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Study Abroad: Noah Mack

Gaylord Extra: September 2022

Study Abroad with Gaylord

By Noah Mack, Gaylord Class of 2025

Visiting another country is one of the most invaluable and life-changing experiences a student can have. 

This past summer I had the honor to join the RIAS program in Berlin to learn about German journalism, politics and history. We toured German news stations, met with German politicians and visited several historical sites. I even had the chance to stay longer and travel through Austria and France. 

I have learned so much during my journey in Europe, and it is hard to condense it all down to a few sentences. In short, I have learned that human connection penetrates cultural and linguistic boundaries, and spreading those connections to others is at the heart of my job as a storyteller. 

I met so many remarkable people on this program, all with their own story; all stories on the broader timeline of Germany’s history. I knew the history before, but after these 3 weeks, I vicariously lived it through these people. East Side Gallery artist Kani Alavi did not speak English, but his smile and enthusiasm for art spoke to me more than anything he could have said. 

Emotions are what connect people, and storytelling is a mechanism to spread those emotions around the world. Meeting with Ukrainian refugees on our last day was the most meaningful experience of the trip. Not only did I get to listen to their harrowing stories, but I got to have lunch with them, laugh with them, and become friends with them. Before I left the lunch, a wonderful woman named Nadin told me when I get back to the United States, to “talk about this war” and tell their story. I have never been more sure about my career than in that moment. 

Special thanks to Gaylord—especially John Schmeltzer and Mike Boettcher—for getting me involved with this opportunity.

The 2022 RIAS participants standing in front of a green screen at a news station in Berlin.
2022 RIAS program participants in a newsroom in Berlin.
Kani Alavi and Noah Mack in front of an art installation at East Side Gallery in Berlin.
Noah Mack, (right) with Kani Alavi (left), an East Side Gallery artist.
Noah Mack Standing in a newsroom during his study abroad trip to Berlin.
Noah Mack during the RIAS study abroad program in Berlin.
Noah Mack with Nadin at a cafe during the RIAS study abroad trip.
Noah Mack (right) with Ukrainian Refugee, Nadin (left) on the last day of the RIAS study abroad trip.