor, School of Visual Arts

Abstraction Unframed: Abstract Murals at Midcentury 

Dr. Warner’s book examines how artists expanded the reach of one of modernism’s most notoriously difficult art forms: abstraction. Across the midcentury years, abstract painters from Albert Swinden to Jackson Pollock and Lee Krasner turned to muralism as a way to ‘unframe’ their abstractions: to free them from the spatial confines of the easel painting and the social confines of the elite art world. The resulting artworks—abstract murals embedded in housing projects, living rooms, and office lobbies—rethought the relationship between art and life. They transformed living and working spaces into dynamic, immersive art environments, and declared that abstraction’s true audience lay in the broad masses of people who moved through and lived in the modern world. The book offers a new history of abstraction, revealed to be a deeply social and political form, and engaged in surprising ways with significant American cultural projects, from New Deal populism to the ideology of the midcentury home to the seeming crisis of humanism in postwar corporate culture. Located at the interface between art, architecture, and daily living, abstract murals embody one of modernism’s most enduring fantasies: to bridge the domains of art and life. 

Dr. Emily Burns

Emily Burns

Associate Professor, Visual Arts

Director, Charles M. Russell Center for the Study of the Art of the American West

Performing Innocence: U.S. Art and Culture in fin-de-siécle Paris

Dr. Emily Burns’ book project “Performing Innocence” traces an intellectual and visual history of pervasive constructions of U.S. innocence —a visual and verbal culture of naïveté—which many expatriate U.S. artists and writers markedly projected in Paris during the late nineteenth century. While thousands of artists went abroad after the Civil War to mature artistically, the majority performed a studied and self-conscious cultural immaturity that pandered to European expectations that the United States lacked history, tradition, and culture. Through analysis of art, visual and material culture, letters, diaries and print materials, Dr. Burns argues that many of the U.S. Americans who traveled to Paris performed a paradox: knowing innocence. Perpetuating this trope in international settings, many Americans traded in nationalist and racialized codes that affirmed dominant narratives of U.S. society as centered in white, Anglo-Saxon identity but that also circulated constant contradictions.   

Dr. Lewis Eliot

Lewis Eliot

Assistant Professor, History

Neither Men nor Brothers: Enslaved Rebellion, Abolitionism, and Imperialism in Britain’s Nineteenth-Century Atlantic World

Dr. Lewis Eliot’s book project argues that the pre- and post-emancipation British Empires were in reality fused into continuous imperial white supremacy. Through an examination of the context, progress, and consequences of enslaved revolts in the nineteenth century, this book explains how the nature of slavery in the Atlantic world created a subaltern community and consciousness among those of African descent that whites failed to recognize or understand. Ultimately, Neither Men nor Brothers shows that the justification for enslavements to save Africans from themselves and the validation for emancipation to save Africans from exploitation both served to further British colonial domination. And when judged by territory under the Union Jack, colonialism in the service of abolitionism produced a far larger empire than colonialism in the service of slavery.

Dr. Joseph Mansky

Joseph Mansky

Assistant Professor, English

Political Representation: A Literary History, 1558-1651

In this manuscript, Dr. Joseph Mansky charts a new genealogy of political representation from Elizabethan humanism to the English Revolution (1558-1651). He argues that the early history of political representation is in large part a literary history. Centuries before it became a political term of art, representation described instead the kind of virtual or symbolic presence conjured by drama, painting, and poetry. At the heart of the book Dr. Mansky grapples with the central paradox of representation: that it makes present in some form something which is, in fact, absent. By recovering the rhetorical frameworks that shaped representation from poetry to parliament, this book demonstrates how the collision between juridical and rhetorical concepts of representation gave rise to the demand for electoral accountability that remains at the core of modern representative democracy.

