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Researcher Resources

For information on policies, frequently used forms, or organizational resources, please see below.

Prior to travel

  • All travel: Speak with your team lead to ensure travel is approved and get the funding source information. Federal employees cannot approve travel for CIWRO employees, only your team lead/division lead can approve your travel request.
  • For domestic travel:
    • You must fill out a travel request prior to your trip. This request will route to your direct supervisor. You must put the funding source in the travel request, which your team lead can provide.
      • How to guide on submitting a travel request can be found here.
    • Once your travel request is approved, you can move forward with booking your flights and hotel. Your flights should be booked through the Concur site (a guide on this process can be found here). Your hotel should be booked outside of Concur but can be charged to your travel card. Please note that you must find a hotel that offers the government rate if at all possible, unless you are booking through a conference designated hotel booking. If there are no hotels at or under the GSA rate available, please reach out to so that we can work with OU Travel to ensure that the higher rate is approved.
    • Conference registration should be purchased on your travel card, as should any abstract fees related to the conference.
    • Once you start making charges (abstract, registration, flights, hotel), please work with AGSGMC to create a dummy report for your trip and move travel card charges to that report. This will avoid the repeated emails to you and your supervisor about outstanding company card charges.
  • For international travel
    • You must fill out a travel request prior to your trip. This request will route to your direct supervisor.
      • How to guide on submitting a travel request can be found here.
    • You must register any international travel at least 30 days prior to your travel for appropriate approvals and export control checks. You will also need to complete the ReFS international travel form. Please coordinate with to fill out the form with the correct project information.
    • Once your travel request is approved, you can move forward with booking your flights and hotel. Your flights should be booked through CTP via phone at 877-811-5319 (a guide on this process can be found here). I highly suggest looking up flights externally for a price comparison when booking international flights so that you can get the best rate. If the CTP price is higher than the price you can book directly with the airline, you must get an emailed price quote from CTP to attach to your travel claim to prove that you saved the university money.
      • International flights must comply with the Fly America Act using a domestic carrier. CTP can assist with ensuring you are in compliance.
    • Your hotel should be booked outside of Concur, but can be charged to your travel card. Please note that you must find a hotel that offers the government rate if at all possible, unless you are booking through a conference designated hotel booking. If there are no hotels at or under the GSA rate available, please reach out to so that we can work with OU Travel to ensure that the higher rate is approved.
    • Conference registration should be purchased on your travel card, as should any abstract fees related to the conference.
    • Once you start making charges, please work with AGSGMC to create a dummy report for your trip and move travel card charges to that report. This will avoid the repeated emails to you and your supervisor about outstanding company card charges.

During travel

  • For domestic or international
    • Keep all of your receipts during travel status for your claim. You can upload them directly to Concur or attach them to your travel report email after travel.
    • If you have any issues during travel or need to cut your trip short, please contact Cassie Eads at or 405-325-3043 to walk you through the process.
    • Meals and incidentals can be purchased on your travel card, but if you spend over your allotted per diem, the difference will be taken from your next paycheck, so be cautious.

After Travel

  • For domestic or international
    • You must complete the ‘Concur Reimbursement Request’ Form and send it to so that the GMC can complete the Chartfield Spread information and will forward this on to SBSC, who will complete your travel expense report for you.
      • You must complete the ‘Funding Source from Travel Request’ section. This should be either the name of your Task II funding or the name of your direct-to-CI project and should match your travel request. If you are not sure what to put, please coordinate with your team lead.
    • If you have not uploaded your receipts to Concur, you can attach them to the email and the GMC will forward them to SBSC on your behalf. Please also attach the agenda for your trip.
      • If there was not a formal agenda, you must complete the ‘informal agenda’ form, attached to this email.
    • Once SBSC has completed your report, they will let you know it is time to submit your report. Once you submit, your supervisor will approve your report, then financial approval will be given, and finally OU Travel will review and approve all claims.

For more information on travel, you can review the Travel website for a quick guide, the OU-Norman Travel Policies, and more detailed information in the Concur Training Guides

Download Concur Reimbursement Request Form (pdf)


  • CIWRO employees not affiliated with a federal partner should list their affiliation as 
    • Cooperative Institute for Severe and High-Impact Weather Research and Operations, The University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma.
  • CIWRO employees affiliated with a NOAA unit should list their affiliation as 
    • Cooperative Institute for Severe and High-Impact Weather Research and Operations, The University of Oklahoma and <NOAA UNIT>
    • Where the NOAA UNIT is one of the following:
      • NOAA/OAR National Severe Storms Laboratory, Norman, Oklahoma
      • NOAA/OAR Air Resources Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
      • NOAA/NWS Warning Decision Training Division, Norman, Oklahoma
      • NOAA/NWS Storm Prediction Center, Norman, Oklahoma
      • NOAA/NWS Operations Proving Ground, Kansas City, Missouri
      • NOAA/NWS National Weather Service Training Center, Kansas City, Missouri
  • CIWRO employees affiliated with a non-NOAA unit should list their affiliation as  
    • Cooperative Institute for Severe and High-Impact Weather Research and Operations, The University of Oklahoma and <AFFILIATION>
    • Where the AFFILIATION may be one of the following:
      • U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) User Facility, Norman, Oklahoma
      • School of Meteorology, The University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma


For work funded by a federal partner through CIWRO’s Cooperative Agreement, a funding acknowledgement must be included in the acknowledgement section of the publication. 

For peer-reviewed materials, the following acknowledgement must be used:
Funding was provided by NOAA/Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research under NOAA-University of Oklahoma Cooperative Agreement #NA21OAR4320204, U.S. Department of Commerce.

For non-peer-reviewed materials, the following acknowledgement must be used:
This [conference paper/extended abstract/report/video/etc.] was prepared by [author(s)] with funding provided by NOAA/Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research under NOAA-University of Oklahoma Cooperative Agreement #NA21OAR4320204, U.S. Department of Commerce. The statements, findings, conclusions, and recommendations are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of NOAA or the U.S. Department of Commerce.

If the work was not fully funded by CIWRO’s Cooperative Agreement, an agency-specific acknowledgement may need to be included. Reach out to Cassie Eads for information on award number for acknowledgement on non-cooperative agreement awards. 

Process for Peer-Reviewed Manuscripts 

The highest-listed CIWRO author is responsible for the following process. 

Before Submission:

  • Make sure the affiliation of all CIWRO authors is correct and that any needed funding acknowledgement is included. 
  • Submit manuscript to Randy Peppler ( for a double-check of affiliation and funding acknowledgement. 
  • If you are an NSSL affiliate and you are the highest-listed NSSL author (federal or affiliate), submit the NSSL Publications Clearance Form (available on the NSSL intranet). This triggers an administrative review of the publication by NSSL’s leadership, but there is no need to wait for a response before submitting your manuscript. 

After Acceptance:

If CIWRO is paying for partial/total publication costs: 

  • Ask your CIWRO team lead to determine/confirm which project will cover publication costs. 
  • Email the AGS Grants Management Center ( with the page charge form and the funding source to be submitted to the journal. The CIWRO Executive Director is the only person able to sign page charge forms.

After the Paper is Published (i.e., when a full reference or an Early Online Release is available):

  • If you are an NSSL affiliate and you are the highest-listed NSSL author (federal or affiliate), submit the publication to the NSSL Publications Database (available on the NSSL intranet). 

CIWRO Branded Slide Decks can be found below, which include versions with NOAA partner lab logos for conference presentations and other partner presentations: