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Faculty Resources

Faculty Resources

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Examinations are administered in a secure and supportive testing environment that upholds academic integrity and where all students can demonstrate their knowledge with confidence. 

  • Paper Exams
    • DROP OFF one copy of the exam and all necessary materials, including the proctoring form, scantrons, and specialized scratch paper, for every student in your course who is accommodated.    
    • DROP OFF exams and materials at least 24 hours before the exam.
    • PICK UP exams and materials 24 hours after the scheduled exam.
    • Professors or designated representatives will sign in for exams and sign out when picking up exams.
    • You are notified via RegisterBlast when the student schedules their exam at the Testing Center.
  • Online Exams
    • Email one copy of the proctoring form and a COMPLETE list of all students in their course 48 hours before the exam.
    • If your exams are combined online/paper-based, bring exam materials and pick up all materials.  
  • Testing Schedule:
    • Students must schedule 72 hours before the exam date.
    • Block times are 8:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 1 p.m. and 3 p.m.
    • No exams scheduled April 28 - May 2 to prepare for Finals Week.
    • Final Exam schedule is currently NOT open but will coincide with the University Block Scheduling. 

 If you have any questions, please feel free to call 405-325-1921.