Events and activities taking place on the University of Oklahoma Norman campus must adhere to the Facility Use Policies as described below. Click your appropriate link to view the related policies.
The University of Oklahoma (University) is dedicated to fostering the free exchange of ideas and opinions and committed to the principles of free speech and expression. To that end, non-university groups, university departments, registered student organizations (RSOs) and individual students may use defined University facilities for their activities in accordance with the policies adopted by the University Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students, administered by Campus Scheduling & Student Organization Services and defined herein. The goals of the policies governing the use of University facilities shall be to facilitate the orderly conduct of the educational process and to facilitate the regular, efficient, and consistent use of University facilities.
The following policy is applicable for non-university and university purposes. University purposes include activities by departments of the University of Oklahoma, RSOs in good standing with the University of Oklahoma Student Government Association (SGA) and University, or an individual OU student. RSOs include Interest Student Organizations (ISO), Competitive Club Student Organizations (CCSO), Sport Club Student Organizations (SCSO), and Departmental Student Organizations (DSO).
University resources and its land and buildings are to be applied first and foremost to its mission of teaching, research and public service, and therefore, such University properties are primarily dedicated to this mission, which encompasses all academic activities, student life, intercollegiate athletics, and the administrative functions that support this mission. Campus spaces can be reserved and guaranteed with appropriate approval and when scheduled in advance.
Nothing herein creates any contractual, constitutional or other legal rights on behalf of the Reserving Party regarding the use of University property/facilities. No public forum is intended to be created by any policy contained herein. The University reserves the right to amend, modify, or delete any of the policies contained herein at any time and in its sole discretion.
Granting permission to use OU facilities (including buildings, grounds, real and personal property) is the responsibility of the appropriate OU representative (hereinafter referred to as “Facility and/or Building Coordinator”).
It is the responsibility of the non-university group representative, university department representative, RSOs, RSO officers and advisers, or individual student (hereinafter referred to as the Reserving Party) to ensure compliance with the following policy.
OU will neither grant nor deny permission to use its facilities for any reason that is in violation of constitutional standards or that discriminates on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, religion, disability, age, political belief, status as a veteran, or other impermissible basis.
The following apply to use of all university facilities. Each facility may establish additional procedures as needed, but no facility may negate the procedures included in this policy.
Use of OU facilities for university purposes may be extended when:
OU may charge facility use and additional services fees. It is the responsibility of the Reserving Party to ensure compliance with this requirement. A standard fee schedule may be requested of any venue that charges a fee for facility use or services provided. The Reserving Party is advised to be fully knowledgeable of those policies at the time of reservation.
In addition to the use fee, any additional costs arising from the event (including utilities and clean-up, service department support, equipment or technical support) must be repaid by the Reserving Party. The Reserving Party will be billed for all charges arising from the use of the facility.
A due date for payment of all fees will be established and included in any reservation confirmation. Payment will be required before any other University facilities may be used by the Reserving Party. Past due fees will be reported to Financial Services for collection proceedings if such fees have not been paid within 45 days following invoicing and shall be subject to a 1.5% late fee for every day payment is not received.
Scheduling for use of OU facilities will be processed by the managing department of the space. The Reserving Party must request the use of a facility space in accordance with the procedures and timeframes of that facility.
There may be times when a high legal risk of damage to persons or property exists. The Reserving Party may be asked to agree to indemnify, defend and hold the University, its officers, employees, agents, current and former Regents harmless from any and all claims arising out of the Reserving Party’s use of University facilities, including but not limited to any claims of personal injury, strict liability, products liability, environmental claims or negligence.
Events, where minors (under the age of 18) may be in attendance, are required to comply with the University's Youth Protection Policy. If the guidelines are not being followed, OUPD will be notified. Approval for the event must be secured from the OU Special Events Committee, through the request form, in accordance with Section IV, 1 below.
Normal schedule times will be 8:00 a.m. to midnight, Monday through Saturday unless otherwise approved or required by the Facility Coordinator and Campus Police. Student event times should adhere to the Co-curricular Involvement Policy (PDF). OU expressly reserves the right to require that (1) any event end at an earlier time, given considerations of safety, crowd control, weather, noise, and potential disruption of favorable community relationships, and (2) the event ends or is canceled, as provided for in these procedures.
