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Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan

Goal #1

Promote excellence in research and scholarship

Strategy 1.1

Leverage the learning community to enhance the creation of economic capital and intellectual capital

  • Tactic 1.1.1: Enhance research performance of AME faculty
  • Tactic 1.1.2: Raise and allocate resources to build research infrastructure for AME through synergistic collaboration in interdisciplinary efforts in CoE

Strategy 1.2

Promote interdisciplinary collaborations leading to transformative research

  • Tactic 1.2.1: Develop a learning community that is based on the multiple competencies of faculty members and is focused on transformative science and discovery to address variety of interdisciplinary and research topics
  • Tactic 1.2.2: Expedite strategic faculty, research scholar and graduate student hires to fill areas of need for AME community

Strategy 1.3

Enhance partnerships with state, federal, industry, and other research institutions

  • Tactic 1.3.1: Increase external partnerships and forming strategic alliances for visibility and awareness of opportunities, mechanisms and success factors

Goal #2

Enhance the graduate educational experience

Strategy 2.1

Increase graduate student quality

  • Tactic 2.1.1: Increase recruitment of qualified current AME undergraduate students to our graduate program
  • Tactic 2.1.2: Continue to improve the overall quality of entering graduate students

Strategy 2.2

Continue to improve the graduate educational experience

  • Tactic 2.2.1: Prepare our graduate students for placement in academia, industry, government and other sectors
  • Tactic 2.2.2: Increase number of graduate students applying and receiving fellowships
  • Tactic 2.2.3: Promote collaboration in graduate education with industry, other colleges, and institutions
  • Tactic 2.2.4: Improve quality of graduate student life
  • Tactic 2.2.5: Promote international collaboration in graduate education

Goal #3

Enhance undergraduate programs through excellence in experiential learning, innovations in knowledge delivery and curriculum development

Strategy 3.1

Demonstrate pursuit of excellence through continuous improvement in AE and ME programs

  • Tactic 3.1.1: Aerospace Engineering and Mechanical Engineering programs receive and maintain six-year accreditation

Strategy 3.2
Provide an outstanding undergraduate learning experience

  • Tactic 3.2.1: Incorporate innovations in knowledge delivery
  • Tactic 3.2.2: Enhance AE and ME programs through the pursuit of excellence in experiential learning
  • Tactic 3.2.3: Maintain high quality of undergraduate students
  • Tactic 3.2.4: Create multiple BS/MS options for students in AE and ME
  • Tactic 3.2.5: Continue to improve outstanding academic support

Goal #4

Enhance the AME learning community

Strategy 4.1

Promote the AME learning community

  • Tactic 4.1.1: Enhance AME learning community that empowers each person to meet his/her full potential
  • Tactic 4.1.2: Facilitate faculty, instructor, and staff development
  • Tactic 4.1.3: Promote a welcoming community of students, faculty and staff

Strategy 4.2
Recruit, retain, and graduate an outstanding student body

  • Tactic 4.2.1: Improve publicity of programs to prospective students
  • Tactic 4.2.2: Maintain current competitive scholarships, fellowships and stipends based on scholastic merit and
    leadership potential
  • Tactic 4.2.3: Promote faculty, staff and student participation in outreach activities

Strategy 4.3: Explore endowment opportunities for the school

Goal #5

Showcase AME

Strategy 5.1
Develop and adopt a strategy to showcase AME with maximum impact on the US News and World Report surveys and prospective donors

  • Tactic 5.1.1: Strengthen AME’s presence in the electronic media including social network services
  • Tactic 5.1.2: Increase AME’s presence in the print media including the AME Newsletter
  • Tactic 5.1.3: Implement a seminar series that is in alignment with the Strategic Goals

Strategy 5.2
Showcase research, teaching and service accomplishments of AME faculty and students

  • Tactic 5.2.1: Publicize research, teaching and service capabilities and successes of the AME community so that
    AME becomes a destination of choice for faculty, staff, students, government and industry
  • Tactic 5.2.2: Showcase the AME teaching and learning environment/facilities
  • Tactic 5.2.3: Showcase contributions to service
  • Strategy 5.3: Showcase accomplishments and contributions of alumni, Board of Advisors members, and friends
  • Tactic 5.3.1: Publicize news of accomplishments of alumni, BoA members, and friends
  • Tactic 5.3.2: Provide news of donations from AME stakeholders and others