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  1. Molecular-level Understanding of Small Molecule Transport in Glassy Polymers Exhibiting Configurational Free Volume. Support: NSF-CBET (Molecular Separations).
  2. Molecular design and fundamental understanding of Janus Mixed Matrix Membranes with precisely controlled morphology and transport properties. Support: NSF-CBET (Interfacial Engineering).
  3. Mixed matrix membranes containing highly soluble- and diffusion-selective organic fillers.
  4. Predictive calculation of mixed gas solubility-selectivity using rational thermodynamic models.
  1. Fundamental transport property-structure correlations for Organic Solvent Nanofiltration membranes. Support: ACS-PRF
  2. Synthesis, characterization and fundamental understanding of novel membranes for organic solvent separation exhibiting high selectivity and durability. Support: NSF-CAREER (Interfacial Engineering)