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Network with Students

Network with our Students

Discover opportunities to meet, network, and connect with our engineering students to recruit, build your brand, and create pathways.



Want to connect with our students? Try these networking opportunities!

Advertise an Event in Our College

Partner with Student Organizations


Host an Information Table On-Campus

Devon Energy Hall Atrium

Companies have the opportunity to network and meet with students throughout the year by setting up an information table on campus. Companies typically setup in the Devon Energy Hall atrium (pictured here), but other areas on the engineering quad are also available.

This is an excellent opportunity to not only recruit students or advertise opportunities, but to also build you brand on campus outside of and as a part of major recruitment events.

  • A table and two chairs are provided to representatives for the duration of the reservation. 
  • Employers are expected to bring any other materials needed for their table. 
  • All information tables reserved through the college are advertised in our weekly student newsletter if made at least one week out .   
  • There is no cost to reserve and host a table in engineering.
  • Have a specific opportunity, event, or on-campus appearance tied to your information table can help give structure to conversations and create an organic opportunity to follow up with interested students.


  • Typically tables hosted from 10:00am to 2:00pm tend to have higher foot traffic, though companies can host their tables outside or beyond these times.


  • Food and materials are not required to host a table, but it is allowed and often welcomed by students.


  • Setup your reservation at least a week in advance so your appearance can appear in our student newsletter and be advertised to interested organizations and departments.

When making your request, please include the following information:

  • Company name
  • Date and time for tabling event
  • Preferred location, if any

For all reservations for tabling in the engineering quad, please email Jeff Biggerstaff, Engineering Student Life Coordinator.


Advertise a Networking Opportunity

Every Monday in the Fall and Spring semesters, the Gallogly College of Engineering sends out a newsletter to students through email to announce various activities, news, and opportunities.  If you are interested in advertising an event or networking opportunity in our weekly engineering newsletter, please complete the following form:

You must submit your listing by Monday at 10:00am for distribution that afternoon.  If you miss this deadline, your listing will be included in the following newsletter. If you have any questions, please email

Opportunity Submission Form
for Engineering Newsletter



Partner with Engineering Student Organizations

One of the ways recruiters can network with students, build their brand, and recruit is by partnering with our engineering student organizations. 

These organizations vary from professional organizations, cultural organizations, graduate communities, honor societies, engineering competition teams, and specialized interest organizations. 

These organizations have a history of connecting with recruiters to host tech talks, information sessions, and professional development opportunities as well as offering sponsorship opportunities.

  • Built-In Audience - Members associated with the host organizations will be encouraged to come and give you a base amount of members.


  • On-Campus Logistics - Organizations can help with room reservations, setup, cleanup, and ordering refreshments/


  • Advertisement Assistance - Organizations can help advertise the event internally and through various avenues to increase outreach and attendance.


  • Build Pathways With Students - Partnering on an event is just the beginning of a relationship with student organizations and allows companies to build relationships with not only current members and leaders, but also creates opportunities to connect with future members.
  • Partner with Multiple Organizations - Many organizations have some overlap with student memberships or may have events occurring concurrently with yours.  By partnering with multiple organizations, you increase your attendance base, reduce costs, and make sure you are not duplicating efforts.


  • Do More Than a Recruitment Pitch - Engineering students have  competing personal, professional, and academic obligations that require them to plan and choose which opportunities they attend during their free-time.  By discussing experience, company culture, or tying a professional development opportunity to your event, you create a more valuable experience for students and make it more likely they will attend.


  • Plan the Event With Student Organizations - The best people who know what students want and are interested in are the students themselves.  By including the organization's leadership in your event planning, you can gain a better idea of what topics or types of events would be more interesting to students attending your event.


  • Reach out Early - Organization planning often happens early in the semester.  Reaching out early can help make organizations aware of your interest and help combine their plans for the semester with yours.

Many of our engineering student organizations register with the college and are listed on our website.  To learn more about what organizations we have in our college and what their mission is, please visit our webpage.

List of Engineering Student Orgs

When setting up an opportunity to partner with student organizations, please keep in mind the following details:

  • General time frame you plan to be on-campus
  • What organizations or groups of students you are hoping to connect with
  • What your plans are for the event
  • Any other important details you would like to share with the org.

Once these details are finalized, you can email our Engineering Student Life Coordinator, Jeff Biggerstaff to get introduced to an organization's leadership and advisor.

Student at the career fair



Contact Us

Jeff Biggerstaff

Jeff Biggerstaff

Engineering Student Life Coordinator

(405) 325-4724

REPF 232