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Personal Safety

Students walking, looking through the stone ring sculpture on the South Oval.

Campus Alerts & Safety Tips

Types of Campus Alerts

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Emergency Alert

Upon confirmation of a significant emergency or dangerous situation occurring on campus involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of members of the campus community (such situations include, but are not limited to: tornadoes, bomb threats, chemical spills, disease outbreaks, fires, active shooters, etc.), OUPD will, without delay, issue an Emergency Notification to the appropriate segment(s) of the campus community.

Critical Alert

In the event of criminal activity occurring either on or near University property that in the judgment of OUPD, in consultation with University administrators, constitutes a serious or continuing threat to the campus community, a campus-wide Critical Alert will be issued. Examples of such situations may include a sexual assault or a series of motor vehicle thefts in the area. Critical Alerts are issued in compliance with the Clery Act and may also be referred to as Timely Warning Notifications

Urgent Alert

Campus alerts that would not be considered a TWN or an Emergency Notification will be issued as an Urgent Alert. This could include incidents such as a power outage, snow closure, or other incidents that do not pose a serious or continuing threat to campus or an immediate threat to the health and safety of students and employees. Urgent alerts are sent at the direction of University administration.

Safety Tips

  • Avoid walking or jogging alone, and try not to walk or jog after dark.
  • Avoid dark or vacant areas. Walk along well-lit routes.
  • Be alert to your surroundings. If you suspect you are being followed: Run in a different direction, go to the other side of the street and yell for help, or move quickly to a lighted area, a group of people, or a blue light emergency phone.
  • Have your keys ready when returning to your residence hall or apartment. Keep your personal or valuable items concealed and close to your body.
  • Avoid wearing headphones when walking or jogging. Always be aware of your surroundings and practice risk avoidance techniques.

Housing and Residence Life provides a complimentary service called SafeWalk to accompany residential students anywhere on campus. To lear more about this program please visit

For Drivers

  • A driver must yield to a pedestrian within the crosswalk.
  • Drivers must follow speed limits and slow their speed as they approach crosswalks and be prepared to stop.
  • Do not use your cell phone while driving. Your risk of crashing increases significantly when driving while texting or dialing cell phones and it is illegal to text while driving in Oklahoma.

For Pedestrians

  • A driver is not required to stop until a pedestrian enters the crosswalk, and the pedestrian should not enter the crosswalk until it is safe to do so. 
  • Pedestrians should use sidewalks whenever available. If not, keep to the shoulder of the road, facing traffic.
  • Stand near the street or take a step on the crosswalk so the intent to cross is clear to drivers. 
  • Make eye contact with the driver and watch for the vehicle to slow and stop. 
  • Do not run or walk into a crosswalk without first stopping and checking for traffic. 
  • Make sure the vehicle has adequate time and distance to stop. 
  • Pedestrians should pay attention to their surroundings and keep distractions such as cell phones to a minimum.

