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Research Products

IPPRA is building partnerships and conducting research by integrating public policy scholarship with the physical and engineering sciences to increase human well-being, improve our social choice infrastructure, and enhance resilience by addressing complex public policy problems and creating opportunities that span natural, technological, and social systems.




Selected Publications

IPPRA’s research and outreach activities cross academic disciplines and include practitioners, private partners and students to create interdisciplinary collaborations and knowledge. This approach results in deeper understanding of and better solutions for complex challenges. Our research outcomes include academic publications in  top tier academic journals, government reports, reference reports, blogs, and media articles.

A Tale of Two Hazards: Studying Broadcast Meteorologist Communication of Simultaneous Tornado and Flash Flood (TORFF) Events.2024Journal of Operational Meteorology 
Exploring risk-scapes in Oklahoma: institutional trust, environmental justice, climate change, and infrastructure1/25/24Safer Communities 
Seeing lies and laying blame: Partisanship and U.S. public perceptions about disinformation2/14/24Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) Misinformation Review 
Consumer willingness-to-pay for a resilient electrical grid3/1/24Energy Economics 
Americans’ Views of Fusion Energy: Implications for Sustainable Public Support3/4/24Fusion Science and Technology 
Where there’s smoke there’s fire: the relationship between perceived and objective wildfire smoke risk3/28/24Environmental Hazards 
Exploring Public Discourse About Spent Nuclear Fuel Management on Twitter3/30/24Nuclear Technology 
Consent-Based Siting of Spent Fuel Facilities: Evidence from Nationwide U.S. Surveys3/30/24Nuclear Technology 
Consumer Willingness-To-Pay for a Resilient Electrical Grid4/12/24Energy Economics 
State legislator views on funding 21st century Transportation:Important problems, missed connections5/1/24Transport Policy 
Unsafe communities: environmental injustice in carceral spaces5/29/24Safer Communities 
The Changing Weather Information Landscape: Observations, Conjectures, and Thoughts about the Future9/24/24Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 
Risk communication and public response to potential radiation emergencies in New York City10/9/24Risk Analysis, An International Journal 
Open Doors or Roadblocks? Assessing District Compliance With Oklahoma’s Student Transfer Laws11/1/24Oklahoma Educational Journal 
Public support for producer adoption of soil health practices11/22/24Agriculture and Human Values 
The Advocacy Coalition Framework - Progress and Emerging Areas1/1/23Theories of the Policy Process 
Can ecological forecasting lead to convergence on sustainable lighting policies?3/21/23Conservation Science and Practice 
The effects of light pollution on migratory animal behavior4/1/23Trends in Ecology & Evolution 
Public Information Priorities across Weather Hazards and Time Scales4/1/23Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 
Blurring Genres, An Agenda for the Study of Climate Change*5/1/23Sociological Inquiry 
Charter Schools and English Learners in the Lone Star State5/1/23Thomas B. Fordham Institute 
Chapter 23: Incarceration and environmental inequality6/8/24Sociology, Social Policy and Education 2023 
Assessing Public Interpretation of Original and Linguist-Suggested SPC Risk Categories in Spanish7/12/23Weather and Forecasting 
Can school choice support district-led efforts to foster diverse schools?7/27/23Brookings Institution 
Watts at stake: Concern and willingness-to-pay for electrical grid improvements in the United States8/1/23Energy Research & Social Science 
Making the invisible visible: examining Black women in Black Lives Matter8/16/23Sociological Spectrum 
Effective stakeholder engagement in environmental problem-solving though group model building: An Oklahoma case study8/22/23Environmental Challenges 
Examining Extreme Rainfall Forecast and Communication Processes in the South-Central United States9/6/23Weather, Climate, and Society 