Levels of sound from amplification equipment shall not exceed noise levels specified by the City of Norman codes. Any use of sound amplification will be monitored by Campus Police. The use of sound amplification shall not disrupt academic classes near university buildings and student campus residences from 7:30 a.m. to 9 p.m., Monday through Thursday, 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, and 8 a.m. to noon Saturday, .
Responsible officials of OU have the right to require that amplification systems be turned down, or off entirely, whenever it is determined that sound levels exceed specified levels, or whenever it is determined that the event is disturbing or disruptive to surrounding neighbors or interferes with OU’s academic or educational mission or to other activities that may be taking place elsewhere on campus.
Fire prevention and safety concerns are important issues that must be addressed by the Facility Coordinator prior to and during the use of facilities. The OU Fire Marshall enforces the State adopted fire and life safety codes. These codes specifically address special events and assemblies to include regulations concerning the means of egress, number of occupants at an event, types of decorations permitted, proper use and storage of compressed gases, and other potential fire hazards. These rules and regulations shall be followed during the use of facilities. Information on these requirements may be obtained from the OU Fire Marshal.
Activities involving the use or storage of hazardous chemicals or other possible environmental hazards must be approved by the Environmental Health & Safety Office via the Special Event process prior to the event.
Decorations must comply with the University of Oklahoma Norman Campus Holiday Decorations Policy and shall not include items that cannot be easily removed after an event without damage.
Use of University facilities by an RSO/individual student must comply with The University of Oklahoma Norman Campus Risk Management Policy for Registered Student Organizations (pdf).
The Reserving Party must agree to comply with the university’s Tobacco-Free Policy and Firearms Policy. No weapons are permitted on campus, including firearms and swords.
The Reserving Party agrees to protect all property in the facility, to clean the facility within the designated time period and to the satisfaction of the Facility Coordinator, and to dispose of trash in the designated area following the event. The Reserving Party also agrees to keep all individuals in the designated areas, to be agreed upon in advance with the Facility Coordinator.
Unannounced Inspection - At the discretion of the Facility Coordinator, the Fire Marshall, Campus Police, and/or an OU employee may make an unannounced inspection of the facility during its use for purposes of monitoring compliance.
Event Inspection - OU recommends that the Reserving Party accompany the Facility Coordinator (or their designee) on an initial site inspection prior to the event in order to establish the condition and cleanliness of the facility. Prior to securing the site following the event's termination, the Facility Coordinator (or his/her designee) will fully inspect the facility to determine its cleanliness and/or any possible damage to the building or contents. This site inspection will include checking any unlocked rooms accessible to the Reserving Party and its guests (such as restrooms, offices, and closets). OU also recommends that the Reserving Party accompany the Facility Coordinator on the final site inspection.
If the Reserving Party and Facility Coordinator so agree, the final site inspection may be postponed to occur during regular business hours of the next University workday following the event, which may or may not occur after clean-up operations. If the Reserving Party agrees to postpone the final site inspection, he/she agrees that any evidence of damage to OU property found at the time of inspection shall be deemed to have been caused by the Reserving Party or its guests and will be repaired by OU at the Reserving Party’s and/or its insurance carrier's expense.
Any damage found by the Facility Coordinator during the inspection will be reported immediately to Campus Police and Campus Scheduling, and costs arising from the repair of these damages will be reported to the Reserving Party and/or its insurance carrier for payment.
It is possible that a Reserving Party will request multiple facilities for a large event. In such an instance, Facility Coordinators for the various venues should coordinate with each other, with Campus Scheduling, and with the service departments to ensure that all procedures are followed and all contingencies are covered.
The need for police/security support in conjunction with any use of OU facilities shall be determined by the Facility Coordinators and Campus Police. The University of Oklahoma Chief of Police, or their designee, shall have the final decision-making capability and will decide how many police officers will be present, if any, and how many security personnel will be present, if any, after being properly advised as to the facts surrounding the event and the likelihood of potential disruptions or security threats, based on the history of the event in other areas, room size, value of the property, number of entry and exit points, daytime/nighttime use, estimated crowd size, and the nature of the area hosting the event.
The use of security services from non-OU sources shall be at the discretion and direction of Campus Police and at the expense of the Reserving Party.
During events, the following minimum standards will apply:
The minimum security requirements of this policy do not preclude security requirements of any other University policies.
