The OU-Tulsa Department of Surgery has been involved in research for several years. Through targeted faculty recruitment and a philosophical rededication, we pride ourselves on offering a comprehensive portfolio of basic science, translational as well as both investigator-initiated and industry-sponsored clinical trials. In the basic and translational areas, strong collaboration with and support from the OU Integrative Immunology Center, led by Dr. Kent Teague, allows the state-of-the-art molecular investigation focused on genomic and proteomic predictors of surgical outcomes that drives our precision medicine program into the future of surgical science. In the clinical and health-services areas, combining a strong local surgical clinical volume with participation in several relevant regional and national large data registries, our investigators are making profound observations providing new knowledge to define the future of surgical care delivery. This combination positions the OU-Tulsa Department of Surgery at the forefront of surgical research.
Each year, using these resources, our residents and faculty maintain a strong presence at local, regional, and national conferences presenting their research. On the local level, our Department is a major contributor to the OU-Tulsa Annual Research Forum and Clinical Vignette Symposium winning many awards. On the regional and national level, our residents and faculty have presented at such meetings as the Annual Clinical Congress as well as the Oklahoma Chapter meeting of the American College of Surgeons, the Association of Program Directors in Surgery, the Academic Surgical Congress, SAGES, Southwestern Surgical, the Society for Laparoendoscopic Surgeons, the Society for Thoracic Surgeons, the Western Trauma Association, the ASMBS Obesity Week, and the Society for Vascular Surgery. Inherent in these efforts is a strong commitment on the part of both the OU Surgery faculty and residents to mentorship and sponsorship and institutional resources provided by the OU Office for Research Development and Scholarly Activity (ORDSA).
We will introduce you to some of the key personnel driving this research mission below, but we invite you to come visit us to see it first hand for yourself.
Peter R. Nelson, MD, MS, FACS, DFSVS
Research Director, Department of Surgery