Typology of household adaptations to infrastructure system service interruptions10/15/23International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 
Breaking Down the ASPIRE Oklahoma Plan10/26/23Oklahoma Education Journal 
The causal impact of local weather anomalies on beliefs about the occurrence of climate change11/14/23Environmental Research Communications 
The Extreme Weather and Emergency Management Survey12/8/23Weather, Climate, and Society 
"The future of nuclear energy in India: Evidence from a nationwide survey"9/1/21Energy Policy
"An Analysis of Tornado Warning Reception and Response across Time: Leveraging Respondents’ Confidence and a Nocturnal Tornado Climatology"8/24/21Weather and Forecasting
"Chapter 2: Communication for development through dialogue, deliberation and civic media: how deliberative democracy and civic capital support social justice"8/10/21Handbook of Communication and Development, Edited by Srinivas R. Melkote and Arvind Singhal, Elgar Handbooks in Development
"Measuring interest group agendas in regulatory proposals: a method and the case of US education policy"8/4/21Interest Groups and Advocacy
"Colorful Language: Investigating Public Interpretation of the Storm Prediction Center Convective Outlook"7/23/21Weather and Forecasting
"Application of in situ tests in unsaturated soils to analysis of spread footings"7/2/21Soils and Rocks
"Interjurisdictional Competition and Policy Preferences of the Public"7/1/21The Journal of Politics
"Parental Risk Literacy is Related to Quality of Life in Spanish Families of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder"7/1/21Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
"Deliberations with American Indian and Alaska Native People about the Ethics of Genomics: An Adapted Model of Deliberation Used with Three Tribal Communities in the United States"6/14/21AJOB Empirical Bioethics
"The Kids on the Bus: The Academic
Consequences of Diversity-Driven
School Reassignments"
5/26/21Journal of Policy Analysis and Management
"Public Willingness to Pay for Continuous and Probabilistic Hazard Information"5/1/21Natural Hazards Review
"Risk Literacy Promotes Representative
Understanding: Numerate People are Less Biased, More Knowledgeable, and More Concerned about Climate Change"
"Who Chooses DonorsChoose? Submission and Funding Patterns on the Nation’s Largest Education Crowdfunding Platform"1/27/21Educational Researcher
"Socioeconomic Status, Race, and Public Support for School Integration"1/1/21AERA Open
"A new measure of the ‘democratic peace’: what country feeling thermometer data can teach us about the drivers of American and Western European foreign policy"1/1/20Political Research Exchange
"A Real-Time, Simulated Forecasting Experiment for Advancing the Prediction of Hazardous Convective Weather"11/1/20Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
"A Visual Analytics Based Decision Making Environment for COVID-19 Modeling and Visualization"10/25/202020 IEEE Visualization Conference
"An Alaska Native community’s views on genetic research, testing, and return of results: Results from a public deliberation"3/16/20PLOS ONE
"An Analysis of Subdaily Severe Thunderstorm Probabilities for the United States"1/1/20Weather and Forecasting
"Construct Validity of Cultural Theory Survey Measures"9/28/20Social Science Quarterly
"Deliberations About Genomic Research and Biobanks With Citizens of the Chickasaw Nation"5/14/20Frontiers in Genetics
"Deliberative democracy and historical perspectives on American Indian/Alaska native political decision-making practices"6/24/20Humanities and Social Sciences Communications
"Exploring Aggregate vs. Relative Public Trust in Administrative Agencies that Manage Spent Nuclear Fuel in the United States"6/13/20Review of Policy Research
"Exploring Community Differences in Tornado Warning Reception, Comprehension, and Response across the United States"6/1/20Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
"Four Principles of Data Collection Simplify and streamline analysis by doing less to the data"5/12/20Towards Data Science
"Geographic Distributions of Extreme Weather Risk Perceptions in the United States"7/28/20Risk Analysis