Parking support should be coordinated through OU Parking and Transportation Services.
On occasion, the use of facilities will require the services of the Department of Facilities Management, e.g., events requiring utility hook-ups, custodial services, trash disposal, hauling services, landscape requirements, and/or other special requests. Any costs for custodial, hauling, or maintenance services that are required to bring the site back to its original state of cleanliness and repair will also be billed to the Reserving Party. The Reserving Party is responsible for coordinating these types of services with the Facilities Management.
Permission for use of equipment owned by OU at the facility site may be granted at the discretion of the Facility Coordinator.
Use of OU-approved and appropriate personnel as technical support will be coordinated by the Facility Coordinator.
Distribution and consumption of food or drink is not allowed in auditoriums, classrooms, plazas, open areas, and other facilities without the express permission of the Facility Coordinator. No alcoholic beverages of any type shall be possessed or consumed by individuals in any OU facility, unless such has been approved by and coordinated with the Facility Coordinator, Campus Scheduling and Campus Police.
Preparation and/or serving of food is not permitted in University buildings at any time except by approved food service providers (this may vary by facility). Alcoholic beverages are only permitted in University buildings or on University property if provided by a licensed service provider, who shall be responsible for checking IDs, and in accordance with applicable local, state and federal laws and University policy and in accordance with the policies of the individual facility. The licensed caterer shall furnish proof of liability insurance for its operations to Risk Management at least 5 working days prior to the event.
Univ. Departments:
The use of facilities shall be allowed only after all terms and conditions in these procedures have been met; the Reserving Party has obtained any and all applicable permits, certificates, and licenses; and the Reserving Party has received confirmation from the Facility Coordinator.
The University of Oklahoma permits the use of campus facilities for special events proposed to be held by internal and external groups provided that such events are consistent with the University’s mission and are not in violation of applicable law; or any policy or regulation of the University.
A Special Event is defined as any activity proposed to take place on University property that alters the property’s ordinary use and/or, alters standard hours of operations, involves the erecting or placement of tents, structures, platforms, inflatables, fixed equipment, automotive vehicles, aircraft, or other mobile craft in an effort to assemble persons for the purposes of live entertainment/performances, celebrations, attractions, participation, races, walks, runs, parades, fairs, festivals, rides, competitions, sponsored outdoor catered events, and similar occasions.
Events that contain any of the following: third parties, contracts, large structures or inflatables, animals, an outdoor space larger than 10’x10’, or other risk factors, will need to complete a Special Events Request Form, no later than 15 days prior to the event, unless otherwise approved by Campus Scheduling or Director of Risk Management. All relevant information for the event shall be provided in the application. Any additional information requested by an appropriate University authority shall be provided upon request.
Third-party groups are outside entities not affiliated with the University that have been hired and/or contracted to provide a service or to conduct business on campus. These groups do not fall under any insurance coverage or self-insurance provisions maintained by the University or the State of Oklahoma and therefore must acquire their own liability coverage and any other insurance as necessary for risks associated with a Special Event.
The Reserving Party must comply with all University policies and regulations, including, but not limited to, OU Parking and Traffic Regulations, The Campus Tobacco-Free Policy, the Minors on Campus Guidelines, and building-specific rules.
The Reserving Party shall designate an event coordinator who will be responsible for:
No Reserving Party shall conduct a Special Event without submitting a completed application and receiving approval from the University. The University reserves the right to deny any event that has not complied with any of the provisions of the special event policy or any aspect of the application process
Events of this nature require extensive coordination throughout campus and may also involve the City of Norman and potentially the federal government, depending on the location. Reserving parties may utilize either of the two pre-approved routes as linked below. All events of this nature must reserve the desired course through the Campus Scheduling Office and complete a Special Event Request Form.
The University of Oklahoma is committed to providing an environment conducive to the free, spirited, and safe exchange of ideas. Assuming responsibility for the use of University facilities includes protecting the rights of speakers to be heard, the rights of the University community to hear speakers, and the reputation of the University as a center for free speech and scholarly inquiry. The right to freedom of speech and assembly are expansive but not unlimited. The University reserves the right to enforce reasonable time, place and manner restrictions on expressive activity as set forth in its policies governing facilities use. These policies are viewpoint- and content-neutral and are designed to limit disruption to the normal business, patient care, and academic operations on campuses. All speakers, regardless of point of view, are prohibited from interfering with the campus community’s ability to move safely about campus and to conduct University business.
