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Dr. Galizia with student receiving award

September 2023
Dr. Galizia will lead a DOE grant in collaboration with Dr. Alberto Striolo and Dr. Marco Buongiorno Nardelli.

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August 2023

Dr. Galizia receives a BFIP (Bridge Fund Investment Program) grant from OU

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Dr. Galizia with student receiving award

August 2023
Dr. Galizia receives the ACS-PMSE Early Career Scientist Award for the seminal contribution to the understanding of the mechanism of selectivity in polymer membranes. Pictured here, Dr. Galizia attending the award ceremony in S. Francisco.

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July 2023

Dr. Galizia receives Tenure and promotion to the rank of Associate Professor.

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Dr. Galizia with student receiving award

May 2023
Will Box wins the poster competition at NAMS 2023 (Tuscaloosa)

April 2023

President Joseph Harroz awards Dr. Galizia the Presidential Professorship, one of the OU greatest honors

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March 2023

Dr. Galizia receives a SEIP (Strategic Equipment Investment Program) grant

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Two students receive AICHE Award

November 2022
Our UG researchers, Addie Landry and Shivam Patel, get 1st and 2nd place at the national poster competition, respectively.

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May 2022

Dr. Michele Galizia receives the Outstanding Chemical Engineering Professor Award

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September 15 2021

Lucas Condes is joining the group as a PhD student: welcome Lucas!  

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September 15 2021

A new visiting PhD student is joining the group from the University of Valladolid (ES): welcome Laura!

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September 1 2021

Check out our new I&EC Research paper! It is part of the 2021 I&ECR Class of Influential Researchers: Evidence for size-sieving driven vapor sorption in polymers exhibiting configurational free volume.

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August 24 2021

Adriana Landry receives the Phillips66 Research Scholarship: Congratulations, Adriana!

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July 6 2021

Check out our POLYMER invited review, in collaboration with ARAMCO, C2Sense and the University of Notre Dame: State of the art and prospects of chemically and thermally aggressive membrane gas separations: Insights from polymer science.

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June 23 2021

Check out our MATERIALS ADVANCES invited review, in collaboration with the University at Buffalo: Designing organic solvent separation membranes: polymers, porous structures, 2D materials, and their combinations.

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May 20, 2021


The Membrane Lab@OU is humbled to announce that its NSF CAREER proposal, which provides the highest recognition for a recently established academic research group in the US, has been recommended for funding. This award will support our research over the next five years, as well as our educational efforts for the local community of middle/high school students and their families.

This is the third CAREER award in the last 4 years in my department: CBME is healthy and is the right place where brilliant and motivated graduate students and postdocs can receive a master education.

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May 7, 2021

Teaching Award

Prof. Galizia receives the ChemE Outstanding Teaching award

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May 7, 2021

Kelly defended his dissertation

Reformulation of the solution-diffusion theory of OSN and OSRO: influence of sorption, diffusion, pressure, interactions and swelling on membrane performance

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April 1, 2021

Prof. Galizia is included is the I&ECR 2021 Class of Influential Researchers.   

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January 27, 2021

Prof. Galizia joins the Journal of Membrane Science Editorial Board as an Early Career Member.

New PhD Student Joins Research Group

A new PhD student is joining the group in the Fall 2020. Welcome to Matt Webb!

Galizia receives a CBET-Interfacial Engineering Grant

Prof. Galizia will lead the project “Molecular design and fundamental understanding of Janus Mixed Matrix Membranes with precisely controlled morphology and transport properties”, in collaboration with prof. Sepideh Razavi. 

Check our new paper out!

Plasticization mechanism in polybenzimidazole membranes for organic solvent nanofiltration: insights from FTIR spectroscopy, Journal of Polymer Science

Kelly Places 1st in Poster Presentation

Kelly places 1st at the 2020 North American Membrane Society (NAMS) Conference. Her poster was titled "Influence of molecular interactions, membrane swelling and plasticization on pure and mixed fluid transport in OSN membranes". Congratulations, Kelly!

Kelly Receives the Al Clark Award from CBME

Kelly receives the Al Clark award from CBME, with a $ 1,000 check. This award is assigned (not every year) to recognize  exceptional research accomplishments. This is another important achievement for Kelly!

Galizia Receives NSF Funding

Dr. Galizia will lead the collaborative project “Molecular-level Understanding of Small Molecule Transport in Glassy Polymers Exhibiting Configurational Free Volume”, within the CBET program.

Co-PIs are Prof. Ruilan Guo (University of Notre Dame) and Prof. Bin Wang (University of Oklahoma)

Galizia Receives ACS-PRF Award

Prof. Galizia receives the prestigious ACS-PRF (Petroleum Research Fund) Award from the American Chemical Society. This grant will support his research on OSN for the years 2019-2021.

Manuscript Accepted for Publication

Our manuscript “Modeling gas and vapor sorption and swelling in a triptycene-based polybenzoxazole: evidence for entropy-driven sorption” has been accepted for publication in Macromolecules.

Bye Receives Award

Kelly Bye received the Outstanding Junior Researcher Award.

Congratulations Kelly!

Manuscript Accepted for Publication

Kelly Bye's manuscript “Pure and mixed fluid sorption and transport in Celazole® polybenzimidazole: effects of plasticization” has been accepted for publication on the Journal of Membrane Science.

Galizia Receives FIP Funding

Professor Galizia receives fundings (Faculty Investment Program, The University of Oklahoma) to develop, in collaboration with Prof. Sepideh Razavi, new membrane materials for CO2 capture.

Manuscript Accepted for Publication

Our manuscript, Gas and water vapor sorption and diffusion in a triptycene-based polybenzoxazole: effect of temperature and pressure and predicting of mixed gas sorption, has been accepted for publication on the Journal of Membrane Science.

Manuscript Accepted for Publication in Frontiers in Chemistry

Our manuscript "Advances in organic solvent nanofiltration rely on physical chemistry and polymer chemistry" has been accepted for publication in Frontiers in Chemistry" (Nature Publishing Group).

Bye Receives Program Grant

Kelly Bye received an Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program Grant.

Congratulations Kelly!

Two New Members of the MembraneLab@OU

Welcome Kelly Bye and Valerio Loianno! 

Kelly Bye is an undergraduate student in Chemical Engineering at the OU. He is member of the Honor College.

Valerio Loianno is a visiting PhD student from Italy.