Thanks to the generous support of John & Jane Kenney, we’re excited to share information about our Kenney Engineering Teacher Development Program at the Gallogly College of Engineering for all teachers and preK-12 education partners.
Based on feedback from previous cohorts, the Kenney Engineering Teacher Development Program has undergone changes for Summer 2025! This updated, and exciting, program will invite 4th-8th grade educators to campus for two-intensive program days based on a variety of engineering programs. This year, we will host teachers in our brand new Nettie Vincent Boggs Engineering Pathways Studio in historic Felgar Hall.
This year, program participants will be asked to attend two on-campus dates. The days will run from 9:30AM-4:30PM, and will include lunch. Dates for 2025 are still being identified, and will be communicated soon!
4th-8th grade educators are invited to learn more about engineering, and introducing engineering concepts into their classroom - no matter the area they teach. Engineering concepts are not just related to math and science, but can be adapted to any subject!
Educators who attend both days will recieve a $300 Amazon gift card. They will also have pre-made engineering curriculum ready to be dropped into their classroom.
The application for the Summer 2025 program will open soon!