Political campus organizations shall have access to selected University facilities on the same basis as all other campus organizations in keeping with the rights of all members of the campus community to express political views. A policy of nonpartisanship and neutrality will govern the University at all times in its relationship with elected officials or persons campaigning for public office.
All political organizations are to be assessed the usual costs for the use of these facilities.
Individual students are not permitted to use University facilities for political campaigning, solicitation or fundraising, except as provided by for in this policy.
“Fronting” is defined as permitting a non-University individual or organization to use University space/facilities and services under the guise that the activity is a University-sponsored program in order to receive a discounted rate or avoid payment. Fronting is prohibited by University policy. Violation of this policy by an RSO/individual student may result in the individual student being referred to the Office of Student Conduct for discipline.
Generally, non-University individuals/organizations are required to request use of University space through Campus Scheduling and pay for use of space and services in accordance with current policy and fee schedules. Any sponsoring University individual or organization that reserves space for the purpose of allowing non-University groups or vendors to advertise, hold meetings, and/or sell items without the express understanding and permission of Campus Scheduling is participating in fronting for the organization, which is prohibited by University policy.
A Non-University event is one in which over 50% event attendees is comprised of off-campus individuals having no affiliation with the University. If fronting is discovered, non-university rental rates will apply.
University departments and RSOs may co-sponsor events with off-campus organizations in accordance with the following guidelines:
The Facility Coordinator hosting the event will make the determination as to university vs. non-university event sponsorship by considering the nature of the event, past experience with respect to similar events, type and the nature of attendees.
It is recommended to reserve space on campus for any activity to ensure priority use of that space.
In the instance of a spontaneous express activity, the below information applies.
Vital to the free and spirited exchange of ideas is that the exchange should be conducted in an appropriate forum. The outdoor areas of campus that are generally accessible to the public are available to be used for expressive activity on a first-come, first-served basis. The University does not limit demonstration activity taking place along its public roads and sidewalks, including leafleting and the dissemination of information, if the activity does not unreasonably restrict pedestrian traffic, cause damage to landscaping, disrupt the normal operations of the University, or otherwise violate law or University policy.
There are facilities available throughout campus for use and/or rental. The Reserving Party is encouraged to plan well in advance when considering reservations for any of these popular facilities. Each facility may have additional facility use policies that are applicable to any event scheduled in that space.
Because the mission of the University of Oklahoma is to teach and promote academic excellence, the educational purpose of the University must be maintained at all times. Full classroom scheduling procedures can be found on here.
Buildings on the academic campus are primarily for academic purposes (i.e. scheduled classes, departmental programs) and such use takes priority over any other type of use. To avoid conflict with the teaching goals of the University, the following policies must be followed by the Reserving Party when using classrooms in addition to the above sections:
Any Reserving Party requesting outdoor space for events or tabling should be reserved through the appropriate channels described in section II above. It is recommended that space is reserved to ensure the space is available for the desired activity. Areas may be used on a first-come first-served basis. The Reserving Party cannot reserve outdoor locations through placeholders except by providing the University with advance notice. Outdoor activities may not create any disturbance of the University’s educational mission occurs. If the Reserving Party does not commence utilizing the space within 30 minutes of its requested time, the Reserving Party will have forfeited its reservation.
Undeveloped outdoor properties have no rest room facilities, drinking fountains, lighting, or pay telephones. The Reserving Party should plan for these contingencies when holding events outdoors.
OU hosts numerous major campus events, including large-scale athletic events. These events attract large crowds. Use of facilities and outdoor property may be limited or restricted on the days of these events depending on the anticipated number of people in attendance, the location of the facility and the location of the athletic or other major campus event. All requests for events or tabling on major event days are coordinated through Campus Scheduling.
To ensure the safety of attendees and to ensure that there is no impediment of ingress and egress to the facility, no picketing, leafleting, handbilling, peddling or other displays shall be permitted within 300-feet of the facility hosting the event on the day of such an event. Provided, however, such activities by RSOs/individual students are permitted on all remaining public areas and public sidewalks. RSOs/individual students must ensure these activities do not disturb the educational mission of the University or its daily operations and must not impede individuals’ abilities for ingress and egress.
