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Advanced Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics (CHE 5843)

Course Content:

  1. Short review of the First and Second law. Mass and energy balances for multicomponent systems. Thermodynamic equilibrium.
  2. Non-ideal behavior. Departure functions.
  3. Equations of State (EoS) for pure fluids and their mixtures. Van der Waals EoS. Generalized EoS: the Peng-Robison model. Solving energy balances with generalized EoS. Review of relevant applications.
  4. Thermodynamics of mixtures: general concepts.
  5. Chemical equilibria. Fundamentals and relevant applications.
  6. Physical equilibria. Fundamentals. Ideal and non-ideal mixtures. Excess properties. Activity coefficients, azeotropes. Phase diagrams.
  7. Macromolecular system. From the macroscopic to the statistical approach.
  8. Thermodynamic properties of mixtures containing polymers. Flory-Huggins lattice model. Sanchez-Lacombe lattice fluid theory. Non-equilibrium lattice fluid theory for glassy polymers and their mixtures.

Textbook: Stanley I. Sandler, Chemical and Engineering Thermodynamics, or Chemical, Biochemical and Engineering Thermodynamics (different Eds.), Wiley and Sons. Additional materials (lecture notes/handouts) and exercises will be provided by Prof. Galizia.

Process Dynamics and Control (CHE4153)

Course Content:

  1. Introductory concepts. Process dynamics, process control and their relevance. Simulation versus experimentation.
  2. Modeling the dynamic behavior of linear and non-linear systems. Transient (dynamic) states and steady states. Dynamic behavior of heat exchangers, chemical reactors and other process equipment. Recall of non-linear algebraic equations and differential equations. Resolution of algebraic and differential equations with analytical and numerical methods. Linearization of systems with one or more independent variables: mathematical and physical meaning.
  3. Definition and properties of Laplace transform. Final value and initial value theorems. Time domain and Laplace domain. Laplace transforms of elementary functions. Some important functions and their Laplace transforms: pulse, step, and ramp functions. Laplace transforms as a tool to solve linear and linearized differential equations. Solution of linear differential systems. Heaviside decomposition theorems. Poles of Laplace transforms and their physical meaning. Zeros of Laplace transform and their physical meaning. Qualitative prediction of the dynamic behavior of systems based on the analysis of poles.
  4. Transfer Functions. Definition. First order systems. Second order systems. Overdamped, critically damped and underdamped systems. High order systems. Block diagrams. Transfer functions parameters and their physical meaning. System stability. Routh array criterion. Stable and unstable systems. Physical interpretation of stability. Transfer functions in series and in parallel. Systems with inverse response. Approximated transfer functions. Examples of first, second and higher order systems in the chemical industry.
  5. Process Control. Classification: Feedback and Feedforward, SISO and MIMO. Control scheme: sensors, controllers and actuators. Feedback control: proportional (P), integral (I) and derivative (D) actions. PI and PID actions. Dynamic behavior of first and higher order feedback-controlled systems. Stability of controlled systems. General Lyapunov criterion. Routh criterion. Controllers design and tuning: Cohen-Coon method. Examples of process control: level, flow and temperature controllers. Outline of feedforward control. Review of relevant examples of process control in the chemical industry.

Textbook: G. Stephanopoulos, Chemical Process Control: an introduction to theory and practice, Prentice Hall.