For Bicyclists

  • In Oklahoma, cyclists share the rights and responsibilities of other vehicle drivers.
  • Cyclists should go with the flow of the traffic, stay to the right and ride in a straight line rather than weaving around other vehicles. Use bike lanes if present.
  • Bicycle riders also should wear properly fitted bike helmets for protection from injury as well as brightly colored clothing to make them more visible to motorists.
  • Cyclists should pay attention to their surroundings and keep distractions such as cell phones to a minimum.
  • Cyclist should walk bikes through crosswalks
  • Keep a record of the make, model, and serial number of your bicycle, e-bike, or scooter.
  • Secure your bicycle/scooter to bike racks in areas that are well-lighted, under camera surveillance or near high foot traffic areas. Use a high-quality lock to secure your bicycle/scooter. Do not use a chain or cable lock, as they can be easily cut with hand tools. Failure to use a high-quality lock can significantly increase the likelihood your property will be stolen.
  • Add a concealed tracking device to your bicycle or scooter. 
  • If you do not ride your bicycle or scooter regularly, take it home.
  • Register your bicycle, electric bicycle, or electric scooter with OU Parking and Transportation Services. This will help prevent theft and will assist OUPD with recovery if found. To register, go to the Parking and Transportation Office, located on the first level of the Jenkins Avenue Parking Garage. If registering an e-bike or e-scooter, you will need to know the top speed of the bike/scooter and the battery voltage, in addition to the make, model, and serial number.
  • Do not exceed 10 mph when operating a bicycle or electric scooter on campus, and watch for pedestrians and hazards.
  • Always wear a helmet and keep both hands on the handlebars and items off the handlebars.
  • To the extent possible, drive on streets or in bike lanes rather than sidewalks.
  • Walk bicycles and scooters across crosswalks.
  • When not in use, only use designated bike racks/scooter parking areas. Make sure the bicycle/scooter is parked upright and not parked in a walkway.
  • More electric scooter safety tips are available here.
  • Have your key ready when you approach your vehicle.
  • Check inside your vehicle before entering.
  • Always keep your vehicle locked with windows up, even while driving.
  • Park in well-lighted areas.
  • Avoid isolated roads and short-cuts.
  • Never pick up hitchhikers or people you don't know well.
  • Keep your vehicle in good repair. Make certain you have enough fuel.
  • Remain inside your vehicle if you develop mechanical trouble. Keep the doors locked and the windows up until help arrives. To signal distress, put up the hood or display a sign. If someone stops to offer help, don't leave the vehicle; ask that they call the police or a service provider.
  • If you are followed, drive to the nearest open business for help, or go to a police or fire station.
  • When dropping someone off, wait until passengers have safely entered their residence or destination.
  • If involved in a minor collision at night or in an isolated location, do not exit to inspect damage or contact the other driver. Signal the other driver with your lights, and proceed to the nearest lighted and occupied business or police station.
  • Call ahead when driving to your home or apartment late at night and have someone watch you walk from your car to the residence.
  • Limit distractions such as cell phones.
  • Park in well-lighted, busy areas. On a busy campus, day or night, picking your parking spot may be easier said than done — but try to choose a well-lighted, visible, parking spot where there is lots of vehicular and pedestrian movement when possible. Auto-burglars prefer breaking into cars where they will not observed or attract notice, and choose their targets accordingly
  • Lock vehicle doors, roll up windows, and take keys/fobs with you. Lock ALL your vehicle's doors and take your keys/fob even if you plan to be gone for only a brief time. Every year, we have items stolen from unlocked vehicles where the owner was only going to be gone "just for a second". Unfortunately, theft only takes seconds. It's not uncommon for thieves to walk a row of parked vehicles and check vehicle doors to see if they are unlocked. Don't leave any window open or even cracked open, including vent/wing windows and sunroofs.
  • Don't leave valuables in your car. That sounds like common sense, but drivers/passengers do leave items of value in plain view every day. If you must leave valuables in your car, keep them out of sight or in the trunk. Unload valuables once you return home. Additionally, don't leave any sign that there might be valuables in your vehicle, such as cell phone charging cables. Leave nothing in plain sight that might make your vehicle worth investigating by a thief, not even loose coins.
  • Never leave your car running while unattended.
  • Set any alarm or anti-theft device. If you have one, use it! Many people believe that car-alarms no longer make a difference, but they can be an effective deterrent to an auto-burglar, who most often chooses the easiest target. If they have two cars to choose from, one with an alarm and one without, they will likely burglarize the one without 
  • Keep your home, office or residence hall room locked when not occupied. For homes, makes sure all exterior doors, windows and garage doors are shut and locked. All roommates or family members should have their own key. Do not leave doors unlocked for roommates or family members. If you have a home security system, be sure to use it. 
  • Do not prop open doors. Many doors on campus may only be opened by authorized students and employees for security and safety reasons. Propping open doors could allow unauthorized individuals into campus buildings and residence halls.
  • Make your residence look occupied. Leave lights on and a televeision or radio if possible, when you go out. If you're away for an extended time, make arrangements to have mail/packges collected, your lawn cared for and consider automatic timers for lights or smart blubs that can be controlled remotely. 
  • For homes and apartments, close curtains and blinds to prevent thieves from taking inventory and learning the home's layout.
  • Take prompt action to address maintenance problems that may affect your security. If renting or living in a residence hall, report things like burnt-out lights, uncollected trash, graffiti, broken windows, defective security systems and other conditions which detract from the secure appearance of your residence promptly to the appropriate authorities for correction.
  • Do not leave valuables in plain sight. Keep them stored in a hidden area. For campus offices, lock bags and similar items in your desk if possible. 
  • Mark your valuables with an identifier so ownership is clear. Recording the serial numbers and other identifiers during the marking process helps ensure that you can positively identify your property if it is taken and subsequently recovered, or that you can prove ownership if there is some question.
  • Be a good neighbor. Get to know your neighbors and their habits to the extent that you can recognize deviations from normal behavior (and they can do the same for you). A cooperative neighborhood can increase everyone's collective home security with very little individual effort or time.
  • Call the police when you observe a stranger behaving in a suspicious manner (loitering and observing, approaching multiple residences without apparent business, or removing property from a neighbor's residence). 
  • To further protect your home, consider installing a home security system and evaluating your outdoor lighting. 


Bystander intervention is encouraged through safe and positive intervention techniques and by empowering third-party intervention and prevention. In addition to reporting incidents to appropriate authorities, below are some ways in which individuals can take safe and positive steps to prevent harm and intervene when there is a risk of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking against another person.

There are 3 different strategies you can use to intervene when you see sexually abusive behavior. We call them the 3 Ds: Direct, Distract, & Delegate.