Dr. Lauren Duval

Lauren Duval

Assistant Professor of History

The Home Front: Revolutionary Households, Military Occupation, and the Creation of the American Republic

The Home Front analyzes households in and around British-occupied Boston, New York, Newport, Philadelphia, Savannah, and Charleston during the American Revolution to investigate how diverse civilian populations experienced military occupation and understood its implications for their lives, families, and property, and the legacies of this turmoil for the nascent American republic.

Dr. Victoria Sturtevant

Victoria Sturtevant

Associate Professor of Film and Media Studies

Fertile Ground: A Critical History of Pregnancy in American Film and Television Comedy

Fertile Ground traces the history of pregnancy in American film and television comedy, linking the social evolution of American attitudes toward pregnancy with mainstream representational strategies that transformed social discomforts into comedy.

Dr. Rachel C. Jackson

Rachel C. Jackson

Assistant Professor of English

Red State Reclaimed: The Transrhetorical Recovery of Resistance in Oklahoma

Red State Reclaimed argues for critical attention to local rhetorics and characterizes Oklahoma as a unite site for understanding their impact on student writers and writing instruction. Despite its absence from dominant historical narratives, Oklahoma encompasses a unique racial history that offers regional insight into how local activity rhetorics cross cultural boundaries and yield cooperative alliances between distinct cultural groups.

Dr. Elyse Singer

Elyse O. Singer

Assistant Professor of Anthropology

Legalizing Sin: Reproductive Citizenship and Mexican Abortion Care

In "Legalizing Sin: Reproductive Citizenship and Mexican Abortion Care," Dr. Elyse Singer considers how recent transformations in Mexican reproductive governance bear on the ways that women experience their bodies and their relationship to the Mexican state amidst an ongoing national struggle for democratic citizenship.

Photo of Workshop

Erin Duncan-O'Neill, Assistant Professor of Art History

Media and the Politics of Satire in the Art of Honoré Daumier

Dr. Erin Duncan-O'Neill

Dr. Erin Duncan-O’Neill's book project, "Media and the Politics of Satire in the Art of Honoré Daumier," investigates the role of satire in the multimedia art practice of the 19th-century French artist. Examining Daumier’s engagement with celebrity culture, theatrical performance, and scenes from the literary past, this book will expand the literature on an artist best known for political caricature and demonstrate that the politics of satire motivated his long-standing investment in problems of representation.

Sarah Hines, Assistant Professor of History

Water for All: Revolution, Property, and Community in Twentieth-Century Bolivia

Dr. Sarah Hines

Dr. Sarah Hines will present her manuscript, "Water for All: Revolution, Property, and Community in Twentieth-Century Bolivia." Her project is a social, political, and environmental history of water access and hydraulic engineering in Bolivia from the late nineteenth century to the early twenty-first. The book concentrates on the Cochabamba Valley, the site of intense conflict over water tenure, hydraulic infrastructure, and attempts to reform both over this period, especially after the 1952 Bolivian Revolution. 

Photo of Workshop

Gabriela Raquel Ríos, Assistant Professor of English

Decolonizing Ontologies

Dr. Gabriela Raquel Rios

This book project intervenes in a conversation about the embeddedness of humans in the natural world to offer a perspective on human and nonhuman relations from indigenous philosophies from the Americas. Dr. Gabriela Raquel Ríos argues that these versions of humanity can provide avenues for healing and bringing balance to relations that were/are severed, challenged, or altered during colonial domination.

Kathleen Tipler, Assistant Professor of Political Science

Reflexive Governance: Democratic Legitimacy and Legal Institutions

Dr. Kathleen Tipler

In Reflexive Governance, Dr. Kathleen Tipler examines the relationship of judicial review — that is, when judges review and potentially invalidate laws — to democracy. Through its case studies of conflict between courts and elected officials, the book develops a concept of democratic governance rooted in the idea of reflexive contestation over different institutionalized representations of the people. The purpose  of Reflexive Governance is not justificatory, however: it argues that courts’ democratic potential is latent, given how legal officials are not held to democratic standards, and given significant limits on popular access to courts.