During home football gamedays, the Tailgating Policy should be followed.
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, all printed materials that announce an event or program, including invitations, news releases, fliers and newsletters, must include information to offer accommodations. An appropriate phrase to offer accommodations is: “Accommodations on the basis of disability are available by contacting (name, address, phone) by (date).”
Advertising must not begin until the reservation of the facility, if required, has been confirmed. Materials may not improperly contain University trademarks, logos and tradenames or otherwise violate. All advertising, promotional or informational material designed for display on any surface is restricted to permanent bulletin boards inside or outside University buildings unless there is prior approval from Campus Scheduling. The Reserving Party is responsible for removing any displayed promotions at the conclusion of the event.
Water-soluble chalk colors are limited to white or yellow and the use of spray chalk, fixatives (hair spray or otherwise) and adhesives is prohibited. Chalked messages are restricted to horizontal concrete sidewalks and must not be placed under any building overhangs or within ten (10) feet of any building entrance. Chalked messages must contain the name of the sponsoring organization. Chalking cannot interfere with another message that has already been chalked. Chalked messages meeting the listed criteria will be regular removed through natural weather events. Any Reserving Party/individual student violating this policy will be required to immediately clean-up the chalking or charges may be assessed through OU Facilities Management for clean-up and (if applicable) may be subject to disciplinary action through the Student Rights and Responsibilities Code.
Limited banner space is available only on the South Oval and may hang for a maximum of 5 days including weekends.
Banners left after the 5-day period will be removed at the expense of the Reserving Party.
Limited use of temporary stake signage will be allowed for the Reserving Party. Scheduling approval for all temporary stake signs must be obtained through Campus Scheduling.
Non-University groups may solicit through tabling space in the Oklahoma Memorial Union provided the product does not conflict with current university contracts and/or Oklahoma Memorial Union contracts or lease agreements.
Tabling space on the first floor of the Union is available for the distribution of information, on a first-come, first-served basis. Tabling space shall be reserved through the Union Administrative Office and is assigned in the order requests are received. A daily rate will be charged for the space. Representatives must sign in at the Union Administrative Office upon arrival each day. Posters and/ or other materials, including literature, must be confined to the table area and may not be attached to the wall or other places throughout the building. The use of tape, nails, staples or tacks is strictly prohibited. Any damage to the building surfaces will result in a damage fee being charged to the customer. Persons staffing the table must stay behind the table. Student organizations and University departments may not sponsor Non-University groups, contractors, vendors, or organizations. Soliciting or distributing information is not permitted in or around the Union without renting a table or room in the Oklahoma Memorial Union.
Unsolicited sales door-to-door, office-to-office, or in open areas, by commercial groups or individuals for commercial or financial gain is not allowed. Permission for solicitation by non-university groups may be obtained using an Info Tabling space in the Oklahoma Memorial Union.
Solicitation shall be prohibited on campus except for solicitation by university departments, RSOs or branches of the SGA which may occur in conjunction with regular student activities and campus events with the approval of the director of Student Life, or where in conjunction with vendor or licensing agreements with the University.
Fundraising for political candidates is not allowed in or on University facilities.
Unless otherwise permitted (e.g. fundraising for student organizations, University-related vendor/licensing arrangements), University facilities or properties may not be used for personal profit or gain.
RSOs shall follow basic policies for revenue-producing activities.
Should a Reserving Party’s application for use of a University facility be denied in any fashion, applicants may seek an appeal by written request to the Vice President responsible for the facility within 24 hours of the denial. The appeal must contain the Reserving Party’s name and mailing address, a concise description of the decision complained of, the Reserving Party’s reasons for disagreeing with the decision, and the date the decision was announced. A determination shall be made by that Vice President, or his/her designee, within 24 hours of the appeal. The decision of the Vice President, or his/her designee, shall be final and binding.
Last Updated: March 11, 2024
Some buildings on campus will provision Sooner Card access from the OU Reserve platform. The below applies in this instance.
Access to the space in the reserved facility is a privilege. This privilege may be revoked at any point for violation of building or university policy. All OU Reserve requests must agree to the below for the time of their reservation:
If there are any building issues encountered before/during/after your reservation, please submit a:
Click the appropriate link below to find location-specific policies. The linked policies should be adhered to for any reservation taking place in the respective location.
