Independent study requires permission of the faculty instructor. Each type of course, Directed Research, Project, or Reading require a contract to be agreed upon and filed prior to enrollment. Email completed contracts to the SLIS Office at
All students enrolled in the BAIS or BSIST programs are required to complete an internship. Questions about navigating an internship, possible locations to complete an internship, examples of required documentation, and much more are provided on the Internship Guide.
Connect with resources to help you achieve success throughout your undergraduate program.
The Student Success and Advising Center is dedicated to nurturing the academic, professional, and personal growth of undergraduate students in the Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences by providing individualized support, opportunities and resources through stellar academic advising and access to transformational learning opportunities.
The mission of Student Life is to guide students in realizing academic, professional, and personal goals as they progress toward graduation and beyond.
Connect with resources to help you achieve success throughout your graduate program.
Download and access forms required by the Graduate College including: Programs of Study, degree requirements, degree coursework plans, and program reports for all Graduate Programs.
The Graduate College Bulletin is produced by the University of Oklahoma Graduate College, Norman campus, issued by the University of Oklahoma, and authorized by the University of Oklahoma Board of Regents. It is the responsibility of graduate students and graduate faculty to familiarize themselves with the general requirements of the Graduate College and with the specific requirements of their particular academic unit.
Graduate assistantships provide students with the opportunity to gain meaningful work experience while helping cover the cost of their education.
Learn about the funding opportunities avaliable through the Graduate College.
Graduate College Grants & Awards
Graduate Student Life (GSL) exists to help fulfill graduate students' needs and connect them to opportunities both in person and virtually.
The Graduate Student Senate (GSS) represents every graduate student enrolled in any of the programs offered by the Graduate College at the University of Oklahoma, giving them an official voice. Additionally, each year a substantial portion of the SGA budget is allocated to GSS for two important initiatives: Awards and Grants.
Review the MLIS program information and access the degree checksheet on the General Catalog
Complete this form during your first semester in the MLIS program to map out your plan to degree completion.
The MLIS Student Handbook represents the School's effort to provide information important for successful admission and completion of the School's MLIS program.
An LIS 5823 Internship is a graduate level course that students may do after they have completed 18 credit-hours in the program. The internship requires the completion of 135 work hours and as a course, requires the payment of graduate tuition.
Review the Museum Studies program information and access the degree checksheet on the General Catalog
Whether you need assistance with research, writing an essay, or discovering career paths, we have a range of academic resources available to help you. We encourage you to explore these resources and make the most of them to achieve your educational goals.
Review the Information Studies Ph.D. program information and access the degree checksheet on the General Catalog
This form is an internal SLIS form and is intended to help students, with input from their advisor and committee (the Advisory Conference Committee), to create a coursework plan for their Ph.D. program.
The General Exam for the PhD in Information Science is intended to reflect a student’s knowledge, expertise, and ability to synthesize in their specialized areas of information science.
All doctoral students of OU SLIS are required to prepare and successfully defend the dissertation proposal. The dissertation represents a piece of original research that contributes to the knowledge base of the field. The proposal establishes the foundation on which the student will undertake dissertation research.
Once a successful dissertation proposal has occured, students will work closely with your advisor and the rest of the Advisory Conference Committee to produce a dissertation that reflects your research and presents your contribution to the library and information studies discipline.
Access the Dissertation Protocols (PDF)
Approved by SLIS faculty 02/02/2025