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Match Program Support of Postdoctoral Researchers to Stimulate Research and Creative Activities



Currently Inactive

Match Program in Support of Postdoctoral Researchers to Stimulate Research and Creative Activities

Program Overview

The Office of the Vice President for Research and Partnerships (OVPRP) invites applications for a new matching funds program to stimulate and enhance OU research and creative activity efforts through partial support for a postdoctoral researcher position on externally funded grants. For successful applicants, the OVPRP will provide 25% of the postdoctoral researcher's salary and fringe benefits for a one-year time period, provided that such a position was budgeted for in an external grant application that in FY24 (July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024) (i) was awarded, (ii) is currently pending or (iii) is planned. The matching funds are expected to help drive enhanced project outcomes and increase the numbers of postdocs at OU. The VPRP match is valid only if the external grant is awarded.

Eligibility and Award Limitations

All regular, ranked renewable term, and research faculty on the OU Norman and Tulsa (Norman campus programs) campuses who are lead Principal Investigators (PIs) on external grants awarded or currently pending review in FY24 or lead PI on a planned external grant application that will include support of a full-time postdoc to be submitted within FY24 are eligible. PIs can submit more than one application for a postdoc match but no more than one VPRP match for one postdoc will be awarded. 

Application Requirements

The application packet should be prepared and submitted as a single PDF (11-point font or greater, 1-inch margins) and should include:

  • Cover page with the name of the lead PI, institutional affiliations and contact information as well as a list of co-PI(s) or other collaborators with institutional affiliations. Provide complete grant information related to this postdoc match request: agency, program, project title, award amount or requested amount, award period, submission date, status (indicate if external grant application has been (i) awarded in FY24, (ii) submitted in FY24, or (iii) is planned for submission in FY24).
  • A brief project description (1-2 pages) that includes the goals and specific outcomes of the proposed project. Describe the role that the postdoc will play in achieving the project's goals. If applicable, indicate the extent to which the PI has had prior experience in mentoring postdocs.
  • Budget information: proposed postdoc total costs (salary and fringe benefits) and proposed use of OVPRP match funds. Specifically, how would this benefit the project if the 25% VPRP postdoc matching funds were awarded? Specific outcomes should be described.
  • Applicant's biosketch (2-page vita is preferred but any federal/state funding agency format is also acceptable).
  • Current and pending grant support. List agency, program, project title, award amount or requested amount, award period, submission date, status. 

Evaluation Criteria and Timeline (subject to change)

Proposals will be evaluated by a team of selected internal faculty and administrators representing OU's broad research and creative activity areas. Evaluation will be based on anticipated outcomes of the project, the importance of the postdoc for successful completion of the project, and the potential impact of the VPRP matching funds on the overall outcomes of the project. Additional considerations will include the PI's track record of success in obtaining external sponsored research funds, anticipated opportunities for continued future work on the project, and prior history, if applicable, of mentoring postdocs. 

If you have additional questions about this opportunity, contact Associate VPRP Ann West (