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Students walking on the University of Oklahoma Norman campus, surrounded by buildings, trees, and sculptures.

Campus & Community Resources

Campus Resources

The objective of the Campus Safety Department is to achieve a University culture that emphasizes safety.  This includes maintenance of life safety systems, safe buildings, events and activities and emergency planning in a manner that enhances the quality of the University's campus operations and the lives of students, faculty, staff, and visitors.

The Campus Safety department  units include the fire marshal's office; the emergency manager's office; campus weather monitoring; building, mechanical, electrical and plumbing code compliance; and Max Westheimer Airport operations. 

To learn more about the Campus Safety Department and their services, please visit

This program, through Magellan Health, provides professional and confidential help to faculty, staff and their family members dealing with a variety of problems, including drug and alcohol abuse. It includes an assessment of the problem and the best avenues for assistance and provides employee counseling and training programs on the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse. For more information call (800) 327-5043 or visit

The Insitutional Equity Office and Title IX handles discrimination claims, affirmative action plans, claims involving the Sexual Misconduct, Discrimination and Harassment Policy, and gender equity issues related to athletics.

Visit or call (405) 325-3546 for more information.

OU Advocates is a 24/7 helpline (call/text/WhatsApp) and in-person confidential support service for OU students, staff and faculty experiencing sexual assault, dating and domestic violence, stalking, and/or sexual harassment. 

Visit for more information or call (405) 615-0013 to speak to an advocate. 

Goddard Health Center offers the convenience of an on-campus location and the commitment of a high-quality primary care staff to students, faculty, staff and their dependents. The clinic staff consists of board-certified, licensed physicians, physician assistants, a nurse practitioner and medical assistants offering a full spectrum of care in family medicine, sports medicine, and disease prevention and treatment.

Visit or call (405) 325-4611 for more information and appointments. 

Established in 2004, the Student Alcohol Policy implemented the OU SafeRide program to discourage drinking and driving. The program provides safe, no-cost transportation for OU students within the designated Norman zone from 10 p.m. to 3 a.m. every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of the program calendar. SafeRide has partnered with the City of Norman’s micro-transit service, Norman On-Demand. OU students can access the benefits of both the Norman On-Demand service and the OU SafeRide program by downloading the Norman On-Demand app and creating their account using their email address.

Visit for more information.

Housing and Residence Life provides a complimentary service to accompany residential students anywhere on campus (north to south from Boyd St. to Lloyd Noble Center, west to east from Elm Ave. to S. Jenkins Ave.) from 8 p.m. to 2 a.m., Sunday to Thursday. This service is staffed by trained resident advisors who are readily available to assist students. To reach SafeWalk, call 405-325-WALK (9255). Residential students also can call from the blue emergency phones. When using a blue phone, simply ask the OUPD dispatcher to connect you with SafeWalk.

SafeWalk staff arrive within 10-15 minutes at any OU campus location and escort persons on foot to their campus destination. Shirts and badges identify SafeWalk staff. SafeWalk staff carry flashlights at all times and umbrellas in wet weather.

If residential students do not wish to walk alone on Friday and Saturday nights, they can call the OUPD non-emergency number at (405) 325-1717 or (405) 325-2864.

OU Information Technology provides design, installation, and maintenance of network security cameras for all campus departments. Video from these cameras is stored for 15 days and may be viewed by authorized employees of the subscribing department as well as OUPD.

Cameras can only be installed in authorized locations and where there is appropriate connectivity to the campus network. Access to cameras is limited to authorized employees of the subscribing campus departments.

​To request a quote for security camera installation, or to request access to existing security cameras, please visit the OU IT Service Catalog.

The Student Conduct Office handles reports related to the Student Code and Alcohol Policy.

Visit or call (405) 325-1540 for more information. 

The University Counseling Center at Goddard Health Center provides comprehensive mental health services for students, faculty and staff on the Norman campus. 

Services include individual and group counseling for students with psychological concerns; online mental health services; crisis intervention for students experiencing a psychological crisis or emergency; outreach and prevention programs for students; and training for graduate students in clinical counseling and social work.

Visit or call (405) 325-2911 for more information and appointments. 

Stylized crimson line.

State and Local Resources

988 is a direct, three-digit lifeline that connects you with trained behavioral health professionals who can get all Oklahomans the help they need.

Visit for more information or call 988 if you’re ready to speak with a mental health professional. 

COCMHC is a Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic offering integrated, trauma-informed and Annual Security and Fire Safety Report ANNUAL SECURITY AND FIRE SAFETY REPORT 2024-2025 35 culturally competent mental health, substance abuse and primary care services to children, youth, adults, and families. 

Visit odmhsas-facilities/cocmhc.html or call (405) 360-5100 for more information. 

A 24 hour, statewide safeline. Call 800-522-7233.

LASO is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization that provides civil legal assistance to low-income persons throughout Oklahoma.

Visit or call (405) 557-0020 for more information.

NPD can provide law enforcement support. 

Visit https:// or call (405) 321-1444 for more information. For emergencies, call 911. 

Norman Regional Hospital can provide a variety of medical assistance and care. 

Visit or call (405) 515-1000 for more information.

Norman Regional Hospital Emergency Department can provide a variety of emergency medical assistance and care. Visit or call (405) 515-1000 for more information.

Norman Regional Nine can provide a variety of medical assistance and care. Visit or call (405) 307-1000 for more information.

Norman Women’s Resource Center provides confidential support and assistance for victims of sexual violence. 

Visit for more information. Call (405) 701-5540 for the Emergency Shelter or (405) 701-5660 for the Rape Crisis Center.

Stylized crimson line.

National Resources



Crime Prevention Programs and Presentations

Upon request, OUPD can present to any interested university-affiliated group or organization on a variety of personal and campus safety concerns. Organizations not connected to the university are also welcome on an as-time-permits basis. We can address any issue on safety or security and custom-tailor the presentation to fit your specific needs. Topics include:

  • Active Threat: RUN-HIDE-FIGHT
  • Campus Safety
  • Campus Safety for New Students
  • Personal Safety Issues
  • Property Theft Prevention
  • Residence Hall Safety and Security
  • Sexual Assault Awareness Issues
  • Workplace Violence

If you are interested in having OUPD present to your group, please contact the OUPD Crime Prevention Unit:

Call the OUPD Crime Prevention Unit at (405) 325-2864

Email Crime Prevention at


OUPD provides fingerprinting services for job applications, security clearance, bar applications, Department of Human Services, etc.  The process is typically done digitally using a digital scanner that will print onto a standard FBI, FD-258, fingerprint card.  

To get your fingerprints done, come to the OU Police Department, Monday-Thursday, 10:00 a.m. to noon and 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. except holidays and University breaks.

The charge for a card is $15 per card, cash only.  We request you bring exact change as we are unable to make change.  If you have a valid OU Identification Card, the charge will be $10 per card.