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Undergraduate Research

Undergraduate Research

Undergraduate Research is a phenomenal learning experience, whether you intend to pursue graduate studies or go straight to industry. It is especially helpful if you are not sure which path you might want!

Research helps students develop deeper understanding of engineering, its foundations in math and science, and other critically important skills and benefits, such as the 6 Cs below.









Critical Thinking




Undergraduate Research Events

View the Calendar Here!

Get Started

Find Opportunities

Get a Placement

Apply for Funding or Honors Credit

Find Opportunities

Searching the Research Opportunity Database

The Undergraduate Research Opportunities Database has 100+ opportunities in a variety of disciplines. There are sure to be openings that interest you! While searching, you can filter by various criteria, such as field of study, faculty member, or whether the research is for course credit. If you are not already placed with a faculty member, don't forget to take note of 3-5 who you would want to work with!

Searching Faculty Websites

Faculty websites are also a fantastic way to find research opportunities. Faculty often list their research interests there, so you can see if they're working on anything of interest to you. 

Get a Placement

Applying Via The Portal

The easiest way to get a placement for GCoE Undergraduate Research is to go through the Application Portal. The portal allows you to select one of two options:

1. Looking for Opportunities - Select this if you are not applying for a specific program!

2. Honors Engineering Research Experience - Select this if you are an honors student applying to research in order to fulfill your Honors College 3890 requirement! To be eligible for the H.E.R.E program, you must be in the Honors College and of sophomore standing or higher.

For either of the above options, the portal will help you get matched with a faculty member to begin work!  

Attend Office Hours

Another option to get a placement is attending office hours of professors you might want to work with. If they do not have openings, they may know of professors doing similar work who do. 

Email Faculty Members

You can also email faculty members directly to ask about their research. Remember to be professional, polite, and concise in your email!

Once you get placed with a faculty member, if you plan on applying for funding, you must complete a Mentorship Agreement Form along with your faculty mentor!

Apply for Funding or Honors Credit

Are You New to Research? You're Eligible for an Engineering Research Entry Apprenticeship!

Engineering Research Entry Apprenticeships are awarded as a student stipend of up to $3,000 and entail about 160 hours of work on the project during the semester for which they are awarded.

See Application Deadlines Below

Apply for an Apprenticeship

Are you already working in research with a faculty member? You're eligible for an Engineering Research Fellowship!

Engineering Research Fellowships are awarded as a student stipend of up to $3,000 and entail about 160 hours of work on the project during the semester for which they are awarded.

See Application Deadlines Below

Apply for a Fellowship


Are You Looking for Other Financial Support Opportunities? Try UReCA!

Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity (UReCA) provides financial support, mentorship, and presentation opportunities to undergraduate students of all disciplines who wish to engage in research and/or creative activity.


Visit UReCA's Page Here!

Are you a first-gen university student? UReCA has support for you!

UReCA offers financial and academic support to first-gen students of all academic disciplines, and encourages interdisciplinary research.  


See Support for First-Gen Students Here!

If you are an Honors Student... The Honors College also has financial support opportunities!

The Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) provides financial support for scholarly and creative projects as well as an opportunity to present your research!


Visit the Page for UROP Here!

If you are planning on using your research experience for Honors Credit, you must complete the Honors Credit Request Form.

Due Dates and Timelines

Research Placement

  • Faculty Project Info due Friday of Week 5 of the previous semester
  • Student Applications due Monday of Week 8 of the previous semester
  • Offers from Faculty sent out by Monday of Week 10 of the previous semester
  • Student Decisions due Wednesday of Week 11 of the previous semester

Spring and Fall Fellowships

  • Fellowship Applications due Friday of Week 12 of the previous semester
  • Fellowship Notices sent out by Monday of Week 14 of the previous semester

Summer Fellowships

  • Fellowship Applications due Friday of Week 8 of the previous semester
  • Fellowship Notices sent out by Monday of Week 11 of the previous semester

Are you a Faculty Member looking to submit a project to the database?