"How Likely is That Chance of Thunderstorms? A Study of How National Weather Service Forecast Offices Use Words of Estimative Probability and What They Mean to the Public"5/26/20Journal of Operational Meteorology
"Mismatches in prescribed fire awareness and implementation in Oklahoma, USA"12/1/20Rangelands
"Partisan asymmetry in temporal stability of climate change beliefs"3/9/20Nature Climate Change
"Policy, Politics and Beer: A 30-Year Conversation with Peter deLeon"2020International Review of Public Policy
"Political Socialization of International Students: Public-Issue Discourse and Discussion on the College Campus"7/13/20Journal of Intercultural Communication Research
"Preparing to adapt: are public expectations in line with climate projections?"8/22/20Climatic Change
"Revenue use and public support for a carbon tax"8/5/20Environmental Research Letters
"Scientific risk reporting in medical journals can bias expert judgment: Comparing surgeons’ risk comprehension across reporting formats."6/1/20Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied
"Size Effects of Ground Improvement on Seismic Response of Piles: Derivation and Validation of p-y Curves"2/21/20Geo-Congress 2020: Foundations, Soil Improvement, and Erosion, Edited by James P. Hambleton, Ph.D.; Roman Makhnenko, Ph.D.; and Aaron S. Budge, Ph.D., P.E.
"The 2020 Public Policy Yearbook"5/14/20Policy Studies Journal
"The Effects of Need-Based Financial Aid on Employment and Earnings: Experimental Evidence from the Fund for Wisconsin Scholars"5/11/20National Bureau of Economic Research 
"The Relevance and Operations of Political Trust in the COVID-19 Pandemic"12/9/20Public Administration Review
"Thinking outside the polygon: a study of tornado warning perception outside of warning polygon bounds"5/8/20Natural Hazards
"Visual Analytics for Decision-Making During Pandemics"9/14/20Computing in Science & Engineering
Quantitative Research Methods for Political Science, Public Policy and Public Administration for Undergraduates: 1st Edition With Applications in R2020East Tennessee State University
"Behavior of Integral Abutment Bridges in Varying Climate"11/30/19Transport Research Board (?)
"Benefit-Cost Analysis, Policy Impacts, and Congressional Hearings"1/1/19Journal of Benefit Cost Analysis
"Compensatory Control Theory and Public Opinion on Nuclear Policy: Developing an Experimental Measure in an Applied Environmental Context"1/1/19Frontiers in Communication
"Education Savings Accounts: The New Frontier in School Choice"7/3/19Journal of School Choice
"Extraversion and compatibilist intuitions: a ten-year retrospective and meta-analyses"4/3/19Philosophical Psychology
"Flood Risk Literacy: Communication and Implications for Protective Action"11/1/19Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting
"Fostering Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications Research in Tribal Communities: The Center for the Ethics of Indigenous Genomic Research"9/9/19Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics
"Framing Refuge: Media, Framing, and Sanctuary Cities"11/2/19Mass Communication and Society
"Ideology, culture, and risk perception"6/4/19In Politics, policy, and culture
"Implementation of a hydromechanical elastoplastic constitutive model for fully coupled dynamic analysis of unsaturated soils and its validation using centrifuge test results"4/1/19Acta Geotechnica
"Inclusive non-market valuation in Coupled Human and Natural Systems (CHANS): a motivating theory"1/2/19Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy
"Measuring Tornado Warning Reception, Comprehension, and Response in the United States"10/1/19Weather, Climate, and Society
"Monetizing Bowser: A Contingent Valuation of the Statistical Value of Dog Life"11/19/19Journal of Benefit Cost Analysis
"No Child Left Behind, National Ambitions, and Local Realities: Implications for Social and Emotional Learning."9/1/19American Enterprise Institute
"Scientific risk reporting in medical journals can bias expert judgment: Comparing surgeons’ risk comprehension across reporting formats."10/14/19Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied
"Sharpening advocacy coalitions"6/28/19Policy Studies Journal
"Situational awareness measurement in a simulation-based training framework for offshore well control operations"11/1/19Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries
"Socioeconomic-based school assignment policy and racial segregation levels: Evidence from the wake county public school system"1/1/19American Educational Research Journal
"Temperature Effects in Bridge Condition Evaluation and Capacity Rating in Oklahoma"11/23/19Transport Research Board (?)
"The 2019 Public Policy Yearbook: Tracking a Decade of Trends in Public Policy Research"5/1/19Policy Studies Journal
"The effect of housing assistance on student achievement: Evidence from Wisconsin"6/1/19Journal of Housing Economics
"The Effects of Financial Aid Grant Offers on Postsecondary Educational Outcomes: New Experimental Evidence from the Fund for Wisconsin Scholars"11/1/19National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper Series
"The Impact of Hours of Advance Notice on Protective Action in Response to Tornadoes"10/1/19Weather, Climate, and Society
"Thinking in Public about Public Affairs: A Response to, and Expansion of, Zuo, Qian, and Zhao"1/1/19Policy Studies Journal
"Tracking the nuclear ‘mood’in the United States: Introducing a long term measure of public opinion about nuclear energy using aggregate survey data"10/1/19Energy Policy
“Public Views about Transportation of Spent Nuclear Fuel and Support for SNF Management Options2/1/19Waste Management Conference
"A framework for post-earthquake response planning in emerging seismic regions: An Oklahoma case study"5/1/18Earthquake Spectra
"Advocacy group messaging on social media: Using the narrative policy framework to study Twitter messages about nuclear energy policy in the United States"2/1/18Policy Studies Journal
"Assessing the electoral impact of the 2010 Oregon Citizens’ Initiative Review"5/1/18American Politics Research
"Biasing and debiasing health decisions with bar graphs: Costs and benefits of graph literacy"12/1/18Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology
"Comparisons and Conclusions"5/15/18Theories of the Policy Process
"Cone penetration testing in unsaturated soils"12/15/18Transportation Geotechnics
"Developing a cross-disciplinary, scenario-based training approach integrated with eye tracking data collection to enhance situational awareness in offshore oil and gas operations"11/1/18Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries
"Drawing practical lessons from punctuated equilibrium theory"4/30/18Policy & Politics
"Frame-induced group polarization in small discussion networks"9/1/18Social Psychology Quarterly
"In search of an inclusive approach: Measuring non-market values for the effects of complex dam, hydroelectric and river system operations"1/1/18Energy Economics
"Informing ethical decision making."2018In L. S. M. Johnson & K. S. Rommelfanger (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of neuroethics (pp. 304–318)
"Knowledge distortion in direct democracy: A longitudinal study of biased empirical beliefs on statewide ballot measures"12/1/18International Journal of Public Opinion Research
"Liquefaction of level ground unsaturated sand deposits using a validated fully coupled analysis procedure"10/1/18International Journal of Geomechanics
"School improvement grants in Ohio: Effects on student achievement and school administration"9/1/18Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis
"Should I stay or should I go? Open enrollment decisions and student achievement trajectories"9/1/18Social Science Quarterly
"Skilled decision theory: From intelligence to numeracy and expertise."4/30/18In K. A. Ericsson, R. R. Hoffman, A. Kozbelt, & A. M. Williams (Eds.), The Cambridge handbook of expertise and expert performance (pp. 476–505)
"Strengths and Gaps in Physicians’ Risk Communication: A Scenario Study of the Influence of Numeracy on Cancer Screening Communication"4/1/18Medical Decision Making
"Theoretical Approaches to Policy Process Research"5/15/18Theories of Policy Process
"Tornado damage mitigation: Homeowner support for enhanced building codes in Oklahoma"11/1/18Risk Analysis



