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Change unproductive stress/anxiety into productive energy. Change takes time. Change occurs unevenly. It is a very individual process so you must learn what works for you.
Step 1. Evaluate your Anxiety
What are your stress symptoms? Some of the most common symptoms of stress are headache, backache, muscle tension, upset stomach, and sweaty palms. The first step toward solving a problem is assessment so you know the nature and severity of the problem.
Which types of exams are creating anxiety for you? The least?
Arrange them into a hierarchy from least to most anxiety arousing.
Least > to > Most
If you talked to others, you'd find variation. For example, some despise essay, others prefer them. Some like multiple choice, others tremble at them. Some prefer history-type tests, others math-type tests. On the discussion board feel free to share what type of tests you most dislike or prefer and ask others to report theirs.
The Test Experience
The test experience can be thought of in three parts:
What portions of the test experience are least to most anxiety arousing for you?
Least > to > Most
Again, there is variation, some aren't anxious until the test is over; some calm down once the test begins. What is your pattern?(Notice, this is ever more detailed assessment. As the problem is defined or assessed, it becomes more manageable).
Step 2: Learn to Deal with Anxiety
Start with low stress situations. As you have success with anxiety reduction skills, move on to slightly more anxiety-arousing situations.
You reduce anxiety by "nibbling around the edges"-- learning to handle the easier situations first.
Do all of the following suggestions. A common error is to make a half-hearted effort with one technique and then to quit when it doesn't work. Reducing anxiety requires an across the board approach.
You must unlearn habits and that takes effort. Expect it to take a while. Expect to stumble.
A common error is to think you should never "slip back" but "slipping" is normal. Learning is not a smooth process. Stumbling is not a problem if you learn something from stumbling.
Anxiety Prevention
First, don't do anything to worsen the anxiety.
Evaluate yourself and different situations. What do you do that makes it worse? How can you stop or replace those behaviors?
Your goal is enough anxiety to perform optimally but not too much, typically, that's a low level.
How can you prevent test anxiety?
Avoid unproductive self-labels (e.g., "Anxious person," "Don't test well," "A failure")Substitute productive ones (e.g., "I care about school," "I'm passionate")Prepare for the examAre you studying effectively not merely studying "hard"? Amount of studying does make a difference (read and re-read) but quality of effort also has an impact. There are many sites with study skill suggestions. Keep learning about how to study. (I'm still learning!)How can you improve your reading skills? Visit scroll down about halfway and look at row of links starting "Students: Volume".
Step 3: Learn Active Coping Skills
Goal: Catch anxiety at the lowest level and moderate it. Try to interrupt the vicious cycle and build a virtuous cycle instead.
What are some ways to cope with tension once it begins?
Moderate your muscle tension by using the following techniques:
For example, "I must do well on the exam or it would be terrible!". This belief is irrational because it assumes you can know the future. It is also irrational because in life you don't have to do anything but die-- all else is optional (even paying taxes). (Yes, there are consequences to all choices and some consequences are less pleasant in general, but it is still a choice.)The Consequence is you feel anxious.If you can Dispute the belief (e.g., "It would be nice to make an A, but a lower grade won't literally kill me. It might be unpleasant but I won't be dead.") then you can relieve the anxiety. Beliefs and effective Disputing statements are very individual. The disputing sentence has to make sense to you.
The most important thing you can do to improve your test scores is make certain you are well prepared for the exam. There is no substitute for preparation! However, preparation doesn't mean simply studying hard for each exam as they come up. The most well prepared students practice good habits along the way, which helps them not only remember the material, but understand the material at a much deeper level. Here are a few things you can do that will help ensure your success: