For information on policies, frequently used forms, or organizational resources, please see below.
Prior to travel
During travel
After Travel
For more information on travel, you can review the Travel website for a quick guide, the OU-Norman Travel Policies, and more detailed information in the Concur Training Guides.
For work funded by a federal partner through CIWRO’s Cooperative Agreement, a funding acknowledgement must be included in the acknowledgement section of the publication.
For peer-reviewed materials, the following acknowledgement must be used:
Funding was provided by NOAA/Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research under NOAA-University of Oklahoma Cooperative Agreement #NA21OAR4320204, U.S. Department of Commerce.
For non-peer-reviewed materials, the following acknowledgement must be used:
This [conference paper/extended abstract/report/video/etc.] was prepared by [author(s)] with funding provided by NOAA/Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research under NOAA-University of Oklahoma Cooperative Agreement #NA21OAR4320204, U.S. Department of Commerce. The statements, findings, conclusions, and recommendations are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of NOAA or the U.S. Department of Commerce.
If the work was not fully funded by CIWRO’s Cooperative Agreement, an agency-specific acknowledgement may need to be included. Reach out to Cassie Eads for information on award number for acknowledgement on non-cooperative agreement awards.
Process for Peer-Reviewed Manuscripts
The highest-listed CIWRO author is responsible for the following process.
Before Submission:
After Acceptance:
If CIWRO is paying for partial/total publication costs:
After the Paper is Published (i.e., when a full reference or an Early Online Release is available):
CIWRO Branded Slide Decks can be found below, which include versions with NOAA partner lab logos for conference presentations and other partner presentations: