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Engineering Quad

Academic Advising

Williams Student Services Center | Felgar Hall 112

Whether you are a prospective or first-time student, or a continuing or graduating student, the Williams Student Services Center serves as the “hub” for connecting with others, receiving guidance, and finding answers to your questions. Our staff provides consistent, high-quality assistance, advising, mentorship, coaching, and support as you work to attain your academic and personal goals.

Our mission is to provide engineering students with a strong foundation for success through responsive, supportive, and meaningful academic and career guidance. The initiative to achieve starts with you, and we stand by willing and eager to help you turn your initiative into reality. Therefore, we hope you will take advantage of the services we have to offer as soon and often as you need them. We want to help you graduate SOONER!

Contact Us

Group Photo of engineering advisors in the engineering quad sitting on bench

865 Asp Ave, Felgar Hall 112 | Norman, OK 73019-1052

(405) 325-4096 | Toll Free: (800) 522-0772, Extension: 4096 

For major specific questions, please contact the appropriate advisor or email  


Students attending the University of Oklahoma must meet with their academic advisor every semester to have their enrollment hold lifted. Please be advised that specific majors may also require faculty advising before enrollment.

Advisor and Student Responsibilities

Advisor Responsibilities

What you should expect from your advisor

  • Provide accurate and up-to-date information about University of Oklahoma regulations, policies, and procedures.
  • Be knowledgeable about University of Oklahoma resources and make appropriate referrals.
  • Correctly interpret degree and major requirements, including those regarding the core curriculum.
  • Maintain confidentiality and be knowledgeable of the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
  • Monitor your progress toward educational goals and keep accurate, up-to-date records of academic progress.
  • Provide a safe space in which you can share your thoughts, aspirations, concerns, and interests.
  • Provide encouragement and support towards your academic success.


Student Responsibilities

What your academic advisor expects of you

  • Schedule an advising appointment early each semester and include a detailed appointment description to ensure an efficient and worthwhile advising experience.
  • Activate and regularly check your OU email account for communications from the University faculty, staff, and administration and include your Sooner ID number in all correspondence.
  • Participate fully in the advising experience by communicating your passions, goals, and questions.
  • To be familiar with the requirements of the major(s) which you are pursuing, and to schedule courses each semester in accordance with those requirements.
  • Explore opportunities for co-curricular activities.
  • Check for registration holds and eligibility in One and know the academic calendar.
  • Ask for help or clarification if you do not understand something, experience a troubling issue or have concerns.
  • Take ownership of your decisions and actions that affect your educational progress and goals.

Advisors Listed by Major

Aerospace EngineeringHarmony Benson
JayJay Sheridan
Mechanical EngineeringHarmony Benson
JayJay SheridanHannah Oxsen 
Biomedical EngineeringJessie Youngblood
Craig Swan
Chemical EngineeringHannah OxsenCraig Swan
Computer ScienceKourtney CortezYura JungOliver Luckett 
Computer EngineeringKourtney CortezJayJay Sheridan
Electrical EngineeringHarmony BensonJoshua Riesenberg  
Engineering PhysicsJessie Youngblood
Industrial & Systems
Jessie Youngblood
Craig Swan
Architectural EngineeringOliver Luckett
Civil EngineeringOliver Luckett
Yura Jung
Environmental ScienceYura Jung
UndecidedMegan Denney

WSSC Advisors


Annette Moran.

Annette Moran

Assistant Dean of Students


Megan Denney.

Megan Denney

Director of Advising

Majors Advised:

Jessie Younglood.

Jessie Youngblood

Assistant Director of Operations

Majors Advised:
Biomedical Engineering 
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Engineering Physics

Hannah Oxsen.

Hannah Oxsen

Assistant Director of First Year Advising

Majors Advised:
Mechanical Engineering
Chemical Engineering

Kathleen Holloway.

Kathleen Holloway

Office Manager

Senior Academic Advisors

Craig Swan

Craig Swan

Senior Academic Advisor

Majors Advised:
Biomedical Engineering 
Chemical Engineering 
Industrial & Systems Engineering

Academic Advisors

Harmony Benson.

Harmony Benson

Academic Advisor

Majors Advised:
Aerospace Engineering 
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical Engineering

Kourtney Cortez

Kourtney Cortez

Academic Advisor

Majors Advised:
Computer Science 
Computer Engineering 

Yura Jung

Yura Jung

Academic Advisor

Majors Advised:
Computer Science 
Environmental Engineering 
Environmental Science 

Oliver Luckett

Oliver Luckett

Academic Advisor

Majors Advised:
Architectural Engineering 
Civil Engineering 

Joshua Riesenberg.

Joshua Riesenberg

Academic Advisor

Majors Advised:
Electrical Engineering

JayJay Sheridan

JayJay Sheridan

Academic Advisor

Majors Advised:
Aerospace Engineering 
Mechanical Engineering 
Computer Engineering

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