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Course Descriptions

Prerequisite: Business degree candidacy, junior standing. Firms of all kinds are attempting to improve their competitive positions by strategically managing the flow of raw materials, work-in-process inventories and finished goods. This course is built around the topic of managing the supply chain that plans, sources, makes and delivers an organization's good and/or services - from suppliers of raw materials through to the final customer.

Prerequisite: SCM 3113; junior standing. Procurement and Strategic Sourcing addresses the processes that facilitate the structure, creation and management of value-added transaction and relationships between supplier and customer organizations in a channel, supply chain, and integrated value system context.

(Crosslisted with MKT 3223) Prerequisite: Student must be approved for degree
candidacy by Price College, Marketing 3013 or concurrent enrollment. The
physical supply and distribution function in business management, including
channel selection, transportation, facility location and materials management;
concentrates on the analytical and managerial methods necessary for the
development and control of an integrated logistics system. (F, Sp)

Prerequisite: Student must be approved for degree candidacy by Price College.
A study of the principles and practices related to production and operations
management including product decisions, process planning, project planning,
work measurement, plant location, facilities layout, scheduling and associated
analytical techniques. (F, Sp)

Prerequisite: Student must be approved for degree candidacy by Price College,
all 3000-level Business core courses, SCM 3323 and SCM 3523. The concept of
the global marketplace or global economy has taken on new meaning for all
enterprises. This course will examine the contemporary issues and strategies in
global transportation management and policy. Emphasis will be placed on
evaluation of the impacts of transportation policies, new technologies, and
strategic carrier and shipper management practices on the transportation industry
in a more competitively economic and geopolitical environment. (F, Sp)

Prerequisite: 3223 and declared Supply Chain Management major. Supply chain
operating practices and principles (i.e., the fundamentals of materials and
logistics management). Studies and analyzes the dynamic nature of supply chain
management for products and services and addresses the impact of the global
economy on the management process. The course also develops a solid
grounding in the theory of supply chain design, which includes strategies for
customer service, quality, logistics, inventory management, and integrated supply
chain management. Includes forecasting, postponement, sourcing (in particular,
global sourcing), network design, and virtual integration (web-centric) and
illustrates these concepts through cases. (Sp)

Prerequisite: 3523 or permission of instructor; student must be approved for
degree candidacy by Price College; all 3000-level Core courses. Second
operations management course for supply chain majors. Includes the typical
operations planning and control. Addresses the design of OPC systems, typical
tasks performed by the OPC system, key components of the OPC system, and
product and process issues that affect the OPC system. Topic areas include
demand management, sales and operations planning, inventory management,
master production scheduling, material requirements planning, distribution
requirements planning, capacity planning, production activity control, and ERP.

Prerequisite: MKT 3613; student must be approved for degree candidacy by Price College. The healthcare supply chain is a critical core business component of the healthcare delivery system. The purpose of this course is to bring an overview of the healthcare supply chain through the elements of the supply chain, the operational aspects and the strategic aspects of the integration of the supply chain with the clinical delivery of care.