Classrooms are only available to OU Registered Student Organizations and OU departments.
Because the mission of the University of Oklahoma is to teach and promote academic excellence, the educational purpose of the University must be maintained at all times.
Buildings on the academic campus are primarily for academic purposes (i.e. scheduled classes, departmental programs) and such use takes priority over any other type of use. To avoid conflict with the teaching goals of the University, the following policies must be followed by the Reserving Party when using classrooms:
Any reserving party failing to abide by these procedures may have classroom use privileges suspended.
You can submit requests for use of approved Centrally Controlled Classrooms using OU Reserve.
Space | Setup Type | Max Capacity |
Adams Hall 100 | Tablet Chairs | 26 |
Adams Hall 101 | Tablet Chairs | 32 |
Adams Hall 104 | Classroom Style | 48 |
Adams Hall 112 | Tablet Chairs | 33 |
Adams Hall 150 | Auditorium (Rows of Chairs) | 275 |
Adams Hall 255 | Auditorium (Rows of Chairs) | 170 |
Adams Hall 3103 | Classroom Style | 60 |
Adams Hall 3106 | Classroom Style | 30 |
Adams Hall 3107 | Classroom Style | 60 |
Adams Hall 3208 | Classroom Style | 38 |
Adams Hall 3210 | Classroom Style | 38 |
Bizzell Memorial Library 225 | Conference Style | 12 |
Bizzell Memorial Library 233 | Conference Style | 12 |
Bizzell Memorial Library 324 | Conference Style | 12 |
Bizzell Memorial Library 418 | Conference Style | 12 |
Burton Hall 119 | U Shape | 20 |
Burton Hall 201 | Classroom Style | 21 |
Burton Hall 205 | Classroom Style | 30 |
Burton Hall 206 | Classroom Style | 30 |
Burton Hall 208 | Classroom Style | 24 |
Burton Hall 210 | Classroom Style | 50 |
Carnegie Building 205 | Classroom Style | 20 |
Carnegie Building 225 | Classroom Style | 36 |
Carson Engineering Center 117 | Classroom Style | 67 |
Carson Engineering Center 119 | Classroom Style | 22 |
Carson Engineering Center 121 | Classroom Style | 30 |
Carson Engineering Center 123 | Classroom Style | 23 |
Carson Engineering Center 438 | Classroom Style | 40 |
Carson Engineering Center 439 | Classroom Style | 30 |
Carson Engineering Center 441 | Classroom Style | 30 |
Cate Center 1 174 | Tablet Chairs | 30 |
Cate Center 1 237 | Tablet Chairs | 30 |
Cate Center 2 102 | Tablet Chairs | 20 |
Cate Center 2 140 | Tablet Chairs | 20 |
Copeland Hall 215 | Tablet Chairs | 24 |
Copeland Hall 218 | Classroom Style | 28 |
Copeland Hall 246 | Classroom Style | 25 |
Copeland Hall 340 | Classroom Style | 28 |
Dale Hall 103 | Classroom Style | 200 |
Dale Hall 107 | Tablet Chairs | 46 |
Dale Hall 112 | Classroom Style | 104 |
Dale Hall 116 | Classroom Style | 58 |
Dale Hall 122 | Classroom Style | 104 |
Dale Hall 125 | Classroom Style | 54 |
Dale Hall 128 | Classroom Style | 200 |
Dale Hall 200 | Auditorium (Rows of Chairs) | 558 |
Dale Hall 206 | Classroom Style | 165 |
Dale Hall 211 | Auditorium (Rows of Chairs) | 383 |
Dale Hall 218 | Classroom Style | 146 |
Devon Energy Hall 120 | Classroom Style | 71 |
Devon Energy Hall 130 | Classroom Style | 50 |
Devon Energy Hall 270 | Round Tables (w/ chairs) | 60 |
Farzaneh Hall 146 | Classroom Style | 36 |
Farzaneh Hall 148 | Classroom Style | 48 |
Farzaneh Hall 150 | Classroom Style | 40 |
Felgar Hall 300 | Classroom Style | 192 |
Felgar Hall 304 | Classroom Style | 60 |
Felgar Hall 319 | Classroom Style | 24 |
Felgar Hall 320 | Classroom Style | 19 |
Felgar Hall 334 | Classroom Style | 20 |
Felgar Hall 336 | Classroom Style | 30 |
Gaylord Hall 2020 | Classroom Style | 60 |
Gaylord Hall 2030 | Classroom Style | 60 |
George Lynn Cross Hall 123 | Auditorium (Rows of Chairs) | 223 |
George Lynn Cross Hall 131 | Classroom Style | 60 |
Gould Hall 150 | Classroom Style | 48 |
Gould Hall 155 | Classroom Style | 68 |
Gould Hall 160 | Classroom Style | 40 |
Kaufman Hall 132 | Tablet Chairs | 24 |
