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Lin Wang

Lin Wang

Lin Wang.

Research Assistant Professor

Phone: (405) 325-1881
Office: GLG 409


Ph.D. in Biochemistry
University of Oklahoma

M.S. in Biochemistry
Jilin University, China

B.S. in Pharmaceutical Engineering
Jilin University, China

Research Interests

  • Advanced Materials in Antiviral Applications
  • Cancer Nanomedicine and Immunotherapy
  • Nanomaterial-Biological System Interactions
  • Wang, L.; Sheth, V.; Liu, K.; Panja, P.; Frickenstein, A. N.; He, Y.; Yang, W.; Thomas, A. G.; Jamei, M. H.; Park, J.; Lyu, S.; Donahue, N. D.; Chen, W. R.; Bhattacharya, R.; Mukherjee, P.; Wilhelm, S., “Primary Human Breast Cancer-associated Endothelial Cells Favor Interactions with Nanomedicines.” Advanced Materials, 2024, 36, 2403986.
  • Wang, L.; Quine, S.; Frickenstein, A. N.; Lee, M.; Yang, W.; Sheth, V.; Bourlon, M. D.; He, Y.; Lyu, S.; Garcia-Contreras, L.; Zhao, Y. D.; Wilhelm, S., “Exploring and Analyzing the Systemic Delivery Barriers for Nanoparticles.” Advanced Functional Materials, 2024, 34 (8), 2308446.
  • Liu, K.; Hoover, A. R.; Wang, L.; Sun, Y.; Valerio, T. I.; Furrer, C.; Adams, J.; Yang, J.; Li, M.; Chen, W. R., “Localized ablative immunotherapy enhances antitumor immunity by modulating the transcriptome of tumor-infiltrating Gamma delta T cells.” Cancer Letters, 2024, 604, 217267.
  • He, Y.; Wang, Y.; Wang, L.; Jiang, W.; Wilhelm, S., “Understanding nanoparticle-liver interactions in nanomedicine.” Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery, 2024, 21 (6), 829-843.
  • Wang, L.; Wilhelm, S., “Exploiting Endothelial Transcytosis to Reach into the Brain.” Nature Materials, 2023, 22 (3), 282-283.
  • Yang, W.; Wang, L.; Fang, M.; Sheth, V.; Zhang, Y.; Holden, A. M.; Donahue, N. D.; Green, D. E.; Frickenstein, A. N.; Mettenbrink, E. M.; Schwemley, T. A.; Francek, E. R.; Haddad, M.; Hossen, M. N.; Mukherjee, S.; Wu, S.; DeAngelis, P. L.; Wilhelm, S., “Nanoparticle Surface Engineering with Heparosan Polysaccharide Reduces Serum Protein Adsorption and Enhances Cellular Uptake.” Nano Letters, 2022, 22, 2103-2111.
  • Wang, L.; Qiu, P.; Li, Y.; Zhou, N; Yang, M.; Mao, C., “Polyethyleneimine-Enabled Tunable Electrostatic Nanoparticle Assemblies on Ultrathin Protein Nanofibers for Plasmonics-based Solar Energy Harvesting.” ACS Appl. Nano Mater., 2022, 5 (1), 832–839.
  • Wang, L.; Qiu, P. Yang, T.; Zhou, N.; Zhai M.; Li, Y.; Zhou Y.; Zou, S.; Yang, M.; Mao, C., “3D Bacterial Flagella as Both Synthetic Biotemplates and Ultrathin Spacers for Enhanced Inter-particle Coupling and Solar Energy Harvesting.” Materials Horizons, 2021, 8, 2097-2105.
  • Sheth, V.; Wang, L.; Bhattacharya, R.; Mukherjee P.; Wilhelm, S. “Strategies for Delivering Nanoparticles across Tumor Blood Vessels.” Advanced Functional Materials, 2021, 31(8), 2007363.
  • Yang, W.; Wang, L.; Mettenbrink E. M.; DeAngelis, P. L.; Wilhelm, S. “Nanoparticle Toxicology.” Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology, 2021, 61, 269-289.