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Han Yuan

Han Yuan

Han Yuan

Associate Professor

Phone: (405) 325-4665
Office: 2 Partner Place Room 125


Postdoctoral Associate (2011-2013)
Laureate Institute for Brain Research, Tulsa, OK, USA

Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering (2010)
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA

B.S. in Biomedical Engineering (2005)
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Research Focus

The development of imaging and engineering technology to accelerate basic and clinical research in human brain. Specific research interests include the following categories:

  • Multimodal brain imaging using EEG, NIRS and f/MRI
  • Neuromodulation using magnetic or electrical stimulation
  • Biomarker for neurological or neuropsychiatric disorders
  • Neural engineering
  • Yuan H*, Ding L, Zhu M, Zotev V, Phillips R, and Bodurka J*: Reconstructing Large-scale brain resting state networks from high-resolution EEG: spatial and temporal comparisons with fMRI. Brain Connectivity, 6(2): 122-135, 2016.
  • Yuan H, Young KD, Phillips R, Zotev V, Misaki M, Bodurka J: Resting state functional connectivity modulation and sustained changes after real-time fMRI neurofeedback training in depression. Brain Connectivity, 4(9):690-701, 2014 (invited paper, Festschrift special issue for James S. Hyde).
  • Yuan H, He B: Brain-Computer Interfaces using sensorimotor rhythms: current state and future perspective. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 61(5):1425-1435, 2014 (invited review, TBME 60th anniversary special issue).
  • Yuan H, Zotev V, Phillips R, Drevets WC, Bodurka J: Spatiotemporal dynamics of the brain at rest - Exploring EEG microstates as electrophysiological signatures of BOLD resting state networks. NeuroImage, 60(4):2062-2072, 2012.
  • Yuan H, Perdoni C, Yang L, He B: Differential electrophysiological coupling for positive and negative BOLD responses during unilateral hand movements.
    Journal of Neuroscience, 31(26):9585-9593, 2011.

See a complete list of publications in Pubmed.

Functional imaging of rhythmic brain activity during movement and motor imagination. Ph.D. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, 2010 (Nominated for Best Dissertation Award).