  • Direct: With a direct response, you accept personal responsibility and do something to stop the situation from getting worse.
  • Distract: You find a way out for the potential victim by creating a shift in the situation.
  • Delegate: You can ask someone to intervene with you or for you (don’t hesitate to contact the police)

Consent is the act of willingly agreeing to engage in sexual contact or conduct. Individuals who consent to sex must be able to understand what they are doing. Consent is informed, knowing and voluntary. Consent is active, not passive. Silence, in and of itself, cannot be interpreted as consent. Consent can be given by words or actions, as long as those words or actions create mutually understandable permission regarding the conditions of sexual activity. Consent to one form of sexual activity cannot imply consent to other forms of sexual activity. Previous relationships or consent does not imply consent to future sexual acts. Consent cannot be procured by use of physical force, compelling threats, intimidating behavior, or coercion.

If you find yourself in an uncomfortable sexual situation, these suggestions may help you reduce your risk:

  • Consent is a clear and coherent yes, not an absence of no; silence and passivity cannot be interpreted as an indication of consent.
  • Understand and respect personal boundaries.
  • Don’t make assumptions about consent; about someone’s sexual availability; about whether they are attracted to you; about how far you can go or about whether they are physically and/or mentally able to consent. If there are any questions or ambiguity, then you do not have consent.
  • Mixed messages from your partner are a clear indication that you should stop, defuse any sexual tension and communicate better.
  • Don’t take advantage of someone’s drunkenness or drugged state.
  • Realize that your potential partner could be intimidated by you, or fearful of you. You may have a power advantage simply because of your gender or size. Don’t abuse that power.
  • Understand that consent to some form of sexual behavior does not automatically imply consent to any other forms of sexual behavior.

Perpetrators of sexual violence are often intentional in their approach and use these three common strategies to make their victims vulnerable.

  • Isolation – making moves to get their target alone.
  • Coercion – refusing to take no for an answer.
  • Alcohol – pressuring their date to drink more.  

We can all do our part to help end sexual assault on campus by looking out for these warning signs and making the decision to intervene when we see abusive behavior like this. 

You can take steps to increase your safety in situations where drinking may be involved. These tips can help you feel more safe and may reduce the risk of having a negative experience. 

  • Keep an eye on your friends. If you are going out in a group, plan to arrive together and leave together. If you decide to leave early, let your friends know. If you’re at a party, check in with them during the night to see how they’re doing. If something doesn’t look right, step in. Don’t be afraid to let a friend know if something is making you uncomfortable or if you are worried about their safety.
  • Have a backup plan. Sometimes plans change quickly. You might realize it’s not safe for you to drive home, or the group you arrived with might decide to go somewhere you don’t feel comfortable. Keep the number for a reliable sober individual saved in your phone and on a piece of paper in your wallet and try to have cash on hand. It is also a good idea to download a few different rideshare apps on your phone. Having multiple options helps ensure that you will be able to get a ride home or to a safe location, even if the app you typically use is not functioning. To help keep your phone charged so you can stay in communication with friends or call a ride, consider bringing an external cell phone charger that can be used without an electrical outlet. Download the Norman On-Demand app and use the SafeRide taxi service if you do not have a travel alternative.
  • Know what you’re drinking. Don’t recognize the taste? Don't drink anything you get that tastes or smells off, or seems suspicious in any way. Use your phone to look up the unknown taste and smell. Consider avoiding large-batch drinks like punches that may have a deceptively high alcohol content. There is no way to know exactly what was used to create these drinks.
  • Trust your instincts. If you feel unsafe, uncomfortable, or worried for any reason, don’t ignore these feelings. Go with your gut. Get somewhere safe and find someone you trust, or call law enforcement.
  • Don’t leave a drink unattended. That includes when you use the bathroom, go dancing, or leave to make a phone call. Either take the drink with you or throw it out. Avoid using the same cup to refill your drink.
  • Don’t accept drinks from people you don’t know or trust. This can be challenging in some settings, like a party or a date. If you choose to accept a drink from someone you’ve just met, try to go with the person to the bar to order it, watch it being poured, and carry it yourself.
  • Check in with yourself. You might have heard the expression “know your limits.” Whether you drink regularly or not, check in with yourself periodically to register how you feel. If you think you have had too much, ask a trusted friend to help you get water or get home safely. Remember, if someone offers you a drink, you can always say no.
  • Be aware of sudden changes in the way your body feels. Do you feel more intoxicated than you are comfortable with? Some drugs are odorless, colorless and/or tasteless, and can be added to your drink without you noticing. If you feel uncomfortable, tell a friend and have them take you to a safe place. If you suspect you or a friend has been drugged, call 911, and tell the healthcare professionals that you suspect you or a friend have been drugged so they can administer the right tests.