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Cooperative Institute for Severe and High-Impact Weather Research (CIWRO)

Cutting-edge atmospheric research

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CIWRO’s vision is to be a global leader in severe and high-impact weather research, bridging partnerships between OU, NOAA, and consortium institutions to transform scientific understanding into products that provide innovative, life-saving forecasts that reduce the impacts of extreme weather on communities and ecosystems.

Cooperative Institute for Severe and High-Impact Weather Research and Operations (CIWRO) logo.
An ATD radar.
Weather radar and observations

Our cooperative institute brings unique expertise to develop, update, maintain, and operate weather radar facilities, and to conduct and analyze field campaigns that support NOAA’s world-class research and development. CIWRO continues to support revolutionary radar technology, such as dual polarization and phased array in stationary and mobile radar, to capture the morphology and dynamics of severe weather phenomena.

An OU radar truck with a large storm in the background.
Mesoscale & stormscale modeling

CIWRO makes significant contibutions through its process studies and critical analysis of how hazardous weather forms. CIWRO continues to support NOAA’s goal of producing short-term probabilistic forecasts. Theoretical and modeling studies also build on the foundation of observations for explicitly simulating electrification and lightning as well as cloud microphysical, boundary layer, convective, mesoscale, and dynamic processes.

A group of forecasters in a large room with tables and computers.
Forecast applications improvements

We integrate and convert our research results into meaningful decision-support tools and forecasting techniques for the National Weather Service. The goal is to equip forecasters with tools to provide useable output to decision makers, emergency planners, and the public. By harnessing cutting-edge science and technology, CIWRO helps to maximize the effectiveness of forecast improvements.

Two OU students in the field with equipment.
Subseasonal-to-seasonal prediction for extreme weather

CIWRO scientists examine possible connections between monthly temperature and precipitation anomalies and severe weather outbreaks. Improved subseasonal-to-seasonal (S2S) forecasts can anticipate disruptive events that require deployment of resources, provision of food and water security, and tactical planning. Climatology is compared to models operating on the S2S scale to ascertain the ability to predict periods and locations of wildfire, winter storms, flooding, and other high-impact weather events.

A group of people assess storm damage.
Social & socio-economic impacts of weather

We perform social, behavioral, and economic sciences research related to the public response to weather forecasts and related hazardous weather information. Ensuring that the public and other stakeholders take advantage of forecasts is a multi-disciplinary challenge that demands a team science and integrated research approach. Social scientists, meteorologists, emergency managers, and communication and media practitioners work closely to effectively communicate science, forecasts, and hazardous weather information, as well as to enhance the messaging of forecast uncertainty to the public.

Featured News

CIWRO Attends AMS 2025 Annual Meeting

AMS Conference 2025

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Researchers Study Cloud Data from Tasmania to Texas

September 12, 2024

Two atmospheric researchers at the University of Oklahoma have received funding from the Department of Energy’s Atmospheric System Research program. Greg McFarquhar and Zachary Lebo will both lead projects to advance understanding of cloud processes by utilizing datasets from distinct atmospheric field campaigns.

Embark on a world-changing career

We employ more than more than 200 researchers, support personnel and students. Their contributions to research are changing how the public responds to severe weather threats.

The National Weather Center with a purple and pink sky in the background.

Embrace belonging

Flexible work hours and easy area commutes enable employees to address personal needs without sacrificing personal leave. Our structured career-track program allows for advancement and professional prestige while maintaining a healthy work/life balance.

Seize Opportunity

  • Ability to participate in interagency collaborations on a wide range of topics
  • Visibility in the broader field at conferences, workshops, and testbeds
  • A rewards and merit system that acknowledges professional excellence
  • A chance to develop new professional skills/toolsets
  • Opportunities for promotion

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