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Extreme Weather and Society


Extreme Weather and Society

IPPRA is actively engaged in policy analysis and research at the intersection of extreme weather and society, with a focus on enhancing risk communication and decision-making in anticipation of high-impact weather and climate events. Our diverse projects in this domain involve extensive partnerships with NOAA's Weather Program Office (WPO) and the National Weather Service (NWS). Through these partnerships, we systematically assess public reception, comprehension, trust, and response to weather forecasts and warnings.


We also collect data on how emergency managers utilize information and make decisions in preparation for and response to extreme weather and climate events. Alongside these projects, we are working on a variety of boundary-spanning risk communication challenges, such as how to convey uncertainty in verbal messages and visualizations. We strive to make our research in this domain as user-friendly and accessible as possible for policymakers, risk communicators, and fellow academics.


To achieve this, we develop open-source interactive dashboards, providing a dynamic and engaging way for users to interact with our findings. Additionally, we actively share our data in open-access public repositories, ensuring transparency and facilitating widespread access to the information generated by our research. Through these measures, we aim to empower a diverse audience to leverage our insights for informed decision-making, risk communication, and the pursuit of actionable academic knowledge.

For More Information, Contact:

Dr. Joe Ripberger