Balo Saho, Assistant Professor of History

Negotiating Womanhood: The Peril of Infertility and Kañeleng Women in Gambia

Dr. Balo Saho

Kañeleng refers to a woman who cannot bear children, whom Gambian society considers infertile, or whose children die at an early age. Dr. Balo Saho’s study seeks to understand the traditional processes and mechanisms by which the kañeleng struggle to cope with and challenge the issues of childlessness in the Gambia by participating in rituals, prayers, performances, songs, and the inversion of roles. In order to explore the history and to reach an understanding of the kañeleng women, their associations, and their traditional coping mechanisms, this book will examine how the kañeleng attempt to reconfigure female-male relationships, and how these infertile women assert themselves in a social order that rejects them. Dr. Saho will also explore how the infertile women’s societies function as ways of generating a sense of worth and solidarity.

Kathryn Schumaker, Assistant Professor of Classics & Letters/Institute for the American Constitutional Heritage

Civil Rights at the Schoolhouse Gate: Student Protest and the Struggle for Racial Reform

Dr. Kathryn Schumaker

In Civil Rights at the Schoolhouse Gate: Student Protest and the Struggle for Racial Reform Dr. Kathryn Schumaker examines how high school student activism in the late 1960s and early 1970s led to the development of students’ constitutional and civil rights. Before 1969, the courts largely deferred to local school officials and boards of education on matters concerning student speech, disciplinary practices, and school curricula. But landmark Supreme Court decisions between 1965 and 1980 marked out the contours of a new regime of students’ rights. Many of these decisions were rooted in protests staged by students of color who challenged discriminatory practices at school. Dr. Schumaker argues that as the courts articulated constitutional protections for all students they narrowed conceptions of educational equality while building the foundation for other rights on ideas of order. This project explores how, in an era marked by youth protest movements, riots, and “law and order” politics, ideas about order and disorder were inextricably linked to concerns about race and made students of color vulnerable to being excluded from public schools entirely even as they gained new rights protections.

Dan Mains, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Honors College

Under Construction: Technologies of Development in Urban Ethiopia

Dr. Dan Mains

Dr. Dan Mains' book project, "Under Construction: Technologies of Development in Urban Ethiopia," explores the intersection between development and governance through an ethnographic examination of conflicts surrounding specific infrastructural technologies - asphalt roads, cobblestone roads, three-wheeled motorcycle taxis, and hydroelectric dams. In each case Dr. Mains takes the process of construction and regulation as a site for ethnographic research and as a means of theorizing the present in terms of encounters between ideologies of development, citizens, states, technologies, and the people who provide infrastructure. Contrasting materials, like cobblestone and asphalt, create different limits and opportunities for states to assert their legitimacy through infrastructural development. The state also seeks to regulate and manage the people who build and deliver much of the infrastructure in urban Ethiopia. "Under Construction" is based on long-term ethnographic research with government administrators, engineers, construction laborers, three-wheeled motorcycle taxi drivers, and the residents of rapidly changing neighborhoods in the Ethiopian cities of Jimma and Hawassa.

Mirelsie Velazquez, Assistant Professor of Educational Policy and Leadership

Winning Means Hope

Dr. Mirelsie Valazquez

Dr. Mirelsie Velazquez’ book-in-progress, Winning Means Hope, analyzes the educational experiences of Puerto Ricans in Chicago following their initial mass migration to Chicago in the 1940s until 1977. The book chronicles the ways in which the racialization of Puerto Ricans in Chicago has resulted in schooling inequalities, and has forced community response. Chicago becomes the space that this population comes to navigate, negotiate, and embody as a marker of who they are as a racialized group. City schools then become the place where Puerto Rican Americans can begin to gain a sense of security, share their lived experiences, and hope to meet their practical needs. The book offers a narrative of the intersectionality of schools, oppression, and liberation in terms of Puerto Ricans in the diaspora.