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photo of a campus sidewalk flanked by lamp posts

Chief's Welcome

From all of the employees of the University of Oklahoma Police Department, welcome to our Norman campus website. The University of Oklahoma Police Department is comprised of dedicated, professional women and men, both sworn and civilian. We are a full-time, full service police agency. Our goal is to ensure our campus community is a safe environment for all of our students, staff, faculty, and visitors, while supporting the university’s mission of education and research.

Chief Nate Tarver.

From all of the employees of the University of Oklahoma Police Department, welcome to our Norman campus website.  The University of Oklahoma Police Department is comprised of dedicated, professional women and men, both sworn and civilian.  We are a full-time, full service police agency.  Our goal is to ensure our campus community is a safe environment for all of our students, staff, faculty, and visitors, while supporting the university’s mission of education and research.

We value our commitment to our Core Values: Accountability, Integrity, Loyalty, Respect, and Professionalism. We humbly ask our community to assist us in our efforts to remain an elite law enforcement agency by giving us your interest and support. Should our department fall short of your expectations, please let us know that as well.  We want to be responsive to the needs of those we are sworn to serve.

I encourage you to peruse our website.  Observe and explore the many services and programs we have to offer.  Please contact us should you want to know more, or to inquire as to how we can be of assistance to you.  Our campus is not only beautiful, it is a safe and inviting place to learn, work, and visit.  BOOMER SOONER! Live on University!

Stylized crimson line.

– Nathaniel Tarver

Associate Vice President & Chief of Police
The University of Oklahoma


About the Department

General Information and Jurisdiction

The University of Oklahoma Police Department is responsible for campus safety at the University. The department provides a variety of services including law enforcement, security for university facilities and assets, plan review, security surveys, civil defense and emergency preparedness coordination.

OUPD officers are commissioned and sworn peace officers as authorized by state law and are certified by the Oklahoma Council on Law Enforcement Education and Training. Officers have the authority to make arrests and carry firearms. Additional non-commissioned, unarmed security personnel provide patrols in various sections of campus. University police officers are on duty 24 hours a day.

OUPD’s jurisdiction covers the Norman Campus and its associated properties, regardless of where they’re situated. OUPD officers may engage in routine traffic enforcement efforts on all streets owned and maintained by OU and on all Norman city streets adjacent to campus. OUPD maintains a close working relationship with the Norman Police Department. Officers are empowered to act within the incorporated limits of the City of Norman (a municipal corporation chartered under state law) by the Law Enforcement Services Agreement entered into by the OU Board of Regents and the City Council of the City of Norman effective Oct. 12, 1993. In the event an OUPD officer observes circumstances at any off-campus Norman location in which failure to take immediate action would result in injury to or death of the officer or another, the OUPD officer may take that action necessary to effect control pending the arrival of Norman Police Department personnel. On-duty members of OUPD may assist members of any law enforcement agency within the incorporated limits of the City of Norman or at any location where an emergency exists.


OUPD is an accredited law enforcement agency. OUPD receives it accreditation from the Oklahoma Association of Chiefs of Police, Oklahoma Law Enforcement Agency Accreditation and Professional Standards Program.  Agencies maintain accredited status by submitting to a subsequent independent on-site review every three years.