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Rebecca Scott

Rebecca Scott

Rebecca Scott

Chair of Undergraduate Studies
Assistant Professor

Phone: (405) 325-3861
Office: GH 320


Postdoctoral Fellowship
University of Delaware and Nemours-Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children
Ph.D. Biomedical Engineering
Purdue University
B.S. Biomedical Engineering
Saint Louis University

Research Focus

Dr. Scott’s current interests are divided into three categories:

  • Engineering Education: developing and evaluating instructional methods to prepare the next generation of biomedical engineers
  • Engineering Design: collaborating with engineering students and clinicians to design solutions that address unmet clinical needs
  • K-12 Outreach: developing accessible STEM programming for K-12 students and teachers

Dr. Scott’s doctoral training focused the development and characterization of proteoglycan mimics for therapeutic use in cardiovascular disease. During her post-doctoral research, Dr. Scott focused on developing cell-instructive biomaterial platforms to direct vascular and inflammatory cell phenotypes and behaviors.

  • Rooney SI and RA Scott. Promoting Effective Student Teamwork Through Deliberate Instruction, Documentation, Accountability, and Assessment. Biomedical Engineering Education. 1: 221-227. 2021.
  • Scott RA, EW Fowler, X Jia, KL Kiick, and RE Akins. Regulation of Neovasculogenesis in Co-Cultures of Aortic Adventitial Fibroblasts and Microvascular Endothelial Cells by Cell-Cell Interactions and TGF-b/ALK-5 Signaling. PLoS ONE. 15(12): e0244243. 2020.
  • Scott RA, KL Kiick, and RE Akins. Substrate Stiffness Directs the Phenotype and Polarization State of Cord Blood-Derived Macrophages. Acta Biomaterialia. 2020.
  • Scott RA, KG Robinson, KL Kiick, and RE Akins. Human Adventitial Fibroblast Phenotype Depends on the Progression of Changes in Substrate Stiffness. Advanced Healthcare Materials. 9(8): 1901593. 2020.
  • Robinson KG, RA Scott, AM Hesek, EJ Woodford, W Amir, TA Planchon, KL Kiick, and RE Akins. Reduced Arterial Elasticity Due to Surgical Skeletonization is Ameliorated by Abluminal PEG Hydrogel. Bioengineering & Translational Medicine. 2(2): 222-232. 2017.
  • Kharkar PM, RA Scott, LP Olney, PJ LeValley, E Maverakis, KL Kiick, and AM Kloxin. Controlling the Release of Small, Bioactive Proteins via Dual Mechanisms with Therapeutic Potential. Advanced Healthcare Materials. 6(24): 1700713. 2017.
  • Scott RA, AK Ramaswamy, K Park, and A Panitch. Decorin Mimic Promotes Endothelial Cell Health in Endothelial Cell-Smooth Muscle Cell Co-Cultures. J Tissue Eng Regen Med. 11(5): 1365-13762015.

A complete list of publications can be found on Google Scholar.