Kaufman Hall 134 | Tablet Chairs | 24 |
Kaufman Hall 135 | Tablet Chairs | 24 |
Kaufman Hall 136 | Tablet Chairs | 24 |
Kaufman Hall 137 | Tablet Chairs | 24 |
Kaufman Hall 138 | Tablet Chairs | 52 |
Kaufman Hall 140 | Tablet Chairs | 30 |
Kaufman Hall 231 | Tablet Chairs | 19 |
Kaufman Hall 233 | Tablet Chairs | 18 |
Kaufman Hall 234 | Tablet Chairs | 20 |
Kaufman Hall 319 | Hollow Square | 24 |
Kaufman Hall 330 | Hollow Square | 16 |
Michael F. Price Hall 2010 | Classroom Style | 48 |
Michael F. Price Hall 2020 | Classroom Style | 48 |
Michael F. Price Hall 2030 | Classroom Style | 48 |
Michael F. Price Hall 2040 | Classroom Style | 64 |
Michael F. Price Hall 3010 | Classroom Style | 48 |
Michael F. Price Hall 3020 | Classroom Style | 48 |
Michael F. Price Hall 3030 | Classroom Style | 48 |
Michael F. Price Hall 3065 | Classroom Style | 36 |
Nielsen Hall 170 | Auditorium (Rows of Chairs) | 225 |
Nielsen Hall 251 | Classroom Style | 45 |
Nielsen Hall 270 | Auditorium (Rows of Chairs) | 310 |
Physical Sciences Center 100 | Classroom Style | 69 |
Physical Sciences Center 102 | Classroom Style | 54 |
Physical Sciences Center 108 | Auditorium (Rows of Chairs) | 164 |
Physical Sciences Center 114 | Tablet Chairs | 40 |
Physical Sciences Center 115 | Tablet Chairs | 40 |
Physical Sciences Center 116 | Classroom Style | 40 |
Physical Sciences Center 117 | Tablet Chairs | 40 |
Physical Sciences Center 119 | Classroom Style | 21 |
Physical Sciences Center 120 | Classroom Style | 23 |
Physical Sciences Center 121 | Classroom Style | 24 |
Physical Sciences Center 122 | Tablet Chairs | 35 |
Physical Sciences Center 201 | Auditorium (Rows of Chairs) | 252 |
Physical Sciences Center 212 | Classroom Style | 27 |
Physical Sciences Center 222 | Classroom Style | 40 |
Physical Sciences Center 223 | Classroom Style | 24 |
Physical Sciences Center 224 | Round Tables (w/ chairs) | 40 |
Physical Sciences Center 225 | Classroom Style | 24 |
Physical Sciences Center 228 | Conference Style | 20 |
Physical Sciences Center 313 | Classroom Style | 36 |
Physical Sciences Center 314 | Classroom Style | 36 |
Physical Sciences Center 316 | Classroom Style | 36 |
Physical Sciences Center 317 | Classroom Style | 34 |
Physical Sciences Center 321 | Classroom Style | 40 |
Physical Sciences Center 323 | Classroom Style | 60 |
Physical Sciences Center 356 | Classroom Style | 27 |
Physical Sciences Center 359 | Tablet Chairs | 36 |
Physical Sciences Center 360 | Classroom Style | 24 |
Physical Sciences Center 363 | Tablet Chairs | 30 |
Physical Sciences Center 403 | Classroom Style | 40 |
Physical Sciences Center 404 | Classroom Style | 32 |
Physical Sciences Center 416 | Classroom Style | 40 |
Sarkeys Energy Center A133 | Tablet Chairs | 16 |
Sarkeys Energy Center A235 | Classroom Style | 120 |
Sarkeys Energy Center A236 | Classroom Style | 26 |
Sarkeys Energy Center M204 | Classroom Style | 55 |
Sarkeys Energy Center M207 | Classroom Style | 50 |
Sarkeys Energy Center N202 | Classroom Style | 121 |
Sarkeys Energy Center P201 | Classroom Style | 30 |
Sarkeys Energy Center P203 | Classroom Style | 30 |
Sarkeys Energy Center P207 | Classroom Style | 30 |
Sarkeys Energy Center P209 | Classroom Style | 30 |
Sarkeys Energy Center 350 | Classroom Style | 24 |
Sarkeys Energy Center 370 | Classroom Style | 24 |
Wagner Hall 135 | Classroom Style | 26 |
Wagner Hall 140 | Classroom Style | 26 |
Wagner Hall 145 | Classroom Style | 26 |
Wagner Hall 235 | Classroom Style | 26 |
Wagner Hall 240 | Classroom Style | 26 |
Wagner Hall 250 | Classroom Style | 26 |
Zarrow Hall 105 | Classroom Style | 36 |
Zarrow Hall 115 | Classroom Style | 36 |
Zarrow Hall 120 | Classroom Style | 46 |
Reservations will be able to be made on a semester-by-semester basis. Reservations may be created for the respective semester beginning on the first day of classes.