Selected Presentations

Through various outreach efforts, IPPRA presents findings to a wide array of audiences both in-person and in online environments.

What Do the People Want? A Social Media Analysis of Questions Members of the Public Ask NWS Offices Before, During, and Immediately After Severe Weather Events1/29/24104th AMS Annual Meeting, 2024
When Words Matter: Exploring Public Responses to Different Risk Words in the SPC Convective Outlook1/30/24104th AMS Annual Meeting, 2024
Starting the Conversation: Emergency Manager perspectives on the SPC Convective Outlook1/30/24104th AMS Annual Meeting, 2024
Public Ability to Detect Low-Quality Winter Weather Forecast Information1/30/24104th AMS Annual Meeting, 2024
The Art of Severe Weather Probability: Unraveling the Conditional Intensity Puzzle1/30/24104th AMS Annual Meeting, 2024
From Forecaster to Decision Maker: Examining Information Sharing Practices of Emergency Managers1/30/24104th AMS Annual Meeting, 2024
The WxEM Survey: Reflections on the First Year1/30/24104th AMS Annual Meeting, 2024
Compound Hazards at Multiple Scales: Conclusions from a National Survey to Emergency Managers in the US1/30/24104th AMS Annual Meeting, 2024
Testing Public Awareness, Understanding, and Intended Response to Snow Squall Warnings After 5 Years in Use1/31/24104th AMS Annual Meeting, 2024
Weathering Beliefs: Unraveling the Interplay Between Religion and Weather Information in Shaping Protective Behaviors1/31/24104th AMS Annual Meeting, 2024
Rating the Risk of the Rip: Public Risk Perception of Rip Currents in the United States2/1/24104th AMS Annual Meeting, 2024
Compound Hazard Risk Perception and Planning: Conclusions of a National Survey of Emergency Managers in the US6/13/2451st Conference on Broadcast Meteorology/Seventh Conference on Weather Warnings and Communication
How Emergency Managers and Broadcast Meteorologists Receive, Use and Communicate Wildfire Forecasts and National Weather Service Fire Weather Products: A Preliminary Study in the Southern Plains6/13/24104th AMS Annual Meeting, 2024
Tomorrow’s SPC Today: Broadcaster and Emergency Manager Responses to Next-Generation Convective Outlook Visualization Tools6/14/2451st Conference on Broadcast Meteorology/Seventh Conference on Weather Warnings and Communication
Public preferences for and understanding of probabilistic snowfall ranges6/14/2451st Conference on Broadcast Meteorology/Seventh Conference on Weather Warnings and Communication
Evaluating Public Information Needs and Sources during Severe Weather Events10/21/2431st Conference on Severe Local Storms
Panel - The Effect of Federal Financial Aid Policy on Marginal Students11/21/242024 APPAM Fall Research Conference
Panel Paper - Local School Boards in a Time of Conflict: Trends in Elections and Governance - Backlash? Schooling Reassignments and the Politics of School Desegregation11/22/242024 APPAM Fall Research Conference
¿Aviso o Alerta? A National Survey on How U.S. Spanish Speakers Interpret Current and Proposed Weather Warning Terminology1/24/2217th Symposium on Societal Applications: Policy, Research and Practice
Using Code to Reduce the Costs of Coding: The Development of a Broadcast Meteorologist Coverage Thematic Coding Algorithm1/24/2217th Symposium on Societal Applications: Policy, Research and Practice
Impact of Forecast Intensity Information Format on Anticipated Snowfall for Events of Different Intensities1/24/2217th Symposium on Societal Applications: Policy, Research and Practice
Cross-Sector Collaboration for Effective Risk Communication: A Case Study of SPC Risk Categories in Spanish1/25/2217th Symposium on Societal Applications: Policy, Research and Practice
Examining the Public Utility of Intensity Forecast Information in the SPC Convective Outlook1/25/2217th Symposium on Societal Applications: Policy, Research and Practice
Forecast Information Type across Time: What Do People Want and Need?1/25/2217th Symposium on Societal Applications: Policy, Research and Practice
Keeping Context in Probabilities: Comparing Public Responses to Absolute and Relative Probability Forecasts of Tornadoes1/25/2217th Symposium on Societal Applications: Policy, Research and Practice
Cracking the TORFF Code: Understanding Broadcaster Coverage of Simultaneous Tornado and Flash Flood Events1/26/2217th Symposium on Societal Applications: Policy, Research and Practice
Broadcast Media Communication Leading up to the Deep Freeze in Texas and Oklahoma1/26/2217th Symposium on Societal Applications: Policy, Research and Practice
Adding Context to Risk: Climatology of Relative Probabilities in the SPC Convective Outlook10/24/2230th Conference on Severe Local Storms
"Public Perspectives on Nuclear Energy: Some Challenges and Opportunities"7/21/21
"A First Look at How Spanish-Speaking Populations Receive, Comprehend, and Respond to Tornado Risks: Pilot Results from the 2020 NOAA Weather and Society Survey"1/13/21
"Exploring the differences in SPC Convective Outlook interpretation using categorical and numeric information"1/13/21
"When? Where? How Much? An Analysis of the Use of Verbal Probabilistic Forecast Information from Meteorologists within the Tropical Cyclone Domain"1/13/21
"Interpretation of the SPC Convective Outlook by Broadcasters and the Public"1/12/21

