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Kuang-Hua Chang

Kuang-Hua Chang

Kuang-Hua Chang

David Ross Boyd Professor
Williams Companies Foundation Presidential Professor

Phone: (405) 325-1746
Office: Felgar Hall 201
Office Hours: T/R 10:20am-11:20am
pdf Professor Kuang Hua Chang CV (PDF)

Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering (1990)

The University of Iowa
M. S., Mechanical Engineering (1987)
The University of Iowa
B.S., Mechanical Engineering (1980)
Taipei Institute of Technology, Taiwan

Research Focus

Theoretical and Methodology Development:

  • Computational mechanics and material design for impact energy mitigation
  • Multi-scale modeling and simulation for nano-mechanics and material design
  • Design for mechanical fatigue and Fracture using XFEM and bridging scale methods
  • Modeling and simulation for manufacturing process, sheet metal forming
  • Reverse engineering and fast prototyping


  • Assistive and rehabilitation devices
  • Geometric modeling and 3D printing for bio-engineering applications
  • Design of helmets and sporting goods

Design Projects:

  • Green tricycle
  • Design for animated characters and kinetic sculptures

Experience and Awards

  • Certificate of Excellence, Finalist of 2014 Oklahoma Medal for Excellence in Teaching and Administration: In recognition of outstanding achievement in the field of teaching and administration by the Board of Trustees of the Oklahoma Foundation for Excellence
  • 2013 David Ross Boyd Professor, University of Oklahoma, April 18, 2013: For having consistently demonstrated outstanding teaching, guidance, and leadership for students in an academic discipline or in an interdisciplinary program within the University.
  • 2010 Regents Award for Superior Teaching, University of Oklahoma, April 1, 2010
  • 2009 Don Davis Award, OKC Mayor’s Committee on Disability Concerns, OKC, October 29, 2009: The highest honor and is granted in public recognition of extraordinarily meritorious service which has substantially advanced opportunities for people with disabilities by removing social, attitudinal & environmental barriers in the greater Oklahoma City area
  • OU Alumni Teaching Award, University of Oklahoma, September 28, 2009 (AME4553 Design Practicum Spring 2009)
  • OU Alumni Teaching Award, University of Oklahoma, September 28, 2009 (AME3353 Design of Machine Components, Spring 2009)
  • OU Alumni Teaching Award, University of Oklahoma, April 6, 2009 (AME4283 Concurrent Design and Manufacturing, Fall 2008)
  • OU Alumni Teaching Award, University of Oklahoma, March 14, 2008 (AME4263 Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, Fall 2007)
  • OU Alumni Teaching Award, University of Oklahoma, July 23, 2007 (AME3553 Design of Machine Component, Spring 2007)
  • NSF Fellowships: NSF Summer Institute on Nano Mechanics and Materials, Northwestern University, July 2007
  • *Reference Dr. Chang's CV for Additional Honors & Awards
  • AME 5740.002 Design Theory and Methods
  • AME 3143 Solid Mechanics
  • AME 4283/5283 Concurrent Design and Manufacturing
  • AME 4193.001 Introduction To CAD
  • AME 4263/5263 Computer-Integrated Manufacturing
  • AME 4283/5283 Concurrent Design and Manufacturing
  • AME 3353.002 Design of Machine Components
  • AME 4283/5283 Concurrent Design and Manufacturing
  • AME 3353.002 Design of Machine Components
  • AME 4263/5263 Computer-Integrated Manufacturing
  • AME 4283/5283 Concurrent Design and Manufacturing
  • AME 3353 Design of Machine Components
  • AME 4553 Design Practicum
  • AME 3353 Design of Machine Components
  • AME 5740 Computational Methods in Structural Design
  • AME 4263/5263 Computer-Integrated Manufacturing
  • AME 3353 Design of Machine Components

*Reference Dr. Chang's CV for Additional Courses

  • 2015~Present Associate Editor, Computer-Aided Design and Applications
  • 2012~Present Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Software Engineering and Applications
  • 2010~Present Associate Editor, Journal of Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines
  • 2010~Present Member, Editorial Board, ISRN Mechanical Engineering
  • 2008~Present Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Scientific Computing
  • Member, International Society for Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (ISSMO)
  • Member, World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (WCSMO)
  • Member, Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE)
  • *Reference Dr. Chang's CV for Additional Professional Organizations