It is the reserving party'ss responsibility to request enough time for set up/clean up.
No reservation requests will be approved during OU football home game days, dead week, finals week, or winter break.
Building Access
Storm Shelters
Set up/Breakdown
For questions about reservations, please contact
Some spaces require Sooner Card access to enter the space. The information below applies to the Residential Colleges:
Agreement and Deposit
Release and Liability Statement
By submitting this request, you agree to all above terms and conditions.
Please note that submitting a reservation request does not guarantee space availability. There may be additional policies and fees to reserve your desired space. You must receive confirmation from the managing staff of the Forum before your space reservation is completed. The deadline for submitting a reservation request is three (3) full working days prior to the event.
By submitting a reservation request, the reserving party agrees that they have read, understand, and agree to comply with all related policies and procedures and recognize that they may be held responsible for any violation of the appropriate Facility Use Policy, Student Code, University Policy, and State, Local, or Federal law committed by me or my guests.
Some types of student events require liability insurance. Please check with your advisor and review the Risk Management Policy for Student Organizations found at
Strictly prohibited: The use of clear tape, nails, staples, tacks, sticky putty, paint, spray, steaming on any tables or near walls in the rooms. NO glitter, confetti, or open flame candles.
Groups can use any caterer they wish in the Forum Building. Please give any information to the Forum staff so proper buffet tables are in place and custodial needs are met. All beverages must be purchased from the Forum.
Linens are required for any group using the round banquet tables that have food served on them. Linens can be rented from the forum or provided by the group.
Groups are encouraged to pay in advance, but billing will be done at the beginning of the following month. If the invoice is not paid in a timely matter the group will have a bad status and that means they will not be allowed to book spaces in the Forum or the Memorial Union.
Groups or individuals will be held liable if any of their members or attendees cause damage to the facility. Fees may be applied in certain circumstances such as additional cleaning, repair to damaged dividing walls if moved, damage caused to furniture and damage to any AV equipment. Please do not adjust or alter any A/V equipment without staff permission. If assistance is needed, please contact staff in the building or call the assistance number posted in the room.
For your protection, the University of Oklahoma does not accept and will not process credit card information provided via email or text messages.
NO-SHOW and cancelation policy
When a group or individual does not utilize a room reservation and does not communicate to the Forum Staff at least 3 business days in advance of a cancelation, the group or individual has committed a “no-show”. Reserved space is considered abandoned after 30 minutes have passed from the scheduled start of the reservation and will result in a no-show. Upon a no show, the room fees associated with the reservation will still apply and the group or individual will be subject to the following:
By submitting this form, I agree that I have read, understand, and agree to comply with the Forum’s Policies and Procedures and recognize that I may be held responsible for any violation of the Facility Use Policy, Student Code, University Policy, and State, Local, or Federal law committed by me or my guests.
For accommodations on the basis of disability for you or your guest(s), call (405) 325-4318 or email
For more information, please check the FAQ section on the conference services website.