"How Likely Is That Chance of Thunderstorms? A Study of the National Weather Service's Use of Words of Estimative Probability"
"High-Stakes School Accountability Reforms and Teacher Labor Markets"11/13/20
"Plumes, Probabilities, and Posts: How Social Media Coverage Evolved in the 2019 Hazardous Weather Testbed Probabilistic Hazard Information Experiment"1/16/20
"Preparing to Adapt: Are People's Expectations in Line with Climate Projections?"1/14/20
"Probability versus Consequences in Public Perceptions of Tornado Risk"1/16/20
"Supply Side Matters: How Do Schools and Districts Respond to School Choice?"11/11/20
"The Broader Impacts of Public-School Closure: How Shuttering Schools Impacts Property Values in Ohio"11/11/20
"The Impact of Increased Lead Time on Protective Action in Response to Tornadoes"1/15/20
"Threats to Racial and Socioeconomic Diversity in Contemporary Schools - A Comparison of the Effects of School and Neighborhoods on Youth Development"11/12/20
"Weathering the Effects of Affect: Modeling the Causes and Consequences of Extreme Weather Affective Experience"1/16/20
"Where Are We and What's Next: A Systematic Review of Research on Communicating Probabilistic Weather and Climate Information"1/15/20
"Broadcast Meteorologist Use of Social Media in the 2018 Hazardous Weather Testbed Probabilistic Hazard Information Project" 
"Exploring Differences in Tornado Warning Reception, Comprehension, and Response Across County Warning Areas in the Contiguous United States" 
"How Can You Trust What You Don’t Use?: Measuring Patterns of Individual’s Weather Information Source Reliance and Trust"1/8/19
"Stability and Instability in Individual Beliefs about Climate Change" 
"The Geographic Distribution of Extreme Weather and Climate Risk Perceptions in the United States"1/8/19
"The Waiting Game: The Impact of Lead Time on Protective Action in Response to Tornadoes"1/8/19
"Tornado Warning Reception, Comprehension, and Response across County Warning Areas in United States" 1/8/19
Examining Vulnerability to Tornadoes Using Census Tract-Level Demographic Data and Tornado Damage Survey Paths1/1/19
"A Difference in the Details: Assessing the Impact of Region on Tornado Threat Awareness and Knowledge"1/9/18
"Baseline Measures of Reception, Comprehension, and Response to Severe Weather Forecasts and Warnings"1/8/18
"Examining the Utility of Twitter Hail Reports to Verify Spatiotemporally Dense Forecasts"1/9/18
"Response of Typical Oklahoma
Bridges to Recent Earthquakes"
"Situation awareness assessment using eye movements and verbal response scoring metrics" 
Enhancing Situation Awareness and Process Safety in Offshore Drilling Operations: Applications of Eye-Tracking System5/3/18



Media Mentions

IPPRA has been mentioned in various nationally-recognized magazines, newspapers, and other media. Here is a collection of mentions we gasthered from various social media sources.

Date          Mention LinkCompany/Organization
5 - Jan 2023 RHSU Edu-Scholar Public Influence Rankings from EducationWeek
Date          Mention LinkCompany/Organization
24-Jan Board on Societal Impacts
23-Mar Post
24-Mar and Mary
31-Mar Policy Research with Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives (APPAM)
19-Apr Studies Journal (PSJ)
Date          Mention LinkCompany/Organization
11-May-21 Enterprise Institute (AEI)
28-Sep-21 News
18-Nov-21 for Benefit-Cost Analysis



Selected Videos

IPPRA has chosen to house its